The Bitcoin price swing is a bit like this -
I decided to have a small dabble.(Mad reckless fool).Transferring 40 Steemdollars (which is also a cryptocurrency)10 days ago from my Steemit article writing rewards account into Bitcoin . It is easier and without a transaction charge transferring from one crypto to another.
I understand Coinbase are accepting purchases by credit and debit cards now,otherwise bank transfers using Seba are expensive at present.
Another example where Bitcoin will shake banks out of their hitherto 'charge what we like' cosy existence.
See the change, the wrong way, in my bit of Bitcoin in a week -
Stock research analyst Ronnie Moas said he bought bitcoin this weekend and thinks it could reach $5,000 per Bitcoin within a year.
"$5,000 could happen in a few months. It's only starting to gain traction right now," Moas, founder of Standpoint Research, told CNBC in a phone interview Wednesday. "It's starting to spread like wildfire right now."
He pointed out that since only 21 million bitcoin can ever exist, increasing demand for the digital currency will naturally drive its price up. ( My note - Don't panic! As you will see in picture of my account 1 Bitcoin goes to 8 decimal places).They are the cents or pence of Bitcoin and called Satoshis after the Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto)
Image credit Time Magazine
Bitcoin briefly tripled in value this year, hitting a record $3,025.47 on June 11, according to CoinDesk. The digital currency traded Wednesday near $2,600, still more than double its Dec. 31 2016 price of $968.
"This is not something I could keep my hands off of," Moas said. "What would be more painful than losing [money in cryptocurrencies] is not acting."
The research analyst said he invested a few hundred U.S. dollars each in bitcoin, ethereum and another digital currency called litecoin through After he releases a 40-page report on cryptocurrencies in the next few weeks, Moas said he plans to invest more in them.
The research analyst's view on bitcoin joins the optimistic views of others on Wall Street. On Sunday, Goldman Sachs' technical analyst Sheba Jafari said in a note that bitcoin could rise as high as $3,915.
Full article by Ronnie Moas here - article web address
WATCH: Here's what sets Ethereum apart from its rival Bitcoin - A video By Evelyn Cheng CNBC.
There is a short Barclays ad video before the Ethereum v Bitcoin video.
You may like to watch a more detailed video about 'The Blockchain' here -
The Blockchain.Massively Simplified - Video
I enjoyed this Video - The speaker Richie Etwaru is accomplished and easily commands attention.Demonstrating in an interesting way with slides and comparisons the basic idea of the Blockchain and how it will play a dominant role in the future.
The best place to learn about Cryptocurrency is at the coal face (No pun intended - err bitcoin is mined - coal face) Join Steemit. Earn and Learn. -
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