Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Man vs Toddler The Trials & Triumphs of Toddlerdom - Book Matt Coyne

Man vs Toddler The Trials & Triumphs of Toddlerdom - Book Matt Coyne

  'Feeding a Toddler is like operating a food blender with the top off'

More inept,more clueless  and  more exhausted than ever, the man behind the blogging phenomenon 'Man vs Baby ' is back with the latest instalment in his (and his son Charlie's) journey through the chaos and comedy of parenting

In the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Sunday Times bestseller 'Dummy' comes 'Man vs. Toddler' - the story of what happens when your little one is transformed from an innocent bundle of joy into a creature that walks, talks... and craps in a plastic bucket in the middle of your living room.

 Man vs Toddler exposes the lie that, that when it comes to parenting 'it gets easier'. 

But it is just as honest, foul-mouthed and heart-warming as Matt's first book, and will have you laughing and crying with recognition as he shares his observations and advice on everything from tantrums to the horrors of soft-play.

As a parent perhaps the biggest adjustment you will make is this.

To a baby you are omnipotent.You are all giving.All Powerful.All Knowing.All Benevolent - You. Are. God.

To a Toddler. You Are Staff. 

Clicking the image below will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

Our Milkman says He's Made Love To Every Woman In This Street Except One!

Husband -"Our Milkman says he's made love to every woman in this street except one"

Wife -" I bet it's that stuck up cow next door! 

Oops,many a slip.A reminder to engage brain before opening mouth.
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Commisioning a graphic designer or design studio for this quality trade cartoon and artistic skill will cost you around $600.Order now ready for the years peak buying months beginning 
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Monday, 28 October 2019

Fancy A Quickie!

A man looks at the restaurant menu and says to the waitress 'I want a quickie'and the waitress slaps is face.

Another waitress passes and the man says 'Can I have a quickie'He gets his face slapped again.

A diner at the next table leans over and says 'It's pronounced 'keesh'

His quiche is delivered and he say's to the waitress 'Where are the condiments'? She blushes and say's 'I think there's a machine in the Gent's toilet'.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

CBD Hemp for Pets.Industrial Hemp is Natures NHS-Natural Health Source!

Industrial Hemp. Cannabis Family Plant..The Medical & Health benefits of Cannabis without the intoxicating THC highs which pets & animals do not like, and are unfortable with.

Hemp Calming Treats for Dogs - All-Natural Soothing Snacks with Hemp + Valerian Root, Stress & Dog Anxiety Relief- Aids with Thunder, Fireworks, Chewing & Barking (Chicken, 90ct) Hemp Chewz Hip & Joint Supplement for Dogs - 100% Organic Hemp Oil Infused Dog Treats for Joint Pain Relief & Mobility Support + Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Organic Turmeric, and MSM - 120 Soft Chews
Calming Treats for Dogs Anxiety, Natural Hemp Oil for Dog Anxiety Relief, Dog Calming Aid for Separation Anxiety, Stress, Storms, Fireworks, Chewing & Barking 120 Soft Chews Advanced Hip and Joint Supplement for Dogs with Organic Hemp Seeds and Oil, Best Glucosamine Chondroitin, MSM, Omega 3-6, Improves Mobility, Reduces Pain and Inflammation, 90 Soft Chews

CBDPure Muscle & Joint Formula - So Good it has a satisfaction or money back guarantee! Just click the image!
cbdpure best..

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Mexico Legalises Recreational Cannabis Use Tomorrow-What it Means.

Mexico is fast approaching its October 23, 2019 recreational marijuana legalization deadline. This sets Mexico to become the third country to legalize recreational marijuana after Canada and Uruguay. Medical marijuana with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content under 1.0% has been legal in Mexico since June 2017.Mexico’s medical cannabis market is predicted to grow 27.7% annually to $249.6 million by 2025.

Legalizing recreational marijuana will bring several benefits,particularly reducing black-market activities associated with marijuana.

Legalization will encourage tax-paying businesses to enter, boosting the Mexican government’s tax revenue.

Legalization will bring in $1.2 billion in tax revenue for Mexico and save up to $200 million in enforcement costs,and promote associated activities that create employment in Mexico.

Climate will be a significant factor for Cannabis & Industrial Hemp growers,so the following countries will be significant players.

COLOMBIA Colombia offers the perfect climate for cultivation year-round as well as robust cannabis legislatio J

JAMAICA Jamaica presents a significant opportunity to obtain unique Cannabis strains, cultivate high-end flower to obtain higher quality, more effective, medicinal products.

MEXICO The country’s climate is more favorable, and production and labor costs are lower than neighbouring USA.

There is the real possibility of Mexico exporting legal cannabis & Hemp to its neighbour. -North America - Cannabis & Industrial Hemp growers are well established there, but as stated above could face stiff cost competition from neighbouring Mexican cultivators.

From plant cultivation to product development

Nearly 25 years ago, researchers discovered two flavonoids produced by the cannabis plant: cannflavin A and cannflavin B.

Research at the time verified that these compounds were, gram-for-gram, 30 times more effective at reducing inflammation than aspirin.

And they work differently than opioids in managing pain. Opioids – like hydrocodone, codeine, and fentanyl – work by blocking the brain’s pain receptors.

They do nothing to treat the cause of the pain, but Cannflavins go straight to the source of the pain – inflammation.

However,cannflavin A and B are only produced in small amounts by the cannabis plant.

But researchers from the University of Guelph have discovered how to produce the molecules cannflavin A & B in large quantities, and one company now has the patent on the process.

The researchers studied the cannabis genome and found the pathways responsible for making the cannflavins.

This discovery allowed them to take those genes and use them to modify microorganisms and manufacture these compounds in abundance through biosynthesis.

Anahit International, a private,Toronto-based company, has licensed a patent from the University of Guelph that covers the process and will work on scaling up the technology.

Research is continuous with exciting prospects.

I believe Cannabis and its uncontroversial sister plant - Industrial Hemp - will produce powerful natural medicinal products to lessen the need for synthetic chemical medication.

There is a place for both orthodox and alternative nature source medicines,but the opioid addiction crisis highlights the need for a better balance.

Nature is the best healer and should be the first resort in the first aid cabinet.

CBD from Industrial Hemp is Natures NHS - 'Natural Health Source' for 'Health without the Highs'

CBD Hemp Oil
CBDPure for Pets

Friday, 18 October 2019

Guarantee - This CBD Hemp Product for Aches & Pains Has A Guarantee!!!

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CBDPure Muscle & Joint Formula is a unique blend of plant-based compounds and phytonutrients that help soothe and rejuvenate strained muscles and joints. 

Guaranteed - If you are not thrilled with the product, we will gladly issue a refund anytime within 90 days of purchase.

Click the image - visit our website to read what customers say. They love it - You will love it too - guaranteed!

It’s great for sports training/recovery, as well as everyday use – for people of all ages and lifestyles. Its heavy-hitting ingredients include full-spectrum CBD, “Nature’s Aspirin” (Willow Bark) and menthol to amplify the fast-acting therapeutic effects.

By syncing with your body’s endocannabinoid system, cannabidiol (CBD) supports countless physiological processes. It is an exceptionally dynamic compound that reduces inflammation, relieves mild pain/soreness, and stimulates all-around wellness.

Target the areas that need the most help with the power of CBD and other specially selected botanicals.

Fast Acting - Our fast-acting formula provides the full benefits to desired area within minutes from application.

Quality Tested - Every tube undergoes rigorous quality testing, including third-party testing to ensure the product’s purity.

Click the image - visit our website to read what customers say. They love it - You will love it too - guaranteed!

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-------- CBDPure Best<

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Why CBD Hemp?

CBDPure BestWhy CBD Hemp ? - Because it Likes, and is Like, Us! There are biological similarities between human & plant life, and these Cannabis & Hemp chemical structure diagrams are good examples!

CBDPure for PetsCBD Hemp Oil

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Houston - 'We Have a CBD Industrial Hemp Identity Problem'

'We Have a CBD Industrial Hemp Identity Problem'!

Of course instead of calling Houston, as the Apollo Spaceship Commander did,our warning is addressed to the federal government in Washington.

Doctors have linked a tragic wave of lung injuries and deaths to the vaping of tainted marijuana concentrates. 

Legal CBD Oil from Industrial Hemp,with its relationship to Cannabis is two edged.It gains attention from the publicity attracted by its sister cannabis plant,but suffers when that publicity is bad.

The latest bad news, surrounds the vaping of Cannabis oils, as reported in the Wall Street Journal at this link.Note - You may need to subscribe to read in full.

Wall Street Journal Cannabis Pot Legalization makes..

Pot Legalization Makes Vaping Deadly Recent injuries and deaths demonstrate the need for Washington to take control over cannabis policy.

Some of the derivatives added,especially by illegal black market crooks,make for horror reading.

And the THC compound content that produces the 'High', which drug users seek, were at dangerous levels with some pot products tested.

My concern, as a strong believer that legal CBD oils from Industrial Hemp, with nil to negligible THC (less than 0.3%), is, and will be, (Plant science research is permanently ongoing) the top natural medicines legal source, and fully justify its claim to provide 'Health without the Highs' and  Nature's Health Source - NHS.

CBDPure for PetsCBD Hemp Oil -----

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Secrets of Aging Younger: Fitter: Healthier: Longer

Secret 1- How to Stay Young if You Are
Secret 2- How to Be Younger if You're not!
Psst! By an Insider - A Whisteleblower Aged 92+.

Below is an excerpt from a book I’ve written on the subject.(Not published yet.Needs formatting & a good book cover for Amazon.)

Please note – My spell checker insists on the American ‘Aging’ rather than the U.K. ‘Ageing’ Same positive result, however.

Who better to teach how to be young, fit, and healthy for longer, than someone, with 92 on the scoreboard, and still energetically and enthusiastically batting! (albeit with a runner these days)
                                       Who am I?

My name is Ivor Vale: A near 93 year-old 

(Born November 1926) retired businessman living in The U.K. I owned and ran, together with my late wife Sylvia, ‘The Marches’, a very successful health, nutrition shop and restaurant in Hereford U.K for 32 years (1972 – 2004). I like sharing knowledge and helping others on the topics of health, aging, fitness, self-improvement and the future!

                       How Young Can You Die of Old Age?

Perhaps a better question is at what point do you know you are aging?

First indication for me was 3 years ago, with someone taking my arm at a traffic lights crossing. I was shocked but consoled myself that it was just getting dark and I may have appeared uncertain.

Still a bit upset and embarrassed, I then fell over an unlit, road closed sign, as I walked into my street. 

To add insult to injury, I went back in daylight to look 
at the sign and some comedian had put a dunce’s cap alongside it !

The earlier the decision to plan and make the most of your body and health with the right food, exercise and attitude, the easier and better will be the results. Good habits become ingrained, programmed. 

And it's so easy because a key part of 'aging younger, fitter, healthier longer' is eating (Good Food) and playing! (Sport).

Why do people die way before their potential span when two of the ways to a longer life are through two of its pleasures - Eating and Playing - I.E Exercise through sport!

The answer is the lack of a planned and disciplined approach.

Also, essential to living a full and contented life is to be busy. Always have something on the go. A purpose. An objective. 

Here are the first 2 of 15 ideas in my book to help achieve that.

Exercise – Caution - Before you start exercising: If you have a medical condition then discuss with your medical professional the programme you have in mind.

Benefits – Improves the health of body and brain and creates a synergy of positives. (Synergy) the interaction of elements that when combined means you get more out than you put in.

If you have the all clear, then start with an activity that you think would be fun as well as beneficial. It could be any kind of aerobic exercise that gives a muscle work out and raises the breathing rate, such as walking, cycling, dancing, swimming.

Simply working out with any of the above for 30 minutes a day will soon result in a growing feeling of wellbeing & confidence. A mastery of all you survey will stem from the increase in oxygen to the brain and muscles. It will generate a chain reaction of increasing energy, and enthusiasm for more and more. 

You are on your way!

Walking and competitive table tennis was my choice of exercise. Speed walking for the aerobic benefits, and rambling/trekking for leisure and companionship

Eating Healthy:

Benefits – The balance, mix and quality of your diet can make or break

‘YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT’ ‘Rubbish in Rubbish Out’ are truisms which are all that needs to be said. Better quality fuel in an engine produces peak performance. The human engine is no different.

What you eat will have a huge impact on both your physical and mental health. Some of the best foods known for improving brain function are blueberries, beans, whole grains, wild salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, and pomegranate juice.

Probably the best example of the ideal balanced diet is The Mediterranean Diet which is renowned for its health benefits. It contains low levels of red meat, sugar and saturated fats, and is high in fish, unsaturated fats such as olive oil, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

The Japanese diet is also known for its healthy components The longest-lived population live on the Southern Japanese Okinawa islands, where diets contain large amounts of fish, whole grains, soy protein and vegetables. Japanese people are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world.

End of Aging Young taster.Ther are 13 more chapters in my book covering -


All designed toLIVE a happy fulfilled life, and kick the can of aging further and further down 'The Highway of Life'!


Thursday, 3 October 2019

CBD Story.A Cinderella Rise to Fame.

Why is CBD & Cannabis everywhere all of a sudden?
Why is it so expensive ?
CBD Infused Gummy Bears $79.99

That was a typical price a few months ago, but competition and the economies of scale will gradually see prices reducing. Gummy Bears’ prices are already much lower as you can see below in the products from Amazon.

 The 2018 USA Farm Bill was the catalyst for the explosion in interest and sales of cannabis plant products.

American hemp farmers were disadvantaged by the increase in imported hemp crops to supply the developing manufacture of natural health products from Industrial Hemp, a species of cannabis.

This hitherto unnoticed, unloved sister plant of cannabis, has been a staple for years in the mundane but valuable task of making rope, cosmetics, paper and many other everyday products.

But when it seemed likely that pressure to legalise cannabis would succeed, plant scientists turned their attention to this hard working, less glamourous, Cannabis Cinderella sister, Industrial Hemp!

Cannabis’s natural medicinal properties were known and used from the early ages. But the plant was in and out of legal favour because of the intoxicating side effect associated with a chemical in the plant, Tetrahydrocannabinol. THC for short.

 Industrial Hemp also has a natural medicinal plant chemical Cannabidiol. CBD for short, with nil to negligible THC content.

The research by plant chemists is ongoing to cultivate and further develop the CBD medicinal content of Industrial Hemp, to the total exclusion of THC. And truly deliver on its claim –‘Health without the Highs’

NUTRITION Premium Hemp Gummies – 30000 MG – All Natural Ingredients - Relief for Stress, Inflammation, Sleep, Anxiety, Depression – Vitamins & Omega 3,6,9Premium Hemp Gummies - Safe and Natural - Made in USA - 15000MG Total, 125MG Each - Relaxing, Stress & Anxiety Relief
Hemp Watermelon Gummies 300mg- 20mg per Serving- 30 ct- Organic Hemp Extract - Relaxing, Pain Relief, Stress & Anxiety Relief - Sleep Better500 MG Hemp per Gummy, 60 Sweets Natural Anxiety & Stress Relief - Premium Hemp & Coconut Synergy - Mood & Immunity Support - Ideal Omega 3, 6, 9
New Age Naturals Advanced Hemp Big Gummies 2500mg 125ct Organic Hemp Oil InfusedHemp Gummy Bears , 50 Count, 200mg Per Gummy (10000mg), Natural Calm, Sleep Aid, Stress, Pain and Anxiety Relief, Inflammation, Nausea,

CBDPure for Pets CBD Hemp Oil

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

CBD Hemp Cannabis Cookbooks USA,

There is enormous interest amongst people wanting to make their own cannabis and cbd edibles 
Lower down in this article is a selection of recipe books on Amazon.

Many may wonder what it’s like to try but are naturally cautious. 

CBD Hemp and Cannabis Companies are addressing this by introducing more and more edibles. 

These are mainly in the form of sweets, biscuits and treats infused with CBD and even THC – which is the cannabinoid chemical that intoxicates – ‘Buyer be aware is sensible’. Always read the label for any THC content.

Edibles are so convenient. They offer everyone from athletes to medical patients an easier and more discrete way to use cannabis-based medicine.

CBD has shown signs of reducing inflammation, promoting sounder sleep, helping to fight stress and anxiety, and alleviating cancer-related symptoms.

Cannabis food recipes and cookbooks, that include some of the cannabis or cbd industrial hemp plant as an ingredient, are being published and sought. 

Cannabis Edibles Recipe Books.Clicking any of the book cover images below will take you to the book and similar others on Amazon.Prices are not regularly refreshed, so may be different on the Amazon website - but often in your favour!
Edibles: Small Bites for the Modern Cannabis Kitchen (Weed-Infused Treats, Cannabis Cookbook, Sweet and Savory Cannabis Recipes) CBD Every Day: How to Make Cannabis-Infused Massage Oils, Bath Bombs, Salves, Herbal Remedies, and Edibles
3 Books in 1: Cannabis, CBD and Hemp Cookbook The Ultimate CBD Cookbook - 70+ Easy Recipes for Entrees, Appetizers, and Desserts
The Easy Cannabis Cookbook: 60+ Medical Marijuana Recipes for Sweet and Savory Edibles The Cannabis Spa at Home: How to Make Marijuana-Infused Lotions, Massage Oils, Ointments, Bath Salts, Spa Nosh, and More
Cannabis Candy & Dessert Cookbook: Learn to Decarb, Extract and Make Your Own CBD & THC Infused Candy from Scratch Marijuana Edibles: 40 Easy and Delicious Cannabis-Infused Desserts

CBD Hemp Oil
 CBDPure for Pets

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