Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Is Your Lucky Number Here ?

I was sat in the bath thinking -  Why is there only one monopolies commission? - (as you do)

Then chuckled to myself as I thought about a lady friend – a bit aged – like mwah, who told me she had changed her doctor.

She said, I sat there as he read through the medical file that contained my very extensive medical history.

After he finished all 19 pages, he looked up at me, saying -

“You look much better in person than you do on paper”

The thoughts were triggered by a book I’ve been reading about numbers. I learned basic sums only at our small village school, but I have always been fascinated by numbers and have a good natural quickness with mental arithmetic.

And this post gives a tiny glimpse of a very vast subject, ending with the almost non-existent appreciation today of the importance of Zero.

I like magic squares. A couple of examples here

The answer always adds to 15, whichever way you turn the screen

Twist and turn for evermore -They all add up to 34

And on and on, becoming ever more bigger, complex and intriguing.

It is thought magic squares inspired the creation of Sudoku. A puzzle created by Maki Kaji by adapting Howard Garns puzzle square 'Number Place'.

Kaji called his game Sudoku, the Japanese name for 'the number must appear only once'

But it was the invention of a computer programme by New Zealander Wayne Gould that
led to the mass worldwide popularity of the game.

His licensed programme enabled newspapers to devise and print different Sudoku puzzles every day with the push of a button.

Can animals calculate ?

I was reading about experiments with animals to find if they can count?

Because animals must have some indication of numbers and quantities. It is essential for their survival. If a monkey can look up a tree and see which has the most fruit, it can save much energy in searching, so is less likely to go hungry.

Another conclusion was lions must have a sense of numbers in deciding whether to attack.

In an experiment a lone lioness was walking back to the pride at dusk. A loudspeaker had been hidden in bushes and a single lions roar was played.

The lioness ignored it and carried on walking.

But when five lionesses were together and the roar of three lionesses were played, the five halted, looked in the direction of the roaring three, and charged into the bushes to fight.

The conclusion was that the lionesses were comparing quantities in their heads. The single lioness hearing the roar of one other, walked on, deciding that one v one was too risky.

But the five hearing the roar of three, reasoned that with a five to three advantage the attack was on.

If lions can calculate, it made me wonder if those three incredibly brave African natives, in the famous BBC video, targeted the same lion group each time to rob them of their kill?

Wouldn’t the lions grow familiar with the tactic, become contemptuous and unafraid - Remember the nerve chilling, suspense filled video?

When Nothing Means Everything.

Though people have always understood the concept of nothing, or having nothing, the concept of zero as a value is relatively new; it fully developed in India around the fifth century A.D., perhaps a couple of centuries earlier.

 Before then, mathematicians struggled to perform the simplest arithmetic calculations.

Today, zero — both as a symbol (or numeral) and a concept meaning the absence of any quantity — allows us to perform calculus, do complicated equations, and to have invented computers.

Robert Kaplan, author of "The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero," suggests that an ancestor to zero may have been a placeholder in the form of a pair of angled wedges, used to represent an empty number column.

However, Charles Seife, author of "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea," disagrees that the wedges represented a placeholder.

The Sumerians' system passed through the Akkadian Empire to the Babylonians around 300 B.C. There, Kaplan agrees, a symbol appeared that was clearly a placeholder — a way to tell 10 from 100 or to signify, for example, that in the number 2,025, there is no number in the hundreds column.

Initially, the Babylonians left an empty space in their cuneiform number system, but when that became confusing, they added a symbol — double angled wedges — to represent the empty column.

The realization that zero was not just a placeholder symbol and valueless, but indeed, would prove to be the invaluable opposite, is considered to have started in India

The discovery gradually found its way to the wider world, where it enabled inventions of new systems of calculation, leading to modern mathematics and the sophisticated achievements we know and benefit with today.

Kaplan says "So commonplace has zero become, that few, if any, realize its astounding role in the lives of every single person in the world,"

I said in an earlier post that – ‘Without the discovery of electricity’ - there would not be computers or the internet, and consequently not the living standards we now enjoy.

I think that should be amended to - 'Without the discovery of Zero.'

For the want of a Zero, electricity was lost, for the want of electricity, computing was lost, for the want of computers ? ……

Saturday, 27 January 2018

To Buy or Not To Buy - Not Hamlet - But - Bitcoin & Crypto ?

Cut to the Chase - If you are in a hurry,interested, fascinated ,or a tad confused by all things Crypto?

Then you could benefit from a nuts & bolts explanation article with graphs, and pictures, even lessons in trading cryptos - available here - Click Here!

Most Economists agree that cryptocurrencies will hit mass adoption between 2018 & 2022

 During the next 5 years

As graphically illustrated -

This is further confirmed by the World Economic Forum.

So what does this mean for you?

Last year 2017, Cryptocurrencies moved into the Early Adopter phase.

This was evident by the increase in news,articles,and dinner table talk about a new currency Bitcoin,which a few had heard about and dismissed as 'Funny Money'

At present, for the vast majority of the public,this new cryptocurrency thing is still a mystery.

And there lies the opportunity.

Starting now in 2018, Accenture says this market will hit its maximum growth phase…

When that happens and it gains even more acceptance, Economists expect 44 million more Americans may get involved…

In addition globally,300 million more people will be entering the market…

Sending prices soaring to at the very least matching the previous dot com bubble of 10 Trillion.

Right now, late 2017,the entire crypto market cap for all the coins is 500 Billion.

Total Market Cap today Saturday January 27th 2018 : $543,634,131,977  i.e 543 Billion

Source  - https://coinmarketcap.com/

The point is with such continuous growth forecast then it is fairly safe to risk a small investment,or whatever you can afford to lose without causing misery.

But keep in mind that previous history of growth is not a guarantee of success,and this article is not offering investment advice.

However with so many factors in this case indicating prices rising for 5 years then it is worth seriously considering having a financial interest.

There are then two things you can do - Buy and Hold, or Trade the Daily Price fluctuations.Most of the activity at present will be around the latter,because there aren't the outlets at present to actually spend the coins

The article I mentioned at the start concentrates on Price Trading and is called -

Cryptocurrency Codex Review

And here  is a review with the good and the bad =

Product Description:

Anyone who has been online this past year would have seen all the hype and drama over cryptocurrency.

More and more seem to be getting involved … and yet, there are many who are interested in it but don’t have a clue where to start.

Etherium? Bitcoin? Litecoin? Ripple? – It might as well be Greek. Over and above that, terms like blockchain, mining and tokens make things sound even more complicated.

To the beginner, this can be intimidating and even overwhelming.

Thankfully, there is an online program that has become a runaway hit with thousands of satisfied customers and several positive reviews. This Cryptocurrency Codex program was created by a retired economist, Pat Kendrick.

He runs the Cryptocurrency Institute to help people get started in crypto trading and see success.

It’s a course that teaches all you need to know to start trading in cryptocurrencies

Let’s take a closer look and see if it delivers what it claims-

The Good Points:

1)For starters, the program is laid out in a systematic manner. Just by following through with the plan, beginners will understand the terminology and concepts that make up the world of crypto trading.

Knowledge is the most important factor here. You cannot go in blind with a rudimentary understanding or you could lose your shirt. You MUST know what you’re doing… and Cryptocurrency Codex will give you the skills and insider tips.

2) The program has social proof. With thousands of customers and positive reviews, it looks like this is a course that will truly help you.

3) There are several bonuses that accompany the course:

Fast Action Bonus #1 – Ask Me Anything Private Facebook Group

Fast Action Bonus #2 - Cryptocurrency Trading Crusher Video Course

Fast Action Bonus #3 - Cryptocurrency Mining Mastery Video Course

Fast Action Bonus #4 - Cryptocurrency Storage Secrets Video Course

Fast Action Bonus #5 - Unlimited Lifetime Updates to the system

All these bonus videos, updates and access to the private Facebook group will help you to understand the trading process, and you can always get help from the Facebook group. You’re not left stranded.

4) Despite cryptocurrency being a technical topic, the modules are presented in a way that is simple and easy to understand. This will really help beginners get a strong grasp of the fundamentals.

5) The insider tips and information such as the ’10 Crypto Commandments’ will be extremely useful to inexperienced beginners. These tips will greatly reduce their learning curve and give them an edge in securing profitable trades.

6) The hard truth is that one must be wary and cynical when faced with offers like these. Fortunately, there is a 60-day money back guarantee for this course. As it is delivered by Clickbank it makes it a risk-free purchase and elevates the standing of this offer.

7) The system shows you how to use small amounts of ‘seed money’ to generate massive returns many times over. So, you don’t need to save up thousands of dollars before you give crypto trading a try.

The Bad Points:

1) While the program reduces your learning curve, there is still a learning curve involved. It’s imperative that you take things slowly and understand the terminology and workings of cryptocurrency before risking your money. Be patient and thorough in your approach. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.

2) Like all types of trading, there is always the risk of loss. You should be mentally prepared for this and only trade with money that you can afford to lose. Do not put yourself in debt just to dabble in crypto. This is NOT gambling.

3) Cryptocurrency Codex is only available online.

Should You Get It?

There is big money being made daily in cryptocurrency trading. If you wish to be a part of it and rake in the profits, it’s best to get training from an established and proven site.

Cryptocurrency Codex will help you navigate through treacherous crypto waters and get to the point where you know what you’re doing without having to suffer any major losses.

Thousands of people have signed up for this and are getting positive results. If they can do it, so can you.

 Get Cryptocurrency Codex and successfully transform your seed money into profit. Crypto currency loves speed. Get started today.

 For More Information on “Cryptocurrency Codex”-
Click Here!

Monday, 15 January 2018

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency are Fast Moving. Here's an Update - Blink and it will be Out of Date.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency are Fast Moving. Here's an Update  - Blink and it will be Out of Date.

So quick !

You’ve probably heard of Peter Thiel.

If not, here’s a quick bio of the man:

He co-founded PayPal and sold it to eBay for $1.5 billion.

These days, he runs a Venture Capital firm called Founders Fund.

Probably his most famous investment was Facebook. He turned 500k into over a billion dollars from this ONE trade.

Founders Fund also backed a few other firms you might have heard of:
Right now, Peter Thiel’s personal net worth is about $2.6 billion.

(Not bad.)

Don’t worry, there’s a point to me telling you how absurdly rich this man is.

See, the Wall Street Journal has just revealed that Founders Fund made a BIG bet on bitcoin.

They invested over $15 million dollars.

Now, those investments are worth hundreds of millions.

Peter Thiel could have put his money anywhere he wanted.

He put it into bitcoin.

And in my book – which you can get a copy of today – I explain why this could be the smartest financial decision you ever make.

Here’s the bitly link below to get your copy immediately.

bitly - http://bit.ly/2EJkRAs

In the book, which is now in the hands of more than 10,000 profit hungry investors, I’ll reveal:

How to set up your ‘crypto wallet’

How to buy, sell and store your cryptos safely – using your home computer or smartphone

Which 10 cryptos you should never even consider buying

I’ll also reveal the unstoppable forces set to push the price of cryptocurrencies even higher:

Why China and Putin are going ‘all in’ on cryptos

In the book, which is now in the hands of more than 10,000 profit hungry investors, I’ll reveal:

Why the next financial crisis could mint a wave of crypto-millionaires

Why increasing financial controls all over the world will see the crypto network grow exponentially over the coming ten years

And what’s more… the bonus reports and videos that come with my book will give you the same insight and analysis that Billionaire Peter Thiel has,who I introduced at the start of this newsletter.:

This https://bitcoin-in.net is for sale on Ebay. Excellent Exciting Opportunity to Sell Amazon  Crypto currency Merchandise in the Worlds Financial system Of The Future. - 

Sale Page here - http://ebay.to/2Dz9OKD

Sunday, 14 January 2018

View Some Motivational Contrasts

A busy week. Done a lot on the internet. I’m enjoying learning video making. A long way to go before I can be proud of my work, but I’ve been putting off publishing videos because of not being good enough. And  I'm told that is wrong.

There are many quotes and Memes advocating not to over analyse or criticise but to dive in. ‘A journey begins by taking the first step. All such motivation messages of which there are plenty –

This next  painful image is not motivational in the quote sense,but a kick in the rear, or in this case somewhere more precious.

For my video making project  I took a YouTube video about Dog Toys and added clickable images of the products along the bottom of the video. Clicking takes the visitor to a family members Dog website.

Enjoyed some good television programmes this week, particularly the top programmes of the decades as decided by audience vote.

Monty Python’s The Dead Parrot Sketch was top for the sixties

Funeral Of A War Hero

I attended the funeral of my next-door neighbour aged 95. He was a hero in the first world war, being injured twice.

 He received France’s highest military award, the Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, in 2015 in recognition of his part in the liberation of France during the war.

A military burial party was present, including 2 buglers.

A big crowd stood round the grave for the interment service. The damp gloomy misty atmosphere, made it just possible to see what was happening.

But it was appropriate really, because the eerie atmosphere was just as images are in the mind, of the battlefields and trenches of France.

The chill foggy atmosphere added extra drama to the trumpeters sounding The Last Post, and for moments afterwards there was a ghostly silence from the crowd. Emotionally moved, to quiet, deep, reflective thought.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Five Best Dog Toys on Amazon

Testing How to Embed a non YouTube Video. I'm helping a friend with a Dog Website


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

What are Dogs doing in Cryptocurrency ?

Doge Coin Symbol

 Buy & Sell Exchange Symbol DOGE

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency featuring a likeness of the Shiba Inu dog from the "Doge" Internet meme as its logo.

 Introduced as a "joke cryptocurrency" on 6 December 2013, Dogecoin quickly developed .

Dogecoin now has a market value of more than 1 billion

It was taken up  by dog lovers all over the world who pronounce it Dogee.They spend their coins in pet shops on dog leads,dog food etc.

Dollar Vigilante Video about Doge

And here is a dog video joker to enjoy.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Why most Cryptocurrencies will not survive!

Below is my post on Steemit today,inviting comments and reasons for the purpose behind most of the hundreds of Cryptocurrencies already launched,with more appearing every day.

So many Cryptocurrencies without a Purpose - Most as useful as a one-legged guy in an arse kicking competition

Am I right in hearing there are thousands of Cryptocurrencies now, and more being launched all the time ?

Most I suspect will perish If there is not a long-term reason for their existence. No gap in the market to fill and a purpose for being.

Therefore, the majority have been launched to take advantage of the frenzy surrounding the cryptocurrency sector, and the rising prices that appear to be guaranteed for some time.

Trading is the Motivation then.

I only know 3 Cryptocurencies that have a clear and stated ‘Business Plan ‘something that was essential when I sought funding to launch a business idea.

That was many years back, but it’s such an obvious requirement that something similar must be needed still.

A film needs a script. A book needs a plot. A Journey – Directions.

It would make interesting and humorous reading to see the ‘Start Up’ reasons that all those Cryptocurrencies put in their Prospectus.

I wish I could think of a few just for a laugh. Perhaps members of Steemit with imaginative and inventive minds can?

As we all know and are naturally excited about - the price of Steem has rocketed in the past few days.
 I am very pleased of course. But I can’t fathom why?

I hear a lot is Korean money, and with the threat of war in the area I can understand the nervousness of the public, and their decision to move money.

But why into Steem?

What can they see that I can’t.

I see it as a superior Social Media site that pays its subscribers – ‘The Thinking Person’s Social Media Site’ - I’ve heard it called.

I’ve also seen the claim that it will eventually replace or overtake Facebook as more and more people get fed up with much of its boring content – ‘This is a picture of my lunch’ – that clutters the site.

Now if that is true then I can see a reason for new money coming in.

The only other Cryptocurrencies that I know of with a clear idea where they are going are

 Ripple . To facilitate cross border currency movement.

Ethereum – To offer a Blockchain Operating System to Business as a - Quicker. More Secure. Less Costly way to handle Contracts.

And as a Commenter to my ‘The Bitcoin Ace’ Post - Cryptos can’t lend money.  Suggests

(Note) Which is a huge drawback because loan facilities are what underwrites the economy, National. Business & Personal (Home Mortgages for Example)

The Commenter says ‘Dash’ – May be working on ways to fill the Lending gap.

Hopefully this will happen, and enable Cryptocurrencies to have a Full Deck to match the Banks Hand

I haven’t mentioned Bitcoin, because as the original, it appears to have problems. Maybe a role for personal foreign holiday currency transactions, if Ripple confines itself to big inter- national currency movements.

Perhaps there are other cryptocurrencies with a role to play

If you know of some. Please comment.

Thank you.


Breaking News - The Dollar Vigilante in his newsletter this morning, states - Is Ripple even a cryptocurrency? Should it even be included as part of the cryptocurrency market cap?

And besides, in the end, the entire central banking and financial system will disappear entirely as cryptocurrencies make them obsolete. So, actually owning Ripple long term is incredibly risky as it depends on the banking system continuing to exist in the future… something that is highly unlikely.

Now I like The Dollar Vigilantes writing and videos, and I follow him avidly.

But he is a Hawk, with extreme views in my opinion, and I think a compromise will evolve. A hybrid of Banking and Cryptos to provide for the first time ever, what the world of Finance has always lacked - Proper Competition.

The full Dollar Vigilante article here - http://bit.ly/2qBDZOv

Or his account here on Steemit of course.

stevec (70)
I'm sure the people behind the coins think they are useful, but the prices seem driven mostly by speculation that has nothing to do with utility. Dogecoin was started as a joke and is now worth over a billion! I hope there will be some rationalisation of the market this year. Most of the coins are not being used for anything real yet, but those which are should get the most investment. I believe Steem is useful and we are showing that every day. It would help if you could spend it in more places.

ijavee (58)  ·  4 hours ago
Thank you steevc.I forgot about Dogecoin, and me knowing someone with a dog website.I wrote an article for it, and in researching, found what you've said - it started as a joke, but then was taken up by dog lovers to spend in pet shops on dog leads and such.So its all in the melting pot and fascinating to see which will evolve over time.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Cryptocurrency - Are we witnessing dramatic change in the Financial Order ?

Below is an extract curated from today's January 4th 2018  - The Dollar Vigilante newsletter@dollarvigilante.com

Most cryptocurrencies have been soaring with the exception of bitcoin which continues to wallow near $15,000 as its transaction speeds and fees render it nearly unusable.

STEEM, which I’ve been a fan of since its inception, has also skyrocketed and is up 600% in the last month to over $8.

Bitcoin’s "dominance" which stood over 60% in early December, is no longer dominant as it hits all-time lows near 37%.

Some of the big winners have been quasi-cryptocurrency, bankercoin Ripple (XRP) which skyrocketed 1,000% in the last month and surpassed Ethereum for second place on the cryptocurrency market capitalization chart.

My comment - To explain Ripples (Exchange Symbol XRP) HUGE  price jump in a month,see comparison between existing Foreign Exchange transactions and Ripple,which specialises in Foreign Exchange money movement.I will replace the Bitcoin coin icon with the Ripple one later today.I can't keep up with the breathtaking speed of things!

The good news is that Ripple wants to work with Banks confirmed by this underscored quote from the CEO -

Unlike bitcoin, Ripple is a company that has created coin known as XRP that is aimed at enterprises.

Ripple markets itself as a cross-border payments solution for large financial institutions based on blockchain technology.

 Brad Garlinghouse, chief executive officer Ripple  -  "This payment service wants to work with banks" 

In fact, this is just the continuation of an incredible rise in most cryptocurrencies.

While many wave their arms and say that this is all clearly just a bubble, one thing gets lost in the mix.

We now, all in the span of 2-3 years, have billions of dollars traded worldwide daily completely outside of the central bank and governmental controlled money and banking system!

This is absolutely massive. This is the game changer.

The total amount of bitcoin alone that trades daily is around 150,000… or about $2 billion worth.

When you add up Ripple, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash and hundreds of others the numbers likely easily get into the tens of billions of dollars trading outside the system daily.

And the total value of all cryptocurrencies continues to surge closer to $1 trillion. That’s real money.

Sooner or later crypto will humble you by its greatness.

Its vastness is accompanied by a madness that is breathtaking because you quickly realize that there is no stopping crypto from taking over the world. The moment you think you have everything figured out, is the moment the market will surprise you.

We are for the first time living and witnessing the birth of the first worldwide free market.

continued at The Dollar Vigilante newsletter@dollarvigilante.com

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Revealed - The Cryptocurrency That could beat Bitcoin

Revealed - The Real Bitcoin Ace ?

On Steemit - ijavee (58) in bitcoin •  11 minutes ago

It looks like Ripple is The Ace

Ripple Facilitates International Money Transfers !

It was trading at just 25 cents in early December. Yesterday it was trading at $2.47. That’s a gain of 880% in less than a month. 

That alone would be enough to justify further investigation. Why the big move? What’s going on? Why has Ripple surged into second place behind bitcoin to become the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap?

But that’s not even the full story of what’s at stake.

A year ago, when few people knew how blockchain technology could facilitate international money transfers (that’s what Ripple does, apparently), the coins were selling for .0065.

This comment & answer on Steemit

wekkel (49)

  ·  12 hours ago
Ripple solves a different problem. Nice and useful but there is no point in comparing it to Bitcoin as competitor.

ijavee (58)  ·  11 hours ago

I agree. Ripple is not a competitor to Bitcoin ! That is the point of my post.

Ripple specialises in facilitating International Money Transactions, which is the one arena where a universal international Cryptocurrency, has an unquestionable distinct advantage over the existing lengthy and expensive process.Ripple Hare v Bank Tortoise.No Contest !

Hence Ripple's tremendous price rise in the last month.

Image Credit www.mytotalretail.com
That is not an error.

That means Ripple has risen 37,900% in the last 12 months. That’s a big bang. That’s the birth of something. Either a revolution or the end of the financial world as we know it.

And This Is a the Comment a Steemit Member made to my - Is This The Bitcoin Ace? post
izolith (25)

· 2 days ago
Pretty sure Ripple is up for this task. It's centralized as i heard, but with the help of Ripple transactions will take a few seconds instead of a few hours (or days).
If banks want to stay in the game they'll have to adopt Ripple (or another cryptocurrency if a better one arises)

bitcoin cryptocurrency finance travel banks

11 minutes ago by ijavee (58)


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