2 Will I get High from CBD?

No,unlike THC, it’s chemical cousin, CBD is non-psychoactive. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the compound in Cannabis proper that produces a euphoric effect because it binds to special CB1 and CB2 nerve receptors in the brain. CBD does not bind to the same receptors. CBD Hemp oil contains extremely low levels of THC,and does not cause any impairment or “high”. In fact, many users report a relaxing, calming effect from CBD usage, especially at higher dosages.
3 Is CBD Oil from Cannabis Proper? No. CBD oil is extracted from a strain of industrial hemp, which is part of the cannabis family. It is specifically cultivated to be high in CBD and low in THC. CBD Hemp can be legally sold and consumed in the United States and some other countries as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC ,which makes it safe and legal to use as a natural health supplement.
4 How is CBD extracted? There are a few methods to extract CBD from the natural hemp plant. The cheapest is to use solvents; harsh chemicals that separate the CBD from the plant leaf and stalk material. The safest and purest way is by CO2 Extraction. This is a chemical-free extraction process that uses only pressurized carbon dioxide to pull the desired phytonutrients (such as CBD) from the hemp plant. CO2 extraction is environmentally friendly and non-toxic.
5 Does CBD Cannabis Hemp have any medical qualities?
Yes. Scientific studies show CBD provides therapeutic medical benefits. According to a 2013 review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD soothes nausea and vomiting disorders, acts as an antioxidant to reduce free radicals that cause neurodegenerative disorders, and works as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and pain.CBD has also been used to benefit psychological issues, including reducing chronic anxiety and depression. Many users report better sleep and reduced feelings of stress almost immediately after beginning taking CBD. The National Cancer Institute has published studies which show cannabidiol may have a protective effect against cancer by reducing the spread of some types of cancer cells. The research investigated the benefits of CBD treatment with patients diagnosed with breast, colorectal and lung cancers.
6 Can CBD help with Seizures?
Yes.In 2014 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted researchers at San Francisco University of California, permission to study the effects of purified cannabidiol on children and young adults with uncontrolled seizures. Study participants were between the ages of 1 and 30 years and all suffered with symptoms that resisted conventional treatment. Many of the participants had Dravet Syndrome which causes frequent, disabling seizures on a daily basis. The results showed a sharp reduction of seizure frequency and severity. CBD is also commonly prescribed by veterinarians for animals with seizure disorders. CBD showed amazing effects for sufferers of seizures and other neurological disorders, as well as showing neuro-protective effects against the ailments - Several cases highlighted - Most Recent - Cannabis oil mum: 'I'm forced to live abroad to save my child' Link to BBC article -https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48447082
(Note - Some epilepsy cases require CBD Oil with more than 0.3% THC content,so has to be prescribed by specialist doctors.Most U.K Specialists are reluctant to prescribe!)
Update to above - Why doctors are reluctant to prescribe a legal product.
Just as in the U.K. many Doctors, in States like Ohio that have legalized medical cannabis, are reluctant to prescribe it until the federal government also legalizes it for all of the USA
In the U.K. the government have legalised it for epilepsy in children,and it must be prescribed by specialist doctors, but most of those will not do so until NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - make evidence-based recommendations.
Update Cannabis-based medicine for epilepsy available on NHS from January 2020 For more detail read my post here
7 Does CBD Oil contain pesticides or other harmful ingredients?
It is vitally important to only consume CBD oil sourced from producers who use organic standards industrial hemp that is 100% free of any pesticides, bacteria, fungi, harmful solvents, impurities and synthetic or artificial ingredients. Some low-cost sellers of CBD products use hemp from sources that can be high in heavy metals and solvent residue. Quality CBD products should always be third-party tested. It’s even better if the company does terpene analysis and cannabinoid profiling to make sure the product provides the highest quality and ratio of active CBD to hemp carrier oil. The CBDPure Company Products are Independently Third Party Lab.Tested.
8.What is the Endocannabinoid (EC) System?
The EC system consists of a series of receptors in the human body that are configured specifically to accept cannabinoids, especially CBD and THC. The two primary types of receptors that bind to cannabinoids are CB1 and CB2. Because CB1 and CB2 receptors are present throughout the body, the effects of CBD are systemic. The EC system is a natural part of the human body, and is responsible for the therapeutic effects of CBD across multiple body organs.
9 Should you smoke CBD?
While cannabis strains like CBD OG are usually smoked (CBD OG is a cannabis strain popular for its strong euphoric THC content),most CBD products are consumed orally, applied topically or vaporized (“vaped”). This is ideal for most people who do not want to expose their lungs to harmful smoke. The preferred method is CBD oil consumed orally since the effect is prolonged and has long-lasting health benefits and no lung or skin irritation. By taking CBD oil orally, the oil is absorbed directly into the blood vessels and lymphatics of the mouth for more rapid absorption. The effects are less potent with smoking/vaping, or topical use.
10.Does Volume and Concentration Matter?
One of the most important buying criteria is how much CBD is in each product! Not all CBD Products contain the same quantity of CBD, which are typically measured in two quantities – The CBD quantity in the hemp oil carrier quantity - Do look for the quantity of CBD that is present in a product. Many high quality products use full-spectrum hemp oil as the mixing or carrier agent for CBD products, but do not be misled by large volumes of “milligrams” that may be referring to the total hemp carrier oil, but not measuring the specific active CBD content. CBD products from the CBDPure Company state the quantities on the label, verified by independent testing.
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