Saturday, 5 October 2019

Secrets of Aging Younger: Fitter: Healthier: Longer

Secret 1- How to Stay Young if You Are
Secret 2- How to Be Younger if You're not!
Psst! By an Insider - A Whisteleblower Aged 92+.

Below is an excerpt from a book I’ve written on the subject.(Not published yet.Needs formatting & a good book cover for Amazon.)

Please note – My spell checker insists on the American ‘Aging’ rather than the U.K. ‘Ageing’ Same positive result, however.

Who better to teach how to be young, fit, and healthy for longer, than someone, with 92 on the scoreboard, and still energetically and enthusiastically batting! (albeit with a runner these days)
                                       Who am I?

My name is Ivor Vale: A near 93 year-old 

(Born November 1926) retired businessman living in The U.K. I owned and ran, together with my late wife Sylvia, ‘The Marches’, a very successful health, nutrition shop and restaurant in Hereford U.K for 32 years (1972 – 2004). I like sharing knowledge and helping others on the topics of health, aging, fitness, self-improvement and the future!

                       How Young Can You Die of Old Age?

Perhaps a better question is at what point do you know you are aging?

First indication for me was 3 years ago, with someone taking my arm at a traffic lights crossing. I was shocked but consoled myself that it was just getting dark and I may have appeared uncertain.

Still a bit upset and embarrassed, I then fell over an unlit, road closed sign, as I walked into my street. 

To add insult to injury, I went back in daylight to look 
at the sign and some comedian had put a dunce’s cap alongside it !

The earlier the decision to plan and make the most of your body and health with the right food, exercise and attitude, the easier and better will be the results. Good habits become ingrained, programmed. 

And it's so easy because a key part of 'aging younger, fitter, healthier longer' is eating (Good Food) and playing! (Sport).

Why do people die way before their potential span when two of the ways to a longer life are through two of its pleasures - Eating and Playing - I.E Exercise through sport!

The answer is the lack of a planned and disciplined approach.

Also, essential to living a full and contented life is to be busy. Always have something on the go. A purpose. An objective. 

Here are the first 2 of 15 ideas in my book to help achieve that.

Exercise – Caution - Before you start exercising: If you have a medical condition then discuss with your medical professional the programme you have in mind.

Benefits – Improves the health of body and brain and creates a synergy of positives. (Synergy) the interaction of elements that when combined means you get more out than you put in.

If you have the all clear, then start with an activity that you think would be fun as well as beneficial. It could be any kind of aerobic exercise that gives a muscle work out and raises the breathing rate, such as walking, cycling, dancing, swimming.

Simply working out with any of the above for 30 minutes a day will soon result in a growing feeling of wellbeing & confidence. A mastery of all you survey will stem from the increase in oxygen to the brain and muscles. It will generate a chain reaction of increasing energy, and enthusiasm for more and more. 

You are on your way!

Walking and competitive table tennis was my choice of exercise. Speed walking for the aerobic benefits, and rambling/trekking for leisure and companionship

Eating Healthy:

Benefits – The balance, mix and quality of your diet can make or break

‘YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT’ ‘Rubbish in Rubbish Out’ are truisms which are all that needs to be said. Better quality fuel in an engine produces peak performance. The human engine is no different.

What you eat will have a huge impact on both your physical and mental health. Some of the best foods known for improving brain function are blueberries, beans, whole grains, wild salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, and pomegranate juice.

Probably the best example of the ideal balanced diet is The Mediterranean Diet which is renowned for its health benefits. It contains low levels of red meat, sugar and saturated fats, and is high in fish, unsaturated fats such as olive oil, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

The Japanese diet is also known for its healthy components The longest-lived population live on the Southern Japanese Okinawa islands, where diets contain large amounts of fish, whole grains, soy protein and vegetables. Japanese people are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world.

End of Aging Young taster.Ther are 13 more chapters in my book covering -


All designed toLIVE a happy fulfilled life, and kick the can of aging further and further down 'The Highway of Life'!


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