The FDA’s update is not an official regulation – it has no force of law. But it listed unproven concerns about the potential harm of CBD that could cause alarm among some using CBD products and those considering doing so.
The main claim is that CBD “can” cause liver injury. This could be true at high doses – The FDA’s warning about liver injury is based on testing that GW Pharmaceuticals PLC did for its CBD medicine, Epidiolex for Epilepsy.
In that testing, children received up to 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. For a 5 year old who is 40 pounds, that would be about 450 milligrams. Scaled up to a 150-pound adult, it would be about 1,700 milligrams.
By comparison, the amount of CBD in best selling gummies is 10 milligrams per 2-gummy serving.
An adult would have to eat 340 gummies to get to the dosage the FDA used for its update.
Liver damage is also a risk with alcohol, acetaminophen, and a host of other things that people use every day
And yet millions of people have a glass of wine with dinner and take two Paracetomol painkiller tablets when they have headaches with no ill effects.
Because they aren’t taking 340 painkillers and they aren’t drinking a case of wine !! -
Excess, of anything, is usually harmful.
Such a warning, using extreme examples, should not detract from the excitement about CBD from Industrial Hemp
It has enthusiastic support among users and an increasing number of converts in Congress.
If the FDA can’t see its way clear to help the CBD industry grow, it appears Congress will.
What the FDA did right was send warning letters to 15 companies that are making unproven claims about CBD.
If a company wants to last, it must not rely on gimmicky claims or try to trick people.
Millions of people who use CBD Hemp can tell you how it has helped them.
The smart CBD companies are letting the press, which is not regulated by the FDA, make the public aware of the specific uses for CBD and letting consumers make their own decisions.
And because of the benefits people experience,the CBD Hemp industry is here to stay, no matter what the FDA says.
CBD Hemp Products - for 'Health Without The Highs'

It is not easy to find CBD Hemp products to try in the U.K. I am using and feel exhilarated,energised, by the Coffee with ground Hemp Seeds below.
Seeds from The Industrial Hemp plant contain traces of CBD & nil to negligible THC, so is legal.
Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
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CBD Gummies U.K | CBD Gummies USA |

Like I said before, every prescription drug that the FDA has ever approved has the “potential” to do harm. I agree that once again the dissemination of this information by the FDA and the media was completely absurd. I still believe that there are individuals and different governing bodies out there who want to do everything possible to keep the MJ (Marijuana/Cannabis) sector and any off-shoot of the MJ sector,i.e.CBD, from growing.
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