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Here's Everything You Need For Success.
Plus.I guarantee, you are unlikely to have seen an opportunity bargain like this.
Dave Nicholson and John Thornhill have been evaluating this year and have had one of their best years ever.
To celebrate they have made all the tools and strategies responsible for their success available so you can start 2020 with a bang.
They’ve called it The Niche Marketing Kit
However, unlike most ‘collections’ this is not just a bunch of digital products thrown together and sold at a discount.
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See it here.
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This collection of tools contains everything you need to succeed and is valued at well over $10,000, but if you act now you can grab this amazing toolkit for just a fraction of the price.
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Best Regards
P.S. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to grab over $10,000 worth of tools, products and strategies for a fraction of the price. Don’t let this pass you by.
Electric Cars, EVs - Once Driven - Loved Forever - Energy - New Sources of Renewables - Our Food Sources - Alternative Medicine .......
Saturday, 28 December 2019
Thursday, 26 December 2019
New & REPEAT orders for CBD Hemp Products are Booming..Your chance with 20% Off!
New & REPEAT orders for CBD Hemp Products are booming.
Try our Pure CBD Hemp Oil with the 20% off link at bottom of this post.
CBD Hemp, a Cannabis plant species, is seeing sales & interest exploding – expected to grow nearly 40-fold from $591 million in 2018… to $22 billion over the next 2 years.
People love taking CBD because it can give them relief from painful inflammation… sleep deprivation… anxiety… even depression.
It’s made from cannabinoids from CBD Hemp and completely clear of THC, so it doesn’t get people high.
That’s why, right now, CBD oils and tinctures are flying off the shelves. It’s found in gummies, cookies, chocolates, candy, you name it.
CBD Hemp products are already hugely popular,but the industry is very much in it's infancy.
Early indicators into CBD Hemp's natural medicines'source potential, has plant scientists bubbling with excitement, and eager anticipation.
Coupled with inspired CBD Hemp product innovation; the choice, superiority and safety of our plant medicines from nature, will truly provide -'Good Health Without The Highs' and avoid the addiction risk with Opioid drugs made with synthetic chemicals,casualties of which are evident daily on our streets and in our hospitals.
I can also tell you that CBD Hemp scientists are working with beverage experts to combine nanoparticles of CBD Hemp with flavored sparkling water… It's the next big CBD Hemp & Cannabis infused thing.
Already indicated with this announcement by a leader in the Cannabis industry
"Our increasing Cannabis growing and Cannabinoid extraction & production capacity, will position the company well as leader in the production of high-quality, next-generation, CBD Hemp and Cannabis Cannabinoid infused beverages and edibles products".
Ready for Canada's commercialization of such products in 2020.
The CEO goes on - " Our CBD Hemp Cannabinoid infused beverages, that can provide all the health benefits of CBD Hemp… while tasting great. Not “high,” because it won't contain any THC".
Europe and world wide distribution can't come soon enough for their citizens.
So talks will begin soon with retailers in London and Prague to get CBD Hemp & Cannabis Cannabinoid infused beverages on store shelves across the continent.
Exciting times ahead. Watch the CBDNHS space.
CBD Hemp is 'Nature's NHS'- Natural Health Source
Use this link to get 20% off a Pure CBD Hemp product now
Visit my Amazon CBD Hemp Gummies Site
Try our Pure CBD Hemp Oil with the 20% off link at bottom of this post.
CBD Hemp, a Cannabis plant species, is seeing sales & interest exploding – expected to grow nearly 40-fold from $591 million in 2018… to $22 billion over the next 2 years.
People love taking CBD because it can give them relief from painful inflammation… sleep deprivation… anxiety… even depression.
It’s made from cannabinoids from CBD Hemp and completely clear of THC, so it doesn’t get people high.
That’s why, right now, CBD oils and tinctures are flying off the shelves. It’s found in gummies, cookies, chocolates, candy, you name it.
CBD Hemp products are already hugely popular,but the industry is very much in it's infancy.
Early indicators into CBD Hemp's natural medicines'source potential, has plant scientists bubbling with excitement, and eager anticipation.
Coupled with inspired CBD Hemp product innovation; the choice, superiority and safety of our plant medicines from nature, will truly provide -'Good Health Without The Highs' and avoid the addiction risk with Opioid drugs made with synthetic chemicals,casualties of which are evident daily on our streets and in our hospitals.
I can also tell you that CBD Hemp scientists are working with beverage experts to combine nanoparticles of CBD Hemp with flavored sparkling water… It's the next big CBD Hemp & Cannabis infused thing.
Already indicated with this announcement by a leader in the Cannabis industry
"Our increasing Cannabis growing and Cannabinoid extraction & production capacity, will position the company well as leader in the production of high-quality, next-generation, CBD Hemp and Cannabis Cannabinoid infused beverages and edibles products".
Ready for Canada's commercialization of such products in 2020.
The CEO goes on - " Our CBD Hemp Cannabinoid infused beverages, that can provide all the health benefits of CBD Hemp… while tasting great. Not “high,” because it won't contain any THC".
Europe and world wide distribution can't come soon enough for their citizens.
So talks will begin soon with retailers in London and Prague to get CBD Hemp & Cannabis Cannabinoid infused beverages on store shelves across the continent.
Exciting times ahead. Watch the CBDNHS space.
CBD Hemp is 'Nature's NHS'- Natural Health Source
Use this link to get 20% off a Pure CBD Hemp product now
Visit my Amazon CBD Hemp Gummies Site
Sunday, 22 December 2019
Phew ! Something Smells. The Odd Socks Mystery!
But last year it didn’t happen. I got books and chocolate and a computer mouse mat. It’s the internet. The wider choice of shops and gifts that can be viewed and purchased from the armchair, makes jostling a way through dense crowds to the high street sock shop, very unattractive.
So having got used to my sock situation becoming dire approaching Christmas, I didn’t need a calendar. A glance in my sock drawer consisting entirely of odd socks indicated the time of year, but not to worry, soon there would be newcomers, which at first would look out of place, because they always came as identical twins -How odd !
But not for long. The system would soon turn them truly odd. It never fails. Two socks enter the washer. Two socks exit. As household tasks go what could be simpler? Socks go from drawer, to feet, to dirty clothes, to washer and dryer, and back into the drawer.
Of course, anyone associated with a family knows the truth. Socks disappear. Virtually every residence in the world, has a drawer, pile, or basket of mismatched socks. Millions – no, billions – of socks exist with odd partners not of their choosing. Thrown together in the ritual of the weekly wash.
But a cunning plan has surfaced to fight the tyranny. Sell Socks Ready Paired Odd. By short circuiting the existing odd sock breeding and pairing disorder, it will turn the tables on the gremlins in the wash drum , putting them in a confused spin seeing socks start as they normally finish – odd.
It will work. Look at this guy striding out in his odd socks. How confident he looks. As well he might. He knows he has another pair at home exactly like it !
Image Credit joy of cartoon pictures.com
Discovering after 30 minutes of turning the bedroom upside down, that I had put both on the same foot.
If wearing odd socks were the norm I could have found a quick replacement from the sock drawer with my eyes shut. Brilliant.
If odd socks make for happiness why not a website selling odd socks-
And there is The company haven't got around to selling packs of new odd socks yet, but the technology is at an advanced stage and the experts are confident a breakthrough is close. There is so much secrecy about odd sock making.
Odd Socks u.k think washing machine companies are in on the conspiracy. Why make a viewing port hole of thick opaque glass and you can’t see what is going on?
Fortunately, the eureka moment is near, because funny socks uk are fortunate in having the help of two odd sock whistle blowers Sog and Sag.
Lots of socks whistle – phew!- but each of these insiders started as one of identical twins.
Having been through the wash many times they know the terrible secret that tore them from their kin – tumbled, tortured, and turned like all other pairs – odd. They are only able to safely reveal their story because slack and neglected conditions in the sock drawer allowed them to escape to tell all to oddsocks.uk.
And now because of the growing popularity of oddsocks uk range of team socks, Sog and Sag think it is only a matter of time before bitter rivals accidentally become paired odd!
It’s not a problem when a red colour is seen out with a blue. But imagine a Chelsea with a Tottenham .
Or a New York Yankee with a Boston Red Sox. Riots have been known to start for less.
And socks deserve better. They are taken for granted. Put upon,,misused,,abused, accused - despite this they will stick unchanged loyally to you.
They are there for you every morning, standing stiffly in the corner, ‘locate in the dark, sniff and whiff wafter' gently wafting. (Patent pending)
Waste of money, the boffins overlooked the fact that wearers cannot smell their own sock odours.
It’s an undeserved soggy socks image, and in this enlightened age oddsocks.uk are determined to do something about it.
Their philosophy is simple. Socks want to please. If their wearer is happy they are happy. Socks have a history of doing good going back to when their family relative – Ladies Tights in particular – were known to provide services in addition to those intended.
Especially in cars. I can recall a story of a car’s radiator overheating with a broken fan belt, and the lady passenger’s tights being stretched around the fan pulley wheels to enable the car to limp to a garage.
So the modern sock has a lot to live up to. A proud record to protect. Because let’s not forget other roles of the sock – One is absorbing perspiration. The foot is among the heaviest producers of sweat in the body, it can produce over 0.25 US pints (0.12 l) of perspiration per day. Socks help to absorb this sweat and draw it to areas where air can evaporate the perspiration.
In cold environments, socks made from wool insulate the foot and decrease the risk of frostbite.
It’s incredible, that in the long history of the sock, they have always been an object of ridicule and neglect, despite working undercover, mostly in darkness, providing comfort without appreciation.
If ASS (Abuse Of Socks Society) did random spot checks, many wearers would be shaking in their shoes.
So change today, and the many benefits expressed in the story above, can be summed up in the inspirational phrase below -
‘Rejoice and be exceedingly clad – err, sorry - glad’
Saturday, 21 December 2019
Cannabis-based medicine for epilepsy available on NHS from January 2020
People with severe epilepsy will be able to access a cannabis-based medicine on the NHS from January 2020 after it was fast-tracked for use.
NHS England said doctors would be able to prescribe Epidyolex - which was approved in November - from 6 January 2020.
It can then be prescribed for adults,where previously it was only for children over the age of two.
Clinical trials have shown the oral solution, which contains cannabidiol (CBD), could reduce the number of seizures by up to 40% in some children.
The medicine will be used to treat two rare, but severe, forms of childhood epilepsy - Lennox Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome - which can cause multiple seizures a day.
Epilepsy Action's chief executive Philip Lee welcomed the announcement, saying it "brings much-needed hope and could be life-changing for some".
However, he added that Epidyolex was not "a silver bullet" and there was more work to be done to "collect robust high-quality evidence of the effectiveness of other cannabis-based medicines".
An official NHS review earlier this year found that a "lack of evidence" was holding back cannabis medicines, which specialist doctors have been allowed to prescribe in the UK since a law change in November 2018.
Decisions on drug availability are devolved around the UK. It is estimated there are 3,000 people with Dravet and 5,000 with Lennox Gastaut syndrome in England.

NHS chief executive Simon Stevens said that thousands of people would now have access to the treatment "which has the potential to make a real difference".
NHS England said doctors would be able to prescribe Epidyolex - which was approved in November - from 6 January 2020.
It can then be prescribed for adults,where previously it was only for children over the age of two.
Clinical trials have shown the oral solution, which contains cannabidiol (CBD), could reduce the number of seizures by up to 40% in some children.
The medicine will be used to treat two rare, but severe, forms of childhood epilepsy - Lennox Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome - which can cause multiple seizures a day.
Epilepsy Action's chief executive Philip Lee welcomed the announcement, saying it "brings much-needed hope and could be life-changing for some".
However, he added that Epidyolex was not "a silver bullet" and there was more work to be done to "collect robust high-quality evidence of the effectiveness of other cannabis-based medicines".
An official NHS review earlier this year found that a "lack of evidence" was holding back cannabis medicines, which specialist doctors have been allowed to prescribe in the UK since a law change in November 2018.
Decisions on drug availability are devolved around the UK. It is estimated there are 3,000 people with Dravet and 5,000 with Lennox Gastaut syndrome in England.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Canada Cannabis 2 sees legalisation of wide range of Recreational Cannabis Edibles & Beverages this coming Monday December the 16th.
It was a cautious approach authorising legal access to cannabis through dry flowers,oils and sprays.
Those products have appeal to relatively few.
Canada 2 launch this coming Monday December 16th 2019 is more adventurous,giving the green light to a range of products with appeal to a broader section of the public according to surveys..
Gummies, cookies, chocolates, THC-infused beers and juices, lotions, concentrates and more...
Collectively they are called Edibles & Beverages.
It means, recreational cannabis products can then legally contain THC in various strengths.
There are many who want to experience and enjoy the relaxing effect that,similar to alcohol, THC provides.
There is a similarity with responsible Cannabis users to those who like to relax and unwind with a glass or two of alcohol.
They are users,not abusers.
Statistics show that 17.8% of cannabis takers are treated for symptoms of abuse through excess.It is an almost identical statistic amongst alcohol drinkers.
These convenient, easy-to-consume edibles are the perfect entry point to the cannabis market for newcomers.
Not everyone wants to roll a joint – or even knows how to.
But everyone knows how to eat a brownie,or drink a beverage.
Delivering cannabis in edibles & beverages makes it feel more comfortable and familiar. One in three consumers believe that eating cannabis edibles purchased in licensed stores is safer than smoking a joint.
And demand is already building and eagerly expectant. EY Canada Predicts That Three Million New Cannabis Customers Will Enter the Market with Canada 2.0…
A survey conducted at Dalhousie University in 2017 found that 46% of Canadians would try cannabis-infused food products when they become available. That’s nearly 13 million people ready and willing to buy cannabis edibles and beverages as soon as they legally can
With nearly half of all Canadians interested in cannabis edibles, the potential is huge.
Below are some of the established USA and Canadian companies likely to benefit from access to the new Canadian legal cannabis edibles & beverages market.
The Nevada Gummy King: This edibles maker just happens to produce one of the best-selling gummies in Nevada. The gummies are low in sugar… gluten-free… and infused with one of several strains of the finest premium cannabis oil. They come in a variety of flavors such as blue raspberry, cherry cola, and tropical punch.
The Colorado Cannabis-Beverage Maker: This company has already taken Colorado by storm. It produces high-quality, THC-infused drinks – tailoring them to meet the consumer’s specific needs.
The Canadian “Lifestyle” THC-Beverage Company This Canadian company just received its research and development license from Health Canada to create branded cannabis-infused beverages.
The Healthy CBD-Juice Company Is taking the health-boosting power of its popular plant-based juices up a notch by adding a new ingredient – CBD. This move into Canada’s CBD Hemp beverage market should be a piece of ca - err - edible!
And as hot as the CBD Hemp edibles & derivitives are right now, CBD Hemp products are projected to grow 3000% by 2022.
Because here's the thing about CBD Hemp …
Not only does it help with a number of health problems – such as chronic pain, anxiety, and depression – it does so without making you “high.”
Which makes it easier to sell to consumers who normally wouldn’t touch cannabis with a barge pole.
Not just in Canada but around the world.
CBD Hemp - Nature's NHS - Natural Health Source.'Health Without The Highs'
For news updates as these Cannabis and CBD Hemp edibles & beverages establish in Canada - Watch this space Visit my new site -

Visit my Blog
Friday, 6 December 2019
CBD Hemp Growing Sensation - If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
I can keep writing a thousand glowing words about wonderful CBD Hemp - Natures Alternative Medicine's NHS - Natural Health Source - But dramatic pictures of financial market predictions tell it visually better.
So are many others by the comments on Amazon.
CBD Infused Edibles are an excellent way to try CBD from Hemp.Another best selling CBD infused edible is CBD Gummies.
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
user comment 1 April 11, 2019 Works Wondefully. Verified Purchase When I got this I was ready for disappointment I was prepared for it not to work. I was wrong.It tasted great,and relaxed my grandfather from the pain he was in while at the same time gave him the boost of energy he needed
User Comment 2 Hands down the smoothest coffee I ever put in my facehole. I am typically a coffee snob, so ordering this was taking a risk. But my fiancé and I love it. It will become one of our regular coffees, for sure
Verified Buyer comment 3 This coffee rocks. I really like it. I know it's got hemp in it and it eases some of my fibromyalgia. Might not be the same for everyone due to each fibromite has different pain levels in the morning. 11 people found this helpful
User comment 4 Verified buyer You must try this coffee its a must Love I could find this on Amazon This coffee coffee is awesome It takes away all my pain: 6 people found this helpful
Industrial Hemp is an excellent source of CBD, and companies like The CBDPure Company of Colorado with their long standing expertise in Hemp farming and Cannabinoid extraction, are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the 2018 Farm Bill regulatory changes that allow the collection and processing of CBD from hemp.Click their 'CBD for People & Pets' website
images below to find out more

Image credits NICI
I like, and am impressed with the CBD infused Cannabissimo Coffee below.So are many others by the comments on Amazon.
CBD Infused Edibles are an excellent way to try CBD from Hemp.Another best selling CBD infused edible is CBD Gummies.
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
Amazon UK | Amazon USA |
Gummies UK | Gummies USA |
user comment 1 April 11, 2019 Works Wondefully. Verified Purchase When I got this I was ready for disappointment I was prepared for it not to work. I was wrong.It tasted great,and relaxed my grandfather from the pain he was in while at the same time gave him the boost of energy he needed
User Comment 2 Hands down the smoothest coffee I ever put in my facehole. I am typically a coffee snob, so ordering this was taking a risk. But my fiancé and I love it. It will become one of our regular coffees, for sure
Verified Buyer comment 3 This coffee rocks. I really like it. I know it's got hemp in it and it eases some of my fibromyalgia. Might not be the same for everyone due to each fibromite has different pain levels in the morning. 11 people found this helpful
User comment 4 Verified buyer You must try this coffee its a must Love I could find this on Amazon This coffee coffee is awesome It takes away all my pain: 6 people found this helpful
Industrial Hemp is an excellent source of CBD, and companies like The CBDPure Company of Colorado with their long standing expertise in Hemp farming and Cannabinoid extraction, are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the 2018 Farm Bill regulatory changes that allow the collection and processing of CBD from hemp.Click their 'CBD for People & Pets' website
images below to find out more

Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Over 65s Now Fastest Growing Users of CBD Hemp /Cannabis
When legalized in Canada,more age 65 and older adults started using CBD Hemp & Cannabis.
This was greater than for any other age demographic.
Because, for seniors, CBD Hemp in particular is seen to offer a safer alternative to harmful medications, such as synthetic opioid pain and antipsychotic drugs, that often come with intense side effects and risk of addiction.
The stigma that Cannabis & CBD are evil is shifting among seniors thanks to medical benefits claimed in thousands of positive product reviews every day everywhere, now.
For example - CBD Use in Nursing Homes Is increasing.
One Florida nursing home is offering CBD therapy to its residents under a pilot program that could lead to a statewide program if successful.
Nursing homes are an ideal setting for CBD programs, as they provide a controlled environment where patients can be monitored closely by medical professionals.
Although industrial hemp is a species of Cannabis, it is a separate plant with very low levels (<0.3%) of the psychoactive ingredient THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
Industrial Hemp is an excellent source of CBD, and companies like The CBDPure Company of Colorado,have a long stablished expertise in hemp growing and cannabinoid extraction.
See the clickable 'People & Pets' images to their website below
At present, It is not always easy to find suitable CBD products to try outside of the USA .My first venture is with the Cannabissimo coffee product below, with low CBD content - only 5% - but caution is my watchword.
Even with such a small CBD amount though, I am impressed. I feel really well and my itchy scalp is better.
My re-order 2nd pack has come already !!
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

This was greater than for any other age demographic.
Because, for seniors, CBD Hemp in particular is seen to offer a safer alternative to harmful medications, such as synthetic opioid pain and antipsychotic drugs, that often come with intense side effects and risk of addiction.
The stigma that Cannabis & CBD are evil is shifting among seniors thanks to medical benefits claimed in thousands of positive product reviews every day everywhere, now.
For example - CBD Use in Nursing Homes Is increasing.
One Florida nursing home is offering CBD therapy to its residents under a pilot program that could lead to a statewide program if successful.
Nursing homes are an ideal setting for CBD programs, as they provide a controlled environment where patients can be monitored closely by medical professionals.
Although industrial hemp is a species of Cannabis, it is a separate plant with very low levels (<0.3%) of the psychoactive ingredient THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
Industrial Hemp is an excellent source of CBD, and companies like The CBDPure Company of Colorado,have a long stablished expertise in hemp growing and cannabinoid extraction.
See the clickable 'People & Pets' images to their website below
At present, It is not always easy to find suitable CBD products to try outside of the USA .My first venture is with the Cannabissimo coffee product below, with low CBD content - only 5% - but caution is my watchword.
Even with such a small CBD amount though, I am impressed. I feel really well and my itchy scalp is better.
My re-order 2nd pack has come already !!
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
Amazon UK. | Amazon USA |
CBD Gummies U.K | CBD Gummies USA |

Tuesday, 3 December 2019
The US Food & Drugs Administration (FDA ) - CBD can cause Liver Damage - My Reply.
The US Food & Drugs Administration (FDA) updated its page about CBD on November 26th.
The FDA’s update is not an official regulation – it has no force of law. But it listed unproven concerns about the potential harm of CBD that could cause alarm among some using CBD products and those considering doing so.
The main claim is that CBD “can” cause liver injury. This could be true at high doses – The FDA’s warning about liver injury is based on testing that GW Pharmaceuticals PLC did for its CBD medicine, Epidiolex for Epilepsy.
In that testing, children received up to 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. For a 5 year old who is 40 pounds, that would be about 450 milligrams. Scaled up to a 150-pound adult, it would be about 1,700 milligrams.
By comparison, the amount of CBD in best selling gummies is 10 milligrams per 2-gummy serving.
An adult would have to eat 340 gummies to get to the dosage the FDA used for its update.
Liver damage is also a risk with alcohol, acetaminophen, and a host of other things that people use every day
And yet millions of people have a glass of wine with dinner and take two Paracetomol painkiller tablets when they have headaches with no ill effects.
Because they aren’t taking 340 painkillers and they aren’t drinking a case of wine !! -
Excess, of anything, is usually harmful.
Such a warning, using extreme examples, should not detract from the excitement about CBD from Industrial Hemp
It has enthusiastic support among users and an increasing number of converts in Congress.
If the FDA can’t see its way clear to help the CBD industry grow, it appears Congress will.
What the FDA did right was send warning letters to 15 companies that are making unproven claims about CBD.
If a company wants to last, it must not rely on gimmicky claims or try to trick people.
Millions of people who use CBD Hemp can tell you how it has helped them.
The smart CBD companies are letting the press, which is not regulated by the FDA, make the public aware of the specific uses for CBD and letting consumers make their own decisions.
And because of the benefits people experience,the CBD Hemp industry is here to stay, no matter what the FDA says.
CBD Hemp Products - for 'Health Without The Highs'
It is not easy to find CBD Hemp products to try in the U.K. I am using and feel exhilarated,energised, by the Coffee with ground Hemp Seeds below.
Seeds from The Industrial Hemp plant contain traces of CBD & nil to negligible THC, so is legal.
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

Comment November 28th at 9.20am
Like I said before, every prescription drug that the FDA has ever approved has the “potential” to do harm. I agree that once again the dissemination of this information by the FDA and the media was completely absurd. I still believe that there are individuals and different governing bodies out there who want to do everything possible to keep the MJ (Marijuana/Cannabis) sector and any off-shoot of the MJ sector,i.e.CBD, from growing.
The FDA’s update is not an official regulation – it has no force of law. But it listed unproven concerns about the potential harm of CBD that could cause alarm among some using CBD products and those considering doing so.
The main claim is that CBD “can” cause liver injury. This could be true at high doses – The FDA’s warning about liver injury is based on testing that GW Pharmaceuticals PLC did for its CBD medicine, Epidiolex for Epilepsy.
In that testing, children received up to 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. For a 5 year old who is 40 pounds, that would be about 450 milligrams. Scaled up to a 150-pound adult, it would be about 1,700 milligrams.
By comparison, the amount of CBD in best selling gummies is 10 milligrams per 2-gummy serving.
An adult would have to eat 340 gummies to get to the dosage the FDA used for its update.
Liver damage is also a risk with alcohol, acetaminophen, and a host of other things that people use every day
And yet millions of people have a glass of wine with dinner and take two Paracetomol painkiller tablets when they have headaches with no ill effects.
Because they aren’t taking 340 painkillers and they aren’t drinking a case of wine !! -
Excess, of anything, is usually harmful.
Such a warning, using extreme examples, should not detract from the excitement about CBD from Industrial Hemp
It has enthusiastic support among users and an increasing number of converts in Congress.
If the FDA can’t see its way clear to help the CBD industry grow, it appears Congress will.
What the FDA did right was send warning letters to 15 companies that are making unproven claims about CBD.
If a company wants to last, it must not rely on gimmicky claims or try to trick people.
Millions of people who use CBD Hemp can tell you how it has helped them.
The smart CBD companies are letting the press, which is not regulated by the FDA, make the public aware of the specific uses for CBD and letting consumers make their own decisions.
And because of the benefits people experience,the CBD Hemp industry is here to stay, no matter what the FDA says.
CBD Hemp Products - for 'Health Without The Highs'

It is not easy to find CBD Hemp products to try in the U.K. I am using and feel exhilarated,energised, by the Coffee with ground Hemp Seeds below.
Seeds from The Industrial Hemp plant contain traces of CBD & nil to negligible THC, so is legal.
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
Amazon UK. | Amazon USA |
CBD Gummies U.K | CBD Gummies USA |

Like I said before, every prescription drug that the FDA has ever approved has the “potential” to do harm. I agree that once again the dissemination of this information by the FDA and the media was completely absurd. I still believe that there are individuals and different governing bodies out there who want to do everything possible to keep the MJ (Marijuana/Cannabis) sector and any off-shoot of the MJ sector,i.e.CBD, from growing.
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