Thursday, 11 April 2019

Brexit - The Answer - Simples!

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The result of the 2016 referendum was ‘52% For’ and ‘48% Against’.

Let’s clarify this, in case anyone has missed the message this result conveys.

This 4% difference actually means that if 2% of the voting public had voted in the opposite direction,
the result would have been ‘50% For’ and ‘50% Against’.

Yes, that’s right, A DRAW.

This was never a credible margin. This result cried out “We are undecided. We don’t know”

Had the referendum terms required a significant majority to qualify as an acceptable result, none of
the ensuing chaos would have occurred and quite right too. What the voters demonstrated, for
whatever reason, was indecision.

There is the constant argument that the ‘will of the people’ must be observed….. Really?

That’s another way of saying ‘the will of 52% of the British people’ must be observed.
Which is another way of saying ‘the will of 48% of the British people’ must not be observed.

And here we have the REAL problem:

There is an almost equal body of people who want to ‘Leave’ as those who would prefer to ‘Stay.’
The margin so miniscule that no government can proceed, really believing that they are carrying out
the definitive wishes of the people. Whatever the result, virtually half the electorate will feel let down.

The politicians are a reflection of the electorate which is understandable. Demonstrating the same
indecision and differences of opinion which brings us to a simple conclusion.

There is no answer! There never has been because the referendum result was too close. Nobody can
resolve a matter when half of the votes are ‘yes’ and half ‘no’.

So, ……………Accept this –it’s indisputable.

The solution is not for me to say, but based on this content it seems that an equitable way forward
would be to acknowledge these observations that the process is no longer viable because it
disadvantages the wishes of virtually half the country whatever the outcome and stop all negotiations
based on this appraisal and instead, work towards unscrambling this mess.

You never know, such morally commendable and empathetic action might be acknowledged as an honourable solution for the good of everyone.

Simples !

Written by Adrian Lucas.

Curated by jibberjabber.

Image Credit Christian Adams on Twitter

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