My post about how we promote illness as a major industry - when it doesn't earn the country any money, only spend it, and always screaming for more, didn't go down well.
Electric Cars, EVs - Once Driven - Loved Forever - Energy - New Sources of Renewables - Our Food Sources - Alternative Medicine .......
Saturday, 30 May 2020
My post about how we promote illness as a major industry - when it doesn't earn the country any money, only spend it, and always screaming for more, didn't go down well.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Message from - 'Why Am I Not Prime Minister'? - Vale.
The UK government are shocked and surprised at how risk averse the public are.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Here Now - 5G Smart Phones. Latest UK. and USA. Fast Track To The Future - Today!!!
Did my post yesterday get you excited at the transformation 5G is going to bring to your lives.
Sunday, 24 May 2020
5G Speed - Fasten Your Seat Belts for Lift Off
If you've only heard conspiracy theories about 5G, what follows will show the massive positive changes it will bring the world.
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Virus - And the answer was there all the time ?
I have used hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash after teeth cleaning for at least twenty years, but surprise surprise, recently re-discovered it as a source of oxygen used to prevent and heal illness.
That’s because viruses are anaerobic, which means that they occur and thrive in the absence of oxygen.
Dr. Warburg has been quoted as saying, “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.” He further stated that the prime cause of cancer is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, and that cancer cells cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.Friday, 22 May 2020
Update - Vaccine -The Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?
Did you watch "The Race for a Cure: Making Britain Safe". on ITV last evening - Thursday May 21.2020 ? - I featured the company making a 'Vaccine that you swallow' - in my post of May 7th 2020- Headlined -
Vaccine -The Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?
The company is called Stabilitech Biopharma Ltd and they are starting to attract big media attention. On Thursday evening May 21 2020 they are featured in a TV documentary, "The Race for a Cure: Making Britain Safe".
Watch the original CNBC video in my original post
Click here for Original PostThursday, 21 May 2020
Legal Cannabis hemp oil effectively treats chronic neuropathic pain
Researchers examine the effectiveness of consuming hemp oil extracted from the whole Cannabis plant using a chronic neuropathic pain animal model.
Researchers at The University of New Mexico (UNM) showed that legal Cannabis hemp oil reduced mechanical pain sensitivity 10-fold for several hours in mice with chronic post-operative neuropathic pain.
News Source -
Distinguished from its still largely criminally prohibited cannabis cousin, "hemp" refers to Cannabis plants with less than 0.3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per mass.
Hemp is now federally legal to produce and consume in most regions throughout the United States (U.S), the U.K. and many other countries as a result of the Hemp Farming Act, proposed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2018.
This major breakthrough in cannabis prohibition now gives millions of people the ability to access a natural, effective, and relatively safe alternative option for treating chronic pain.
Conventional pharmacological drugs, namely opioids, are driving the leading form of preventable deaths and conventional medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the

CBD Hemp - Nature's NHS - Natural Health Source - Health Without The Highs.

CBD Hemp Seed Coffee Amazon U.K | CBD Hemp Seed Coffee Amazon USA | |
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
"The truth about a future coronavirus vaccine (and yes, I'm a doctor")
'This is the hard-to-swallow truth about a future coronavirus vaccine (and yes, I'm a doctor') - News Source - The Independent. May 19 2020.
But - Prevention Is Better Than Cure
There’s a Chinese proverb which says - The superior doctors Prevent illness.Buy the Book and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide from Amazon below
Hover your Mouse or Finger over an Amazon Product Image to show a description. Clicking an Amazon Product Image will take you to view the product, plus similar products on amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on amazon website, often in your favour!Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Vale's Hydrogen Peroxide Trumps Trump's Hydroxychloroquine?
Vale's Hydrogen Peroxide Trumps Trump's Hydroxychloroquine?
I'm NOT having what he's having !
It's safety is questioned.
Friday, 15 May 2020
Virus - Gargle Gargle Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygen - Breaking News
The news is dominated by the Corona Virus - Wednesday April 29th, the BBC news presenter said 'The frantic race to find an effective search for a vaccine goes on world wide - the only thing to show a response so far is oxygen
Skinny Tonic Water | Mediterranean Tonic |150 ml | 24 Cans |
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Friday, 8 May 2020
Bitcoin - Now See This - Now!
If you switch off at the merest mention of Bitcoin or crypto, then change, at least for now, and keep reading.
Bitcoin halving is a significant event alone, but what could prove to be an even more significant event happened yesterday, when the CEO of one of the worlds' biggest hedge funds told the press that it was time for his fund to get into Bitcoin.
There is a link to the Bloomberg article covering this at the bottom of this post.
The man that made the statement is Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investments.
Here is a direct quote from the Bloomberg piece:
“The best profit-maximizing strategy is to own the fastest horse,”
Jones, the founder and chief executive officer of Tudor Investment Corp., said in a market outlook note he entitled ‘The Great Monetary Inflation.’
“If I am forced to forecast, my bet is it will be Bitcoin.”
This move from a hedge fund manager with clout moving away from the "establishment" stance on crypto must have a ripple effect on Bitcoin buying and will push the price up.
There is no guarantee that this will happen but to my knowledge there has never been two absolute positives (for Bitcoin) that converge like this before.
The time to act upon this potential asset grab, if you agree that halving coupled with hedge fund involvement is likely to push up the price, is RIGHT NOW.
Bloomberg Article click here
Note - You may be asked to subscribe.
See my Blog here
Disclaimer I am not an investment advisor. This could all turn out a damp squib. It may be possible that, even though Bitcoin halving alone has created dramatic increases in the Bitcoin price previously, it may not this time. And whilst those previous increases have come about even without hedge fund managers telling us they are getting some money in themselves, it is possible that the expectation of big increases now prove to be misguided. Only speculate/invest, what you can afford to lose, is the Golden Rule.
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Vaccine -The Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?
The Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?
A company who believe the groundwork for, potentially, the most important, vital medical breakthrough, has been successfully achieved.
An easy to administer vaccine for Covid-19 in the form of a capsule to swallow - i.e. no injections!
I am a member of the Angel Business Club. I joined on the recommendation of a trusted friend and long time member.
The Club sent me a video this morning, and in fact I had to do a few searches to ensure that it was, in fact, genuine, I mean I was that blown away with the claims, I really had to make sure it was real.
Watch the interview video on CNBC here
I don't need to tell you just how important - and valuable - something like this COULD BE.
We all know that the Scientific community will come up with a vaccine eventually - it just a question how long it will take - and that is why the video is so important.
What could be a better investment - than to actually own shares in the company which comes up with a vaccine for Covid-19 - and even better, you have got shares in the company way before anyone even knows about it...
If you are already a member of the Angel Business Club, then YOU WILL get shares in this company very soon, through your existing membership.
If you are not a member yet, then I really urge you to watch the video and consider becoming a member.
Even if you only sign up for free to begin with, and wait for more information.
You really do not want to miss out on this one.
Is It Guaranteed?
No, with any investment, particularly of this nature, there are risks that it might fail.
If it was 100% risk-free, then you can guarantee that the shares would be priced accordingly - and well out of reach of all except the deepest pockets
But the big gains are the ones made when people are bold and brave enough to take a chance and get on early.
Think Apple.Microsoft. Google.Amazon. Shares costing peanuts at launch, but now ??? - You know the saying - 'If you have to ask the price - you can't afford it'
But watch the video yourself and make up your own mind.
See what friend John, a long-time Angel Business Club member, says -
'I've mentioned the Angel Business Club a few times over the years, and I must say, I get more pleased and excited about my involvement with Angel Business Club every day.
Without them, I would not see or even be aware of opportunities such as this'.
Remember, you can sign up for free if you just want to be kept aware of developments.
Or you can take one of the value membership plans and be in line for shares in this vaccine company and all the companies that we discuss and recommend amongst members.
Here's the video link again
See what you think?
Visit my Blog
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Can Medicine Navigate?
The BBC programme featuring medicines targeting specific body areas, prompted me to write a post about why more people should be responsible for looking after their own health first,if able to do so, and use the local doctors surgery and hospital system as a last resort.
The irony is that judging by the contents of many home medicine cabinets, people will say they are trying to do just that.
The BBC revealed how natural remedies like herbal teas can be the answer to many day to day health niggles and concerns.
The main thrust of the programme was to reveal the extent of the money being spent on over the counter medicines.
The shelves of chemists and supermarkets are laden with a bamboozling array of brightly packaged remedies, claiming to cure everything from A-Athlete’s Foot to Z-Zits (Acne)
So convinced are people that they need them, we now spend £2.5 billion annually in the U.K. on over-the-counter medicines and multi vitamins.
I was discussing the subject with a friend and he also cannot understand the seeming contradiction between people being healthier, living longer, yet medical services are swamped and stretching to cope.
He said on a recent hospital visit he saw a nurse pushing a trolley from bed to bed. She was wearing a high visibility bib on which was printed. ‘Medication Dispensing. Do not Distract’.
He was shocked to see the vast quantity and variety of pills, potions, and powders stocked on the trolley. It made him think of a remark made in the chemist shop where he worked –
“They will soon be making pills for which there are no known ailments”
Dr Chris's research involved finding what happens when they are taken, and he also undertook to be a human guinea pig to test them.
His conclusions are surprising and could save you a fortune.
One alarming example he gave was of 3 separate oral pain killer products, each containing the same active ingredient and potency, and all with the same product licence.
Meaning they were identical inside the packaging, but each separately claiming to treat a different part of the body - Muscle Pain. Headache, or Period Pain.
He said once the medication entered the blood stream it was impossible for it to home in on specific areas.
It goes where the blood goes. It does not have a built in Sat Nav or can ask the way!
Dr Tulleken swallowed a tiny pill sized camera followed by a pain killer tablet which could be seen dissolving in the stomach.
Not for the squeamish, but fascinating.
From this test the doctor was able to confirm that the pain killer ingredient was spread evenly through his body. In his words - "There is as much in my big toe as there is in my head"
He said this could potentially lead to dangerous over dosing, because if someone was unfortunate enough to suffer pain in the 3 areas at the same time and took a dose for each - then!!!!
Also, 3 products in the cabinet where 1 would do.
(This is A Repeat Article I First wrote & Posted on Steemit August 2019 i.e Before The Virus Pandemic) How more than a quarter of one American State's citizens, have at least one of 21 listed health issues, that qualify them for doctor recommended treatment with Medical Cannabis! - Watch this space.
See my blog here
Friday, 1 May 2020
Bill Gates - Making a Vaccine
I was brought up to (1) Keep healthy through the right diet & exercise, and keep mind and body active.( 2)Treat ailments yourself with 'honey, mud and maggots' country remedies, if possible.(3) Use doctors & hospitals as a last resort.
I know not everyone's health & circumstances allow them to do that, but think that the reason the hospital A & Es get swamped is because too many use them as a first resort.
The pendulum has swung too far.
Here is a very full & interesting article on developing a corona-19 vaccine from Bill Gates.
This is a summarised version, but I have put a link to the article in full with video, at the end of this post.
Article starts -
Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. Realistically, if we’re going to return to normal, we need to develop a safe, effective vaccine—and we need to do it faster than we’ve ever developed a vaccine before.
Creating a new vaccine usually takes a minimum of five years.
But I’m optimistic that we can safely condense that process into 18 months or even less.
How exactly are we going to do that? The process is complicated but fascinating. I noticed that many of you are particularly interested in the details of how we’re going to make this vaccine and get it out to the world, so I wrote an in-depth explainer that will hopefully answer some of your questions.
To get back to how we were, we have to (1)find an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or (2) when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.
The former is unlikely to happen anytime soon. We’d need a miracle treatment that was at least 95 percent effective to stop the outbreak.
Most of the drug candidates right now are nowhere near that powerful. Which leaves us with a vaccine.
The world is creating this vaccine on a historically fast timeline.
Safety and efficacy are the two most important goals for every vaccine. Safety is exactly what it sounds like: is the vaccine safe to give to people? Some minor side effects (like a mild fever or injection site pain) can be acceptable, but you don’t want to inoculate people with something that makes them sick.
Efficacy measures how well the vaccine protects you from getting sick. Although you’d ideally want a vaccine to have 100 percent efficacy, many don’t.
For example, this year’s flu vaccine is around 45 percent effective.
To test for safety and efficacy, every vaccine goes through three phases of trials: After the vaccine passes all three trial phases, you start building the factories to manufacture it, and it gets submitted to the WHO and various government agencies for approval.
This process works well for most vaccines, but the normal development timeline isn’t good enough right now. Every day we can cut from this process will make a huge difference to the world in terms of saving lives and reducing trillions of dollars in economic damage.
For COVID-19, financing development is not an issue. Governments and other organizations (including our foundation (Bill & Melinda Gates)and an amazing alliance called the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) have made it clear they will support whatever it takes to find a vaccine.
The most promising candidates take a variety of approaches to protecting the body against COVID-19. To understand what exactly that means, it’s helpful to remember how the human immune system works.
When a disease pathogen (virus) gets into your system, your immune system responds by producing antibodies. These antibodies attach themselves to substances called antigens on the surface of the invading microbe, which sends a signal to your body to attack.
Your immune system keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, so that it can quickly recognize and destroy invaders before they make you ill.
Vaccines circumvent this whole process by teaching your body how to defeat a pathogen without ever getting sick.
The two most common types—and the ones you’re probably most familiar with—are inactivated and live vaccines.
Inactivated vaccines contain pathogens that have been killed.
Live vaccines, on the other hand, are made of living pathogens that have been weakened (or “attenuated”).
They’re highly effective but more prone to side effects than their inactivated counterparts.
Inactivated and live vaccines are what we consider “traditional” approaches. There are a number of COVID-19 vaccine candidates of both types, and for good reason: they’re well-established.
We know how to test and manufacture them. The downside is that they’re time-consuming to make. There’s a ton of material in each dose of a vaccine.
Most of that material is biological, which means you have to grow it. That takes time, unfortunately.
That’s why I’m particularly excited by two new approaches that some of the candidates are taking: RNA and DNA vaccines.
If one of these new approaches pans out, we’ll likely be able to get vaccines out to the whole world much faster. (For the sake of simplicity, I’m only going to explain RNA vaccines. DNA vaccines are similar, just with a different type of genetic material and method of administration.)
Our foundation—both through our own funding and through CEPI—has been supporting the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade.
We were planning to use it to make vaccines for diseases that affect the poor like malaria, but now it’s looking like one of the most promising options for COVID.
Summarised article goes on.To read the Bill Gates post in full & see video click below
See my blog
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