Monday, 20 May 2019

About The UK Parents Going To The Netherlands for Their Child's Epilepsy Cannabis Medication.BBC Video.

Many of you will have seen the BBC video of the parents who have to go to the Netherlands to get CBD OIL to control their child's epilepsy. If not it is at the end of this post.

How can this be? Since November 2018 the UK government allowed specialist doctors to  treat this rare type of  child Epilepsy by prescribing  Cannabis Oil with over 0.3% THC content.

 So far only 2 doctors have prescribed it.The medical profession claim they are uneasy giving a medicine without scientific testing and proof of safety.

In a way,in this age of litigation, I can understand the doctors concerns .Would their insurers cover any resultant claim from the use of a medicine that has not gone through the normal scientific trials?

But I'm also suspicious.From my 30 years experience in herbal medicines, I know that the orthodox medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies do not like alternative medicines.So I sense there is a vested interest lobby behind the slowness in testing,approving and using a natural plant medicine that can be seen to work with epilepsy.

I would also like to see justification for the £1000 cost of the CBD oil obtained in the Netherlands.Legal Cannabis derived medical products will be  seen as expensive, because of the testing for legal compliance that has to be done at every stage of production, from seed planting to final product.But the price the parents paid seems extortionate and exploiting desperate parents is despicable.

The parents say they will be unable to afford another months supply the same way.But with the publicity given to their case surely common sense will break out and enable the child to get the medicine needed.

I'm sure it will happen, but if not, I would recommend they try CBD Hemp Oil.There is confusion here I know, but I hope the answer below to the question - Is CBD Oil from the Cannabis Plant Proper, and CBD Oil from Cannabis Hemp, the same?

Not Exactly. Legal CBD Oil is extracted from Industrial Hemp, which is a Strain of the Cannabis plant, historically grown as a source of fibre to make paper,textiles,rope, and use their edible seeds to produce oil. 

More recently, plant scientists started researching Industrial Hemp to find ways to separate the valuable medicinal properties of the Cannabis plant from the intoxicating addictive THC side effect.

Research is concentrating on cultivating Industrial Hemp to be high in CBD (Cannabidiol) and very low in psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

 CBD Hemp products are set to revolutionise the alternative natural medicines world, and justify their claim to give 'Health without the Highs'.

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