Friday, 12 June 2020

Free Energy From This Donut?

Are you puzzled how governments seem confident spending trillions of cash a day, while still trillions in debt?

And stock and money markets are happy with that.

Despite upbeat and downbeat economic messages on the same day

Monday June 8,2020 - We are officially in a recession. The National Bureau of Economic Research has made it official - The crash stemming from the pandemic with millions becoming unemployed worldwide,ended the longest economic expansion in U.S. history.

Mon, Jun 8, 2020 - The Stock Market Recovery Continues. Investors continue betting on the economic recovery.

I'm puzzled, but pleased, that jobs could be created quickly, particularly for the younger generation, whose career opportunities have been delayed, even sacrificed in many people's  opinion, by lockdown.

But governments know that breakthrough technologies to quickly transform economies may be close. Inventions are imminent that will spawn thousands of new start ups and jobs.

Stimulating growth, similar to the discovery of electricity, which opened a door to the internet revealing thousands more doors to opportunity. And will continue to do so.

With 5G for example. Many dismiss it as just 4G updated. But it is much much more than that. 

It will further revolutionise industries and create countless new ones - see my 5G post 

Also a world of abundant energy could be excitingly close and virtually free. Described as 'Squandrable amounts of energy' in the book 'Abundance'. 

This is because the prospects for developing nuclear fusion as a feasible source of energy have significantly improved, say experts.

Nuclear fusion differs significantly from nuclear fission, which has been our only way of getting electricity from atoms since the 1950s.

Fusion is what produces the sun's energy.

Enough energy from the sun falls on the Sahara Desert in a day to power the whole world for a year! 

For decades, researchers have been trying to "Build the Sun in a box" as one physicist dubbed it. 

The basic idea is to take a type of hydrogen gas, heat it to more than 100 million degrees until it forms a plasma, and then control it with powerful magnets until the atoms fuse and release energy.

To deliver the fusion concept, countries have focused their energies on a major international co-operative called Iter.

The Iter project involves 35 countries and, right now, it is constructing a huge donut shape test reactor in southern France.

The plan is to have the first plasma generated in 2025.

However, getting from this step to producing energy is extremely difficult.

Iter has also been beset by long delays and budget overspend which means it is unlikely to have a demonstration fusion power plant working even by 2050.

The UK government has recently announced an investment of £200m to deliver electricity from a fusion reactor by 2040.

But perhaps the major excitement comes from private companies. They are usually smaller, and nimbler, (for example -Tesla's Eion Musk's Company SpaceX, successfully launching a manned rocket to the International Space Station for millions of dollars less than NASA can) 

There are now dozens of them around the world, raising funds and pushing forward, often with different approaches to Fusion that will generate the squandrable amounts of energy,transforming economies and lives everywhere.

But sceptics and critics say - with the price of wind and solar continuing to drop, existing renewables might offer a more economical and timely method of tackling climate change and generating energy, than an unproven technology like fusion. 

Either way The future looks bright - 'Put that light ON'

Feel better now ?

P.S. This will probably be my last post. My heavy leg and balance problem has worsened and is aggravated by legs bent, sitting at the computer. Reading that through, as an ex army man I hope last post is not prophetic!

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Felt lazy the last couple of days, plus I am working on an article and video to post here shortly.
I don't like leaving my blog too long without posting, so here is an early attempt I did at video making- 

It will be interesting to compare for improvement when I publish a new one with voiceover - fingers crossed ? 

I have a quantity of vintage film posters. To publicise them on Etsy I made up a story.

Title - 'Lovin' Old Movie Posters

'Lovin' - A double meaning . Love IN, and Loving, Old Movie Posters.

This love story is told through stunning, digitally remastered, replica film title adverts, that adorned our cinema bill boards pre 1990.

They generated a magic excitement of anticipation then. They still retain that power now, and some will stimulate nostalgic memories of romantic cinema visits - perhaps?

Buy this book of Posters on Etsy. Keep it, treasure it. Pass it on to younger generations, with personal stories or memories associated with a film title.

Who knows. These iconic film posters will acquire treasured vintage status with age, and increase in value.

Possibly featuring eventually on 'The Antiques Road Show' or 'Bargain Hunt'! For more High Quality Reproduction Prints,on Posters and Coffee Mugs visit our Etsy shop -

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