They look alike but their nature is different and will be increasingly so.This is not to denounce THC altogether.It too has powerful natural medicinal qualities,especially for more serious and rarer health ailments,such as some forms of epilepsy.
But THC can make users intoxicated, leading to dependency.Many seek this euphoric state of course, which is why there is growing pressure for the legalisation of what is known as Recreational Cannabis.
So we have Medicinal Cannabis and Recreational Cannabis.Both can contain more than the legal limit generally of 0.3% THC! Is there any wonder confusion reigns?
The distinction will have to be made by the user.For a medical condition the user would go to a doctor qualified to prescribe Cannabis medicine containing more than 0.3% THC.
The Recreational Cannabis seeker in many countries and states, can obtain Cannabis products containing more than 0.3% THC now, often still illegal, but with levels of law enforcement varying from relaxed to non-existent, the Grey and Black markets flourish.
The Grey market can be licenced pharmacies and health shops openly selling Cannabis products containing more than the 0.3% legal THC limit, but taking a chance that no one bothers as long as they pay their taxes to State and local coffers.
This is where,I believe, CBD from Industrial Hemp will increasingly provide a clear distinction.
The advances being made by plant chemists in separating the inherent health giving power of Cannabis,and cultivate them in its cousin - The Industrial Hemp Plant- increasing the CBD content and minimising THC to less than 0.3% - will provide a prescription free Natural Health Product of great health benefit to all.
Cost of producing CBD Hemp is a problem still to overcome.
The testing required at all stages of production is expensive.An independent laboratory test is desirable to verify that THC is less than 0.3%.
But Industrial Hemp crop growing is spreading rapidly and competition will gradually bring CBD product prices down and make them widely accessible,affordable, and truly provide - Health Without The Highs,For People And Pets.