My 93 year old scalp is less itchy already and a scaly patch is becoming smooth skin again.
And I feel so good too! Slept right through last night.Not even my usual 2am trip for a pee,which indicates that that's more habit than need!
I had forgotten how nutritionally valuable hemp seeds are even though I did a post on them here - Go to health benefit 3 for an explanation -
Natural health Benefit 3.
Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders such as Exzema
I don't have any pain for Cannabissimo Coffee Hemp Seed to affect, (My itchy scalp is an irritation not a pain) but here are a couple of buyer commemts who mention pain.There are many such comments on the Amazon page.comment 3 This coffee rocks. I really like it. I know it's got hemp in it and it eases some of my fibromyalgia. Might not be the same for everyone due to each fibromite has different pain levels in the morning. 11 people found this helpful ------
comment 4 You must try this coffee its a must Love I could find this on Amazon This coffee coffee is awesome It takes away all my pain: 6 people found this helpful
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