Cryptocurrencies – A Blast of Reality! My Post On Steemit
Image Credit Nick Anderson
I was housebound, and when I did venture out I got stuck on an ice patch on the pavement – Like - a friend said, - ‘A Stranded Vale’ –. My surname being Vale.
When we had our restaurant the Chinese owner of the shop next door used to call me Mr Whale, because he had difficulty with his Vs.
From time to time I give some thought to the puzzle of governments unconcern with the threat of de-centralized independent Cryptocurrencies ending their previously unchallenged control and monopoly.
All the claims of Cryptos being independent of government and bank control and bringing the first ever serious challenge, and the ways and means, to end their dictatorship, seems not to faze them one jot.
Why – because I think they are confident they will be able to control with regulation almost all activity in the currency.
I say almost all, because human nature is such that there has always been and will forever be some who will seek to beat whatever system. Smuggling. Money Laundering. Black Economy. Nothing changes there.
Already we see Financial Exchanges requiring a licence to carry out cryptocurrency buying and selling, so records must be kept, and monthly or quarterly returns made under severe penalty for not complying.
Person to Person transactions – money transfer unseen by the prying eyes of our lords and masters, is possible of course, and originally, I thought the same with purchases from shops and businesses too.
Peer to Peer independence is possible there, but just as government have hogtied the Exchanges by requiring a licence to operate, so businesses will have to keep financial records, as they do already, but with an additional requirement for Cryptocurrency dealings recorded.
Think VAT & Sales Tax. Separate records must be kept, and regular returns made now. So it is a short step to applying a similar recording system for ins and outs of cryptocurrency .
When our government decided to charge Vat on hot take way meals, with cold left Vat free, I thought how on earth are they going to check the validity of the returns on that?
We could record all take away (To Go) meals as cold and return no tax to HM government.
But they control by exception. Most humans are honest and law abiding, so a pattern is established by businesses trading in the same sector i.e. hot and cold take away food.
The same
applies to businesses big and small, and to all goods and services. Parameters
are established, with deviation below average for the industry, flagging an
alert requiring closer inspection.
Returns from
businesses that show exception from the average will stand out like a sore
thumb. They will then be under a scrutiny order, with plain clothes inspectors
covertly observing footfall and sales activity.
If their
observations suggest further scrutiny, a site visit from a tax inspector to examine
books and records comes next.
And that is something businesses don't want. A visit from tax inspectors to examine books ! Because even if there is no wrong doing, and nothing to fear,it is a totally disruptive experience.
So, to Jeff, and others, believing that Cryptocurrency will bring about a Rule & Regulation free Utopia – I say - dream on! - Government legal protection racket will continue.
Big Brother, I feel, is Forever.
yesterday by ijavee (58)$0.33
3 votes
[-]kenny-crane (63) · yesterdayI'm glad your reality is warmer and more conducive to outdoor walks than it has been!
Good analysis on regulating cryptos. Some people actually embrace some regulation as it makes the masses feel that the space is safer to enter.
I think that since there are hundreds of cryptos with different properties, different ones will fill different needs. Instead of having one kind of money, we'll have a variety to choose from, and that freedom to choose should be a good thing for people. Some coins are planning to stay outside the reach of Big Brother. We'll see how it all plays out. Interesting times!
[-]ijavee (58) · 23 hours ago
Thank you Kenny. I should have said I do think another currency is a good thing.Competition will improve the long established current system,and encouraging words about improvement and innovation are already being heard.
I don't believe any of the genuine newcomers will be able to operate free of government awareness and requirement to keep and provide audited financial records.
I agree that law abiding citizens,especially the weak,elderly and infirm appreciate most of the rules that are the foundation of a peaceful society.
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