Monday, 9 October 2017

Hatched. Matched. & Dispatched

A wife got so mad at her husband she
packed his bags and told him to get out.

As he walked to the door she yelled,
'I hope you die a long, slow, painful death.'

He turned around and said, '
So, you want me to stay?.

I’m still a bit down caused by the recent eye scare and the skin rash. In 91 years I don’t get ill, so these health setbacks have shocked my morale and triggered the glums.

But I must make an effort.I don’t want to give up Steemit because I think it is going to be big. I just want it to happen in my lifetime, so it had better get on with it.

When you get to my age you will have seen a few christenings, weddings and funerals. I’ve only ever been best man once where I had to make a speech and I found it a nerve wracking experience.

Spreading the Message

I also gave talks on Natural Health and Nutrition to village Women’s Institutes in our County. I found that much easier because of my enthusiasm for the subject.

I also had products from the shop on a table in front of me as I spoke. They acted as props and reminders if I started to dry and struggle. I would hold up a package of wheat germ and relate its health benefits as a source of natural Vitamin E.

Don’t forget this was in 1972.You are all familiar with this now, but back then it was pioneering ground-breaking stuff. Cranks in many people’s eyes.

 Health Food Shop & Vegetarian Restaurant opens 1972.

 My timing in opening the shop was lucky in that the tide was about to turn for the health food movement. What had been the subject of ridicule and scorn, started to gain the attention and support of national publications, prompted by obesity becoming increasingly evident and obvious in citizens of advanced nations.

The greater the wealth of a nation the more noticeable the straining waistbands of it’s citizens. Increasing wealth means bigger temptations testing  individual self will and  discipline.

I’ve also been pursuing my new interest in Memes. Could they be the answer to the reducing attention span of readers. There is so much content hitting peoples eyeballs that there are just nano seconds in which to get their attention.

In finding quotes for memes I was surprised by the prolific output of memorable words by former President Ronald Reagan.Winston Churchill is the politician mostly associated with eye catching quotes, but search Ronald Reagan’s quotes portfolio to find many gems too.

His ‘Trust, But Verify’ saying has been used recently in articles about Crypto Currencies.We should be able to trust our banks, but these days many feel transactions  have to be independently verified too. Transactions on the Blockchain are Trust and Verify combined.

Psst! - Want to buy a Painting?

An example of an attention-grabbing picture with a line of intriguing content that compels further investigation is a tall order, but I found one last night.

A picture recently sold for $110.5 million at Sothebys. That was a stopper headline for me. It was on the telly last night. A BBC programme about the young artist genius –  Jean Michel Basquiat - Died age 27. But what a legacy of art he has left the world.

Graffiti art, not to everyone’s liking, but the skill in the message behind what seems like scribble. Brilliant. Sensational.

There is an exhibition of his work at The Barbican London now until January 28th 2018.Crowds are flocking.

For more examples of  Basquiat's - Link to The Barbican -

You can't buy the $110 million painting,but you can buy a mug and coaster set as a souvenir of his art.- see the Amazon advert at the top of the sidebar on the right,

Picture Credit - The Barbican Centre.London

To finish – Because of hearing loss I use subtitles. Sometimes the typos are entertainment in themselves –

The Bride was accompanied to the altar by tight bridesmaids

To dial a broad from Europe first dial 00

Ah!' Fings aint wot they used to be'

The best place to learn about Cryptocurrency is at the coal face (No pun intended - err bitcoin is mined - coal face) Join Steemit. Earn and Learn. -

The above information brought to you by – -  the website for all things bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Books. Gadgets and Gear. Hardware. Gifts. Clothing i.e ‘Bitcoin Accepted Here’ Tee Shirts, Baseball Caps,Door Signs.

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