Thursday, 30 April 2020

Oxygen Saves

The news is dominated by the Corona Virus. Last evening - Wednesday April 29th, the BBC news presenter said 'The frantic race to find an effective search for a vaccine goes on world wide - the only thing to show a response so far is oxygen.

It jerked me out of my slump. Hydrogen Peroxide is oxygen! As an alternative medicine believer, I know about oxygen therapy, adding to my excitement my email inbox pinged, delivering an email from a long standing good friend, who also follows natural healing therapies.

 'Did you hear on the news about oxygen?

We discussed the famous book by Madison Cavanaugh, which comprehensively covers Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies.

The information in the book may be the closest thing to a panacea for a Pandemic yet.

It excites because the simple Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygen therapy may well be what it's supporters call “The world’s greatest healing miracle of all time.

It may be hard to believe that any single therapy, substance or element, could have such a far-reaching and broad spectrum efficacy when it comes to curing diseases.

 You may think, ‘How could anything so simple actually be the answer to virtually all our complex health problems?’

But, simple concepts are often the most powerful, and  often the most ignored. This is particularly true in the health care field.

 Over the last seven centuries, we have been programmed to regard the curing or healing of disease as a complicated science, best left in the hands of medical practitioners.

You will learn from this book there is a simple, inexpensive therapy that can be self-administered at home in less than a minute—and costs about 1½ cents per day.

An estimated 15,000 European medical doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths have provided this powerful therapy to over 10 million people over the past 70 years to treat over 50 different diseases, but in the U.S., it has been relatively unknown because of reasons that are in the book.

It gives the history of medicine and how it evolved into the overcomplicated, complex system of healing that is practiced today.

The condensed retelling of events, shows that the process of ‘curing’ disease need not be the expensive and often invasive procedure it is.

The human body is composed of 70%-80% water—and water is 89% oxygen by weight. 

Therefore, oxygen comprises 62% to 71% of the body, and is the body’s most abundant and essential element. Ninety (90%) percent of all our biological energy comes from oxygen.

 It is the essential element that the human body needs in order to not only survive, but also have optimum levels of energy, function properly and become more productive.

Consider, for instance, that humans can survive for weeks and even months without food, and live for many days without water. But we cannot survive more than a few minutes without oxygen.

It is surprising, therefore, that people find it hard to believe that the very element, which is required by all humans in order to live is also the secret to keeping us disease-free.

Medical professionals, in particular, would find the notion of curing virtually all diseases with oxygen rather simplistic, or lacking merit.

Oxygen supplementation has been used to ease many health conditions, such as emphysema and pneumonia that impair the body’s ability to have a sufficient intake of gaseous oxygen.

Hyperbaric (high-pressure) oxygen has been used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene and decompression sickness. 

Oxygen is also used for life support situations on patients who require mechanical ventilation, as in the present virus pandemic.

However, because oxygen has seldom been used in the medical setting as a first line of defence for preventing, let alone “curing” diseases, it has never been accorded its rightful place as the cure for virtually all diseases.

This book will provide solid proof that the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency.

 In fact, many of the elaborate (and expensive) therapies offered by organized medicine take advantage of oxygen's effect on diseased cells.

 Most conventional cancer therapies, for instance, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, produce oxygen-activated events that kill cancer cells.

But those drugs cost tens of thousands times more than the pennies-a-day self-administered therapy presented in this book.

Furthermore, the Hydrogen Peroxide (Food Grade) therapy if used as instructed, does not come with any of the adverse effects typically associated with toxic drugs and other radical medical therapies.

Discover how dozens of AIDS patients have reversed their death sentences and are now living normal lives as a result of this little-known therapy involving oxygen; How all disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, toxins and pathogens are eradicated in the presence of sufficient amounts of oxygen in the blood and cells; How a great number of diseases ranging from colds and the common flu to malaria and cholera have been cured with this therapy.

Learn how you can oxygenate your body using a remarkably simple procedure without the aid of a doctor,—and duplicate the spectacular healing results of institutional oxygen therapy at home in one minute or less.

  However, here’s one word of caution: Do NOT attempt to use hydrogen peroxide for disease prevention or cure until you read this entire book.

Although the FDA has given hydrogen peroxide the GRAS designation (which means generally recognized as safe), hydrogen peroxide is a reactive chemical that is toxic when concentrated, and can cause health hazards if not used properly. 

When diluted to therapeutic levels, however, it is infinitely beneficial to health. (See section titled Home Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Chapter 4 for complete instructions.)

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can now be bought ready diluted to a 3% therapeutic level.
Handy information booklet enclosed.
Read instructions carefully before use.
For Amazon USA Click Images Below

Unlike other cures that may only be applicable to a certain segment of the population, oxygen therapy via food-grade hydrogen peroxide has universal application in humans (with the exception of people who have organ transplants).

 It can even be used with pets.

Although the fundamental concept behind the one-minute oxygen therapy is based on a centuries-old truth, it has just been rediscovered and repurposed for use in today’s world.

 As with any newly discovered truth, it must necessarily pass through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Then, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. The truth contained in this book is already self-evident to people in many parts of the world.

Many have awakened to the fact that a simple at-home procedure involving an oxygenating substance represents the “cutting edge” of a re-discovered natural healing.

 As more people discover this safe, effective, natural and low cost healing way of treating both minor health problems as well as the most devastating diseases facing mankind today, including AIDS, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, it may not only improve the quality of people’s lives but also help to solve an international health care crisis.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of the book are based upon research conducted by the author, unless otherwise noted. The publisher and the author, the distributors and bookstores, present this information for educational purposes only. We are not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment and the information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Therefore, the reader should be made aware that this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. and the author encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read.

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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

First Love (Letter) That Could Never Be.

I was called for Army National Service at age 18 in 1944.After infantry training, I was posted to Burma and embarked on the converted luxury liner troopship ‘Monarch of Bermuda’.

They made sure there was not much luxury to soften us. Head to Tail hammock sleeping.

Smelly feet wafting stronger the nearer we got to the tropical heat of India.

The cinema was used for film afternoons, before hammock hanging time, and hearing ‘Road to Morocco’ brings that memorable pong/song ! - back.

Here It is – Pity it’s not in Smelly Vision.

 I remember standing on a parade ground in Bombay (Mumbai now) on my 19th birthday – (November 1945) thinking what a transformation in one short amazing year.

From country bumkin, who had barely travelled outside  Ocle Pychard/Burley Gate village, to the Far East via Gibraltar, Malta, and The Suez Canal.

I have the army to thank for travel and mind expanding riches that I would never have afforded otherwise.

I left behind in Blighty my first ever steady girlfriend, and we exchanged weekly letters for several months – SWALK on the envelope  flap – all those kind of lover’s acronym messages.

2 years is a long time for young love to be apart, and sadly it withered.

Although the song ’ It Was Only A Winter’s Tale’ is not of that time or temperature, hearing it always takes me back to our sweltering army tent in Burmese jungle land, receiving the SWALK less letter, and feeling an icy stab of chilling realisation that my first love, the most impressionable strongest, romantic, emotional love of all, was not to be, a happy ending.

And I would never now send a letter with BURMA on the flap! - 'Be Upstairs Ready My Angel

Ever since, at this time of year I wistfully think of – ‘A Winter's Tale & A Love Not Meant To Be’.

Hankies ready ? This emotional video portrays the feeling, eye moistening well. (Sniff - I'm choked already!)

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Want To Start a Business ?

A few days ago someone asked on Facebook 'Does any one remember a café in the street behind Tesco's (Now McDonald's)in Hereford in the 1970s?

It was soon identified as our family business - The Marches Health Food Shop & Restaurant -24-30 Union Street.Hereford. - 1972 - 2004.

And prompted hundreds of glowing comments and fond memories. Typical comment displayed here with all available on file.

Our family Natural Health & Nutrition Business, wasn't originally intended - 

Like many ambitious people I had a few failures in business start up attempts - A garage stocked with Holiday Magic Cosmetics. Turned out it was a Pyramid Scheme.

Experiments then, freezing food snacks. Saw this as a cert winner, and registered the name Frozsnacks.

Couldn't find a suitable factory premises within my very limited budget, and as a last possibility, walked down Union Street Hereford to look at some units in the Bastion Mews.

On my way I saw a 'For Sale' sign over an empty shop. And thought it would make a good health food shop for a couple who had an impressive health food shop in Worcester, and said if I saw a suitable premises in Hereford to let them know.

When I told them, they decided they didn't now want to expand into Hereford.

I didn't see myself as a shopkeeper, but fate seemed to keep nudging me that way.

 First, I was surprised by the low price for the shop, and then when my savings and bank loan was still £1000 short, the seller (Harding's Ironmongers) loaned me the shortfall for 12 months.

If ever something was meant to be ! - Obviously, It was, and now it's history.

Telling you the above is prompted by the thought that the virus crisis will cause many to think of starting a business from home.

A younger member or two of my family are thinking of entering the health and nutrition business by updating the very popular vegetarian recipes that were created by my late wife Sylvia.

I think CBD Hemp Seeds should be the modern ingredient option as well (they are classed as nuts - Click here to see my article on Hemp Seeds CBD

My thinking is influenced by the Wall Street money men, who think CBD from the Seeds of the Hemp Plant will justify the natural health benefits it contains as shown in these graphics -

Towards that end I am helping them by test marketing CBD Hemp Coffee.

I drink it regularly now. Read my review here 

Anyway, the lesson from the Marches Health Food Shop history above is - Expect to succeed, but be prepared for failure.

Look at it this way. A 100 metre runner wanting to get under 9 seconds, does not look at 9.2 seconds as a failure -

But as "not quite there yet". So keep trying! And Thumbs Up!

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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Well, Something's Doing It !

I've been drinking this CBD Hemp Seed Coffee since November last.

Click Here for my Review

Here is my latest order confirmation from Amazon.

Developed by Fitness Coffee, this delicious Cannabissimo Coffee blend is the result of a highly proprietary manufacturing process.

The coffee beans are harvested from the lush fields of South America and are blended with Cannabis Sativa seeds from the Industrial Hemp plant - See picture of Industrial Hemp Plant Trials lower down this post!

During roasting process, we ensure that the seeds fully retain their precious substances and nutritional properties.

Coffee is then infused with Hemp to make an even more unique blend.

 Our coffee is 100% natural and can be enjoyed daily. Try this delicious blend at home or bring it into your office! Your co-workers will thank you,thank you,thank you!

Cannabissimo Coffee is a premium, full flavoured blend of hemp flowers,Hemp seeds and the finest roasted coffee beans (Arabica 90% Robusta 10%). Product consists of 92% roasted coffee and 8% hemp seeds and flowers.

Our Revolutionary formula that is rich in taste and infused with the healthy properties of Cannabis Sativa hemp  seeds and flowers, which are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and ALL essential amino acids.

CBD Hemp Seed Coffee.U.K.

CBD Hemp Seed Coffee USA. If clickable image is not here.There is also one on the right sidebar

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And my Dog Blog

Monday, 20 April 2020

Why Am I Not Prime Minister?

The government have indicated that the lockdown will end by a phased re-start of the economy, with the construction industry and some non essential shops and businesses opening first, to join the already open essential outlets.

Vulnerable groups, such as over 70s age, and people with existing health issues, will continue compulsorily self isolating for up to 12 months.

But I told them that was the best way to deal with it back on March 22nd - Post Title - 'Throwing Baby out with the Bathwater'

I quote -
I worry that shutting the economy down totally will lose the country its competitive place in vital markets.

With America,UK and other leading economies,except China, as I understand, closing their economies as well, a China monopoly of trade will get stronger by the day.

Why not Isolate in stages? keep the least vulnerable,the young and fit working to keep the economy going,and keep the elderly and other most vulnerable,and likely to be first in need of hospital care, isolated in their homes?

And on April 3rd in an update to my post - 'Throwing the baby out with the bathwater' - I quote -
  'Faced with what many there believe will be a manageable illness, Sweden has decided – for now at least – that lockdown with its threat to health & world economies represents a greater risk

The daily Corona Virus statistics showing the majority of infections and deaths to be in the over age 60s, and vulnerable groups such as those with underlying health conditions,then compulsory Lockdown Lite would apply to those categories only.

They would be supported with their daily needs and financially.

This would keep the economy running and better able to support the vulnerable groups'.

But seriously, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, I am a supporter. I believe you are a natural born leader,
in need of 'The Hour'.

'Cometh the Hour - Cometh The Man'.

The Hour has Come!

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Thursday, 16 April 2020

Bitcoin - Now or Never - Update Sunday April 19th.

I have some Bitcoin. About $360 worth today Sunday April 19 2020. It was about 400 dollars worth on the day of this original post Thursday April 16.2020. Just 3 days ago.

Ever the optimist I see this as the Bitcoin tiger crouching down prior to a giant leap up. I can't be more precise because the price is very volatile.

December 2017 my Bitcoin holding rose to around the $4000 value mark, but has gone downhill since. ‎‏‎

I'm consoled that I haven't invested any money in Bitcoin, only my time spent writing articles on Steemit, where you are paid in Steem Dollars (Stock symbol SBD)Which I exchange/sell for Bitcoin.

$400 may seem small reward for the hundreds of articles involving countless hours of writing ,but the main value for me, a widower living alone, is it provides a purpose, an invaluable remedy for loneliness.

It could yet pay off financially too, if the article below by Dan Held, an expert on the Crypto-currency Exchange, Kraken, comes true.

Predictions of Bitcoin lift-off have been made many times before, which partly accounts for the volatility. But the Corona Virus threat to the world economy causing government money borrowing on a scale never ever seen, will cause nervous holders of capital to look for alternative safe stores for some or all of their money.

 Gold and silver are traditionally the hedge as stores of value. Now though, crypto currencies offer an additional alternative. They are called independent Peer to Peer currencies. I can pay you, or a supplier of goods or services, that accept cryptocurrency, as more and more shops and services are doing, direct, without involving a bank. (Be aware - Governments' are talking of making crypto currencies illegal - But can they? Dare they? The Genie is out of the bottle?)

Now read the article by Dan Held, The director of business development at Kraken.

He believes that the environment is ripe for Bitcoin to begin a major long-term bull run.

In a new YouTube interview with Lark Davis, aka the Crypto Lark, Dan Held explains why he thinks Bitcoin’s time has come. So far, Held argues, Bitcoin has managed to weather the worst of the coronavirus pandemic without the need for intervention.

“We’ve got a halvening happening in a few weeks time in May. We’ve got a huge macro backdrop where banks are literally printing a million dollars a second, which happened a few weeks ago with the US, the Fed and the Treasury.

And so, there couldn’t be a better moment for Bitcoin than now. I’ve waited eight years to see this.” The crypto exchange executive says the industry as a whole has grown immensely over the years, citing the rise in the number of investors holding onto BTC (BTC is the stock symbol  for Bitcoin) as well as an increase in mainstream coverage from outlets like CNBC.

According to Held, the current macro backdrop is fuel for the world’s leading cryptocurrency, considering its limited total supply of 21 million units. Optimistic about Bitcoin’s future, Held points to a contrarian argument that BTC could begin a “super cycle” and move far beyond even the most bullish predictions.

 “We’re seeing a scenario where there’s a literal infinite amount of fiat that will be printed, and there’s only 21 million Bitcoin. It’s hard to predict, but long-term, maybe late 2021, is when a lot of the models predict what we might see in historical cycles.

The classic models show us at $80,000 to $300,000 per Bitcoin. (Today,April 16th at around $6000 Per Bitcoin) We could see that. We could see something a little crazier. I call this the Bitcoin super cycle.

We could see Bitcoin enter a super cycle where everyone’s seen that graph of Bitcoin’s price – that log price graph, and you get a little boom bust, boom bust, boom bust.

But what if [BTC] went a level step up on a log chart? Remember the wheelbarrow image of hyper inflation money needed to buy a loaf of bread in Germany after the 1914-18 war?

If the world truly fears their money being devalued – every institution, every sovereign wealth fund, every central bank – if they all truly fear that, Bitcoin’s not going to stop at $100,000 or $300,000 per Bitcoin. It could go up to a million or two.”

Despite his optimism, Held warns that Bitcoin is not for everyone, and says anyone considering an investment in the extremely risky asset must be prepared for BTC to lose 85% of its value at any time. (Golden Rule - Only invest money you can afford to lose)

“After you get through your first time of losing 85% of your net worth – that’s happened to me three times. Early 2013, late 2013 and 2017… It’s really hard to hold Bitcoin.

The volatility is so intense… Satoshi Nakomoto(The inventor of Bitcoin)actually hypothesized that Bitcoin’s intense volatility would act as a viral loop bringing people into Bitcoin.

He said, as the price increases, more people [will] become aware of it, and wanting to take advantage of the increasing value they buy in, which then further pumps up the price and brings more awareness.

And he wrote this before Bitcoin was worth a penny. So Satoshi very intimately understood human psychology. And all my bet really is,will people choose to preserve their wealth? Which is almost unanimously yes. And will they act greedy? And both are kind of one and the same, and I think we can assume humans will act like humans.” 

Friday, 10 April 2020

CBD Hemp Coffee - My Review.

I'm not a pushy seller.I could sell natural remedies when people came to our health food shop (Hereford 1972 - 2004) to ask about a health problem,I would suggest specific herbal or other natural health treatments, Homeopathy, Acupuncture for example.

Occasionally, a new product launch such as Ginseng, got me excited with its potential, and I would try the product and if I felt that it did something, could enthuse excitedly about it in conversations & articles.

Recently,I've recognised one of those times.

CBD from Hemp Seed has the potential to be one of the great natural health product.

It is very much early days.Range of products and availability is patchy.

The hold up is due to confusion. The confusion is because CBD Hemp is related to Cannabis.

It is the same plant species - Cannabis Sativa - but has nil to negligible THC, the plant chemical which causes intoxicating highs.

Of course,just as with alcohol,many people, such as recreational cannabis users,and drug addicts, actively seek THC for it's euphoric, spirit lifting,problem escaping,temporary effect.

Many natural health product manufacturers are reluctant to enter the market until full legalisation of cannabis is passed to clear up the confusion existing in most countries.

So I've been trying CBD products that I can legally buy - CBD Hemp Coffee & Chocolate.

 I rate both.The chocolate is delicious but I buy it as a treat occasionally, because it is expensive for me with the shipping costs.

But I've been drinking the CBD coffee regularly. And I will continue doing so.Because for the last 5 or 6 weeks I've felt on a high.Crikey, I'm 93 for goodness sake,so something is going on!

And No, it's not an intoxicating high,as from too much alcohol,where the initial spirit lifting 'uppers'exhilaration, is paid for later with a 'downers' hangover.

This is a level high,a steady feel good feeling, from when I wake in the morning,until I go to bed again.

I'm on my third pack since November. I do like it when mixed with my regular brew - a 1 teaspoon measure of each. 

I like strong coffee and the cbd hemp coffee is not strong enough for my taste.

I didn't notice much happening at first, but did not expect to,because the formula is ground hemp seeds and coffee beans.

At present, hemp seeds have only traces of CBD,so it is a steady accumulative build in the body.

But as you will see in the picture, plant scientists are researching and cultivating strains of the hemp plant with higher CBD levels in it's leaves, flowers and seeds.

Now, hemp seeds have been a natural wonder health food for hundreds of years.

They are nutritionally rich and balanced.They are a staple food ingredient for vegetarians.(Click here to read an article I wrote about them)

We did not publicise hemp seeds widely in the health shop at the time, because of their relationship to the cannabis plant,which was a big no no back then.

It is only recently, with the more favourable cannabis publicity, that plant scientists specifically looked for any of the cannabis medicinal compounds in it's sister industrial hemp plant, and to cultivate a strain with enhanced CBD content and nil to negligible THC.See Industrial Hemp Trials Picture above.

Many use CBD to help with sleep.In fact,one of it's side effect cautions for motorists is 'Can make you Drowsy' - Only take at bedtime.

And I notice when I have my morning cbd hemp coffee that I often go sleepy,and it is a pleasant sensation.

Now coffee at bedtime is not usually recommended,and I do sleep well anyway.But in the interests of progress - I will let you know.
CBD Coffee U.K. CBD Coffee U.S.A.
CBD Chocolate U.K.
CBD Hemp - Nature's NHS - Natural Health Source.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Corona Virus - 'Between A Rock And A Hard Place'

Corona Virus - Between a Rock And a Hard Place.

My previous post -  'Cometh the Hour - Cometh The Man' was changed when Boris Johnson became ill.

Many, like me' consider him to be in the Churchill mould,and the virus his chance to provide similar inspiring,rousing leadership.

He still could.There are many examples in history of Generals rising from their sickbeds to win wars.

I can't recall Churchill doing that,but it does remind me - He was on the toilet when the Lord Privy Seal called to see him.'Inform him that I am sealed in the privy'said Winston.

Some senior UK MP's,with thoughts in a turmoil by the serious form of the virus afflicting the Prime Minister,and I'm sure,we all,friend and foe, are sending get well prayer vibes winging through the ether to him in Westminster hospital.

Some anxious MP's,will not want to be rocking the boat of a united government,but know that a leadership power vacuum is dangerous,especially with the chief medical advisers saying the lockdown must continue until the end of May.

My informant tells me - some whispering s overheard among concerned MPs testing support - "We cannot destroy jobs of the young to save lives of the old " - "There comes a point when the cure is more harmful than the disease" - "The lockdown strategy intends well, but history shows the pathway to hell is paved with good intent" - "We must decide the lesser of 2 evils."-  "Those who the gods would destroy, they first make mad".

  Corona Virus. Sweden is probably the only country not to adopt a full lockdown policy,but are now seeing infection and death averages rising above nations that have full lockdown.

But they have their businesses,shops,schools and general economy still operating to 75%.

It always was a trade off.A compromise.They can also go to full lockdown if the situation is judged to warrant it.

Of course every effort must be be made to give the best medical care for the sick.But a balance must be struck.

Modern generations,that have known nothing but good times,seem unaware that real money comes from the economy,from trade industry & services.

Today in advanced countries the spending departments of government - Health.Police.Social Services.Defence,etc, far outnumber the earning departments - Trade.Agriculture.Finance.Music & Film, Technology. etc.

  It wasn't always so.'The world doesn't owe you a living,earn or starve' was drummed into us regularly.

In hard times, the family breadwinner had priority when food was scarce.

In the 1930s,my father who did hard manual farm work stoked up energy for the day with rashers of fat streaky bacon,home salt cured, from our own pig,as most villagers did.

The rest of our family enjoyed the same, until running low,when breakfast for we non-earners became toast & jam or dripping.

  I am worried - The next week or two are crucial for saving the economy, I think.

Decision - What is for the greater good?

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Cometh The Hour - Cometh The Man.

I am encouraged this sunny Sunday morning by the words of Professor Medley,a scientific adviser to the government advising a partial easing of lockdown restrictions,beginning with under age 60,and who work outside - I.E.Construction industry.

He goes on to write " We cannot continue prioritising protecting the elderly at the expense of our children's education and future"

  I totally agree.I hope to survive this of course,but I've been in 'Life's Departure Lounge'(Over the average lifespan) enjoying bonus years for some time now .

I've lived my life so cannot complain,nor will I !

The lockdown isn't just to protect the elderly.It's to buy time to get the hospitals ready for the surge of infected patients. With health supply organisations working 24/7 they must be near ready now.

I was impressed at the outset by the health scientists appearing on television with the Prime Minister. I think the lockdown decision was right at the time.

But voices are rising, questioning continuing to be guided by the ultra cautious medical experts. They are honourable men,but the comfort of ring fenced salaries & pensions must place a different perspective on decisions that affect the majority without.

The medical scientists of Sweden advised the same total lockdown policy.

Their government weighed up the options and decided on partial lockdown,what I call Lockdown Lite.

Which is to compulsorily confine to their homes the over age 60s and other vulnerable groups most likely to need hospitals first.

Banning gatherings of more than 50. But allowing shops,businesses and most of the economy to continue as normal,and trusting the public to use their common sense.Community self policing is playing a big part in deterring the irresponsible factions.

American voices are raising the same doubts - the quote in italics

  Even Dr. Fauci, who advises how to handle the coronavirus, just recently said in the New England Journal of Medicine; "If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2" So we’re shutting down the world and on the verge of the greatest depression in history and they’re blaming it on a virus that has a lethality on par with the common flu?

Time for strong leadership,firm decision making.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Corona Virus - Lockdown Lite - Sweden's Gamble.

Lockdown Lite formula suggestion.
The daily Corona Virus statistics, showing the majority of infections and deaths to be in the over age 60s, and vulnerable groups, such as those with underlying health conditions,then compulsory home isolation i.e - Lockdown Lite - would apply to those categories only.

They would be supported with their daily needs and financially. This would keep the economy running and better able to support the vulnerable groups.

Update to My Baby Bathwater Article - Sweden Opts for 'Lockdown Lite'

Further to my post on March 26th - Are we throwing the baby out with the Bathwater? Today April 3rd 2020 in The Telegraph - 
Sweden opts for 'Lockdown Lite'!

By Fraser Nelson. The Daily Telegraph. 9.30pm. April 2nd 2020.

Faced with what many there believe will be a manageable illness, Sweden has decided – for now at least – that lockdown represents a greater risk.

Now and again, my wife asks if it’s worth getting Swedish passports for our children.

She has  never got around to seeking British citizenship and I try to tell her that she’d better get her skates on before Priti Patel comes around asking for her papers.

But the kids: how would a Swedish passport possibly benefit them?

 We run through what might go wrong for a country and, in every eventuality, Britain always seems the better bet.

But now Swedes have a fresh argument: that their country might be the only one in Europe to come out of the corona crisis with the economy semi-intact....

  Link to The Telegraph Article 

You may have to subscribe to read article in full

  Link to my March 26th article. Are we throwing Economic Baby Out....

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