Friday, 30 March 2018

Bitcoin Price Dip -Just Girding Up it's Loins I Think

Bitcoin Price Dip - Just Girding Up it's Loins, I Think

For a big leap higher. Will history repeat itself.

March 2017 Bitcoin - $850 for 1 Bitcoin.

Then onward and upward, reaching  $19,000 December 2017. Then the price dip -

March 2018 - $8000 for 1 Bitcoin

My own small Bitcoin account value - 

March 2017 $74 -  i.e  I own a fraction of a Bitcoin

March 2018. $2000.  I own a bigger fraction of a Bitcoin

And Sam Volkering thinks it is about to happen again.Here is his reasoning -

Breaking news: 80,000 shops to accept crypto!

For cryptos to become more than a speculative fad they need to gain traction in the real world.

No question.

On Tuesday, they got that traction.

The biggest crypto-coins on the market will soon be accepted in 80,000 shops around Europe. This is a huge step forward.

As reported in The Independent Republic:

“A new partnership between Coingate and Prestashop will allow for the use of cryptocurrency in payments in as many as 80,000 merchants in Europe. This means that consumers can use pretty much any cryptocurrency in the Coingate portfolio, to pay for goods and services…”

This is an important move toward widespread crypto adoption. When everyday shoppers can pick up goods using alt-coins… the financial revolution becomes legitimate.

Connect the dots… and you should see where all this is heading:

In December 2017 Japan declared that bitcoin can be used as a legally accepted form of payment.

A bill has just been introduced to Russian parliament to allow crypto payments.

Some banks in Australia are allowing their customers to buy into crypto via their accounts.

The wind behind this movement is blowing strong.

And the market dip we’re seeing now is a flashing green light, in my view. Buy the dip or I think you will come to rue it.

You might read a lot of gloom and doom about the current drop in the crypto market… but let me show you something that I hope will put all that into perspective for a moment.

Let’s look at the price of bitcoin (a good proxy for the market in general) in March of every year since 2010:

March 2010: $0.003
March 2011: $1
March 2012: $5
March 2013: $80
March 2014: $600
March 2015: $250
March 2016: $400
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results
March 2017: $950
March 2018: $8,000

Those complaining about the dip need to wake up! If you’re an investor out to make money – this is the dream. But it’s REAL!

This is the fastest-rising asset class in history… and its evolution is on fast forward:

Two years ago most people had no idea what it was… now it’s being championed in US congress, accepted in 80k stores in Europe and some see it climbing as high as $500k or even $1m a coin by 2020!

I cannot be any clearer: buy this dip or take a gut punch of what I believe will be bitter regret.

Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results. 

Click here immediately and I’ll show you how to claim your stake in this crypto revolution… and one coin I’m backing to hit 22,200% gains.

I’m serious. I haven’t been as sure as the long-term potential of anything in my entire investing life. I wasn't experienced or savvy enough to invest in pre-2000s tech stocks...I was only 16 in 2000...and thought maybe that was the defining opportunity of our lifetime.

I was wrong. The crypto uprising creams it by a country mile. Hopefully we’ll see the next soaring-phase of the boom very soon…everything tells me pressure is building under the market right now, and could be ready to blow up again.

But if not, even if it takes another one or two or five years… I think the price climbs will make the wealth accumulated during the oil boom, the tech boom, the gold boom, all of it… look downright meagre in comparison.

Let me show you how to stake a little sum – money you can afford to lose - in this ready to erupt again market.

I’ve put together a special Crypto Wealth Package you can get your hands on immediately. Claim yours now, grab a stake in this unprecedented financial boom and discover:
How to buy, store and keep your crypto investments secure

Why the next financial crisis could push cryptos through the roof

A special five part beginner’s guide to investing in cryptocurrencies

How to tackle the high risks of this volatile market

The name of the coin I’m backing to soar higher than bitcoin…
Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.
and potentially turn every £250 you invest into £55,000!

That’s the potential here – and I’m offering to show you how to snatch it with both hands.

Are you up for it? I hope so…

Because NOW is the time to move. Strike when cryptos are dipped down to these insane bargain prices.

Click here now, claim your Crypto Wealth Package, and dive in to the biggest wealth eruption of all time.

Do it… take the leap… it’s not a big one, but it’s one that could make a huge impact on your money. In 6-12 months I think you’re going to look back at this as the single greatest financial decision you ever made.

Especially if you move fast while prices are so low. My eight years of experience in the alt-coin market tells me it won’t last.

Sam Volkering
Southbank Investment Research

Investing is speculative. Spend only what you won't miss.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Cryptocurrencies – A Blast of Reality!

Cryptocurrencies – A Blast of Reality! My Post On Steemit

Image Credit Nick Anderson

Spring sunshine morning here. Makes everything and everyone seem better after a freezing snowy fortnight.

I was housebound, and when I did venture out I got stuck on an ice patch on the pavement – Like - a friend said, - ‘A Stranded Vale’ –. My surname being Vale.

When we had our restaurant the Chinese owner of the shop next door used to call me Mr Whale, because he had difficulty with his Vs.

From time to time I give some thought to the puzzle of governments unconcern with the threat of de-centralized independent Cryptocurrencies ending their previously unchallenged control and monopoly.

All the claims of Cryptos being independent of government and bank control and bringing the first ever serious challenge, and the ways and means, to end their dictatorship, seems not to faze them one jot.

Why – because I think they are confident they will be able to control with regulation almost all activity in the currency.

I say almost all, because human nature is such that there has always been and will forever be some who will seek to beat whatever system. Smuggling. Money Laundering. Black Economy. Nothing changes there.

Already we see Financial Exchanges requiring a licence to carry out cryptocurrency buying and selling, so records must be kept, and monthly or quarterly returns made under severe penalty for not complying.

Person to Person transactions – money transfer unseen by the prying eyes of our lords and masters, is possible of course, and originally, I thought the same with purchases from shops and businesses too.

Peer to Peer independence is possible there, but just as government have hogtied the Exchanges by requiring a licence to operate, so businesses will have to keep financial records, as they do already, but with an additional requirement for Cryptocurrency dealings recorded.

Think VAT & Sales Tax. Separate records must be kept, and regular returns made now. So it is a short step to applying a similar recording system for ins and outs of cryptocurrency .

When our government decided to charge Vat on hot take way meals, with cold left Vat free, I thought how on earth are they going to check the validity of the returns on that?

We could record all take away (To Go) meals as cold and return no tax to HM government.

But they control by exception. Most humans are honest and law abiding, so a pattern is established by businesses trading in the same sector i.e. hot and cold take away food.

The same applies to businesses big and small, and to all goods and services. Parameters are established, with deviation below average for the industry, flagging an alert requiring closer inspection.

Returns from businesses that show exception from the average will stand out like a sore thumb. They will then be under a scrutiny order, with plain clothes inspectors covertly observing footfall and sales activity.

If their observations suggest further scrutiny, a site visit from a tax inspector to examine books and records comes next.

And that is something businesses don't want. A visit from tax inspectors to examine books ! Because even if there is no wrong doing, and nothing to fear,it is a totally disruptive experience.

So, to Jeff, and others, believing that Cryptocurrency will bring about a Rule & Regulation free Utopia – I say - dream on! - Government legal protection racket will continue.

Big Brother, I feel, is Forever.

bitcoin cryptocurrencies art travel business
yesterday by ijavee (58)$0.33
3 votes
[-]kenny-crane (63)  ·  yesterday
I'm glad your reality is warmer and more conducive to outdoor walks than it has been!

Good analysis on regulating cryptos. Some people actually embrace some regulation as it makes the masses feel that the space is safer to enter.

I think that since there are hundreds of cryptos with different properties, different ones will fill different needs. Instead of having one kind of money, we'll have a variety to choose from, and that freedom to choose should be a good thing for people. Some coins are planning to stay outside the reach of Big Brother. We'll see how it all plays out. Interesting times!

[-]ijavee (58)  ·  23 hours ago
Thank you Kenny. I should have said I do think another currency is a good thing.Competition will improve the long established current system,and encouraging words about improvement and innovation are already being heard.

I don't believe any of the genuine newcomers will be able to operate free of government awareness and requirement to keep and provide audited financial records.

I agree that law abiding citizens,especially the weak,elderly and infirm appreciate most of the rules that are the foundation of a peaceful society.

1 vote

Monday, 19 March 2018

Great Expectations Revised !

I haven't been on Blogger for a while,but I've been busy on Steemit & Facebook -

A great deal of fun is being made of the collapse of Cryptocurrency prices in general.This picture says it all -

I think it's funny,but I also think Crypto investors will have the last laugh.I'm staying in.I repeat that I have not invested any cash.

My Bitcoin (BTC) and Steem Dollar (SBD) holdings have been built from writing on Steemit and the overall price growth.

Yes,I'm still well ahead from where my account stood last April - then valued at USD 78.

Then Bitcoin and Cryptos including my SBD took off and rose steadily,despite some big drop frighteners.. Squeaky Bum times as Sir Alex Ferguson would say.

During this spell I exchanged some SBD for BTC bitcoin and in December my total account was valued at just under $4000.

January saw the start of the price decline and today March 19th 2018 my total Bitcoin & Steem Dollar holding is  valued at $1200.

So I'm staying with it. After all from $78 in April to $1200 today is still good.

And I have a feeling that history may repeat itself and come April Cryptos will be on the march again.

Watch this space !

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