Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Cannabis & Presidents!

CBD from Cannabis Hemp benefits & suffers from belonging to the Cannabis family.

 It gains from the enormous publicity surrounding cannabis generally but suffers from being associated with the cannabis black sheep of the family.

A cannabis offspring which gives an intoxicating high that many seek and enjoy, and criminals exploit, but if taken too frequently, or with too high a THC content, can lead to dependency and health damage (THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol - The psychoactive plant chemical that gives the ‘drunk’ effect).

Cannabis products with more than 0.3% THC content are illegal in most countries, except for certain health conditions when they can be legally prescribed by specialist doctors.

Whereas - the CBD Hemp strain from Cannabis - is the goody goody of the family. Retaining most of the health-giving plant chemical benefits of cannabis, with negligible – under 0.3% THC content. 

Hemp products, including CBD from Hemp, are legal in most countries.

Cannabis Hemp is a very valuable and versatile source of good things. It is used extensively to make rope, sails, clothing, paper, oil and medical products.

What goes around comes around. Cannabis has been in and out of favour for thousands of years. This latest return to acceptance is likely to be permanent. Modern plant science has identified and separated the beneficial from the harmful.

The only possible block to cannabis coming completely into the open, is the lack of standardisation of laws, taxes, regulation and enforcement in countries, and even from state to state.

The beneficiaries of the muddle are the illegal opportunists. They gave cannabis a bad name in the first place. The black market which was expected to disappear with legalisation will continue to thrive without clear laws and enforcement.

Simply because substantial costs are incurred to operate within the law. An expensive but necessary requirement is independent analysis of cannabis products to verify THC content if any. Which is why non tested black market cannabis products can be so dangerous.

But it was forever thus -

Since the 1700s, cannabis was available throughout North America in a wide variety of medications and general items. In personal correspondence, it’s been revealed that former Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and James Madison, as well as Benjamin Franklin and Mary Todd Lincoln, all smoked hashish. 

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both used their immense personal wealth to grow vast acreages of hemp at their estates, contributing to their stature in the colonies, with Washington even referring to it as a staple crop of America.

Cannabis saw a major surge in popularity after 1839 thanks to William Brooke O’Shaughnessy, whose research while in India helped its image both in Europe and the New World. It was most popular during the “snake oil” phase of medications in the late 1800s, being used as an ingredient in a wide range of tinctures and drinks used to cure and treat numerous types of ailments

In the U.K. in 1890, Sir Joshua Reynolds, the physician to Queen Victoria, wrote a summary in The Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, touting cannabis’ medicinal benefits. 

The Queen herself utilized it for her menstrual cramps. In 1892, Sir William Osler authored the first textbook of Internal Medicine, and advised that cannabis was the most effective treatment for migraines.

Thank goodness we have history to give guidance and inform. It gives us the benefit of hindsight. We now know that the medical benefits of cannabis can be separated from the harmful.  For the future of cannabis and those it can benefit, that is a wonderful thing.

Cannabis Hemp A Natural Health Giver  See Products at this link -

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