Thursday, 30 April 2020

Oxygen Saves

The news is dominated by the Corona Virus. Last evening - Wednesday April 29th, the BBC news presenter said 'The frantic race to find an effective search for a vaccine goes on world wide - the only thing to show a response so far is oxygen.

It jerked me out of my slump. Hydrogen Peroxide is oxygen! As an alternative medicine believer, I know about oxygen therapy, adding to my excitement my email inbox pinged, delivering an email from a long standing good friend, who also follows natural healing therapies.

 'Did you hear on the news about oxygen?

We discussed the famous book by Madison Cavanaugh, which comprehensively covers Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies.

The information in the book may be the closest thing to a panacea for a Pandemic yet.

It excites because the simple Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygen therapy may well be what it's supporters call “The world’s greatest healing miracle of all time.

It may be hard to believe that any single therapy, substance or element, could have such a far-reaching and broad spectrum efficacy when it comes to curing diseases.

 You may think, ‘How could anything so simple actually be the answer to virtually all our complex health problems?’

But, simple concepts are often the most powerful, and  often the most ignored. This is particularly true in the health care field.

 Over the last seven centuries, we have been programmed to regard the curing or healing of disease as a complicated science, best left in the hands of medical practitioners.

You will learn from this book there is a simple, inexpensive therapy that can be self-administered at home in less than a minute—and costs about 1½ cents per day.

An estimated 15,000 European medical doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths have provided this powerful therapy to over 10 million people over the past 70 years to treat over 50 different diseases, but in the U.S., it has been relatively unknown because of reasons that are in the book.

It gives the history of medicine and how it evolved into the overcomplicated, complex system of healing that is practiced today.

The condensed retelling of events, shows that the process of ‘curing’ disease need not be the expensive and often invasive procedure it is.

The human body is composed of 70%-80% water—and water is 89% oxygen by weight. 

Therefore, oxygen comprises 62% to 71% of the body, and is the body’s most abundant and essential element. Ninety (90%) percent of all our biological energy comes from oxygen.

 It is the essential element that the human body needs in order to not only survive, but also have optimum levels of energy, function properly and become more productive.

Consider, for instance, that humans can survive for weeks and even months without food, and live for many days without water. But we cannot survive more than a few minutes without oxygen.

It is surprising, therefore, that people find it hard to believe that the very element, which is required by all humans in order to live is also the secret to keeping us disease-free.

Medical professionals, in particular, would find the notion of curing virtually all diseases with oxygen rather simplistic, or lacking merit.

Oxygen supplementation has been used to ease many health conditions, such as emphysema and pneumonia that impair the body’s ability to have a sufficient intake of gaseous oxygen.

Hyperbaric (high-pressure) oxygen has been used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene and decompression sickness. 

Oxygen is also used for life support situations on patients who require mechanical ventilation, as in the present virus pandemic.

However, because oxygen has seldom been used in the medical setting as a first line of defence for preventing, let alone “curing” diseases, it has never been accorded its rightful place as the cure for virtually all diseases.

This book will provide solid proof that the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency.

 In fact, many of the elaborate (and expensive) therapies offered by organized medicine take advantage of oxygen's effect on diseased cells.

 Most conventional cancer therapies, for instance, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, produce oxygen-activated events that kill cancer cells.

But those drugs cost tens of thousands times more than the pennies-a-day self-administered therapy presented in this book.

Furthermore, the Hydrogen Peroxide (Food Grade) therapy if used as instructed, does not come with any of the adverse effects typically associated with toxic drugs and other radical medical therapies.

Discover how dozens of AIDS patients have reversed their death sentences and are now living normal lives as a result of this little-known therapy involving oxygen; How all disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, toxins and pathogens are eradicated in the presence of sufficient amounts of oxygen in the blood and cells; How a great number of diseases ranging from colds and the common flu to malaria and cholera have been cured with this therapy.

Learn how you can oxygenate your body using a remarkably simple procedure without the aid of a doctor,—and duplicate the spectacular healing results of institutional oxygen therapy at home in one minute or less.

  However, here’s one word of caution: Do NOT attempt to use hydrogen peroxide for disease prevention or cure until you read this entire book.

Although the FDA has given hydrogen peroxide the GRAS designation (which means generally recognized as safe), hydrogen peroxide is a reactive chemical that is toxic when concentrated, and can cause health hazards if not used properly. 

When diluted to therapeutic levels, however, it is infinitely beneficial to health. (See section titled Home Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Chapter 4 for complete instructions.)

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can now be bought ready diluted to a 3% therapeutic level.
Handy information booklet enclosed.
Read instructions carefully before use.
For Amazon USA Click Images Below

Unlike other cures that may only be applicable to a certain segment of the population, oxygen therapy via food-grade hydrogen peroxide has universal application in humans (with the exception of people who have organ transplants).

 It can even be used with pets.

Although the fundamental concept behind the one-minute oxygen therapy is based on a centuries-old truth, it has just been rediscovered and repurposed for use in today’s world.

 As with any newly discovered truth, it must necessarily pass through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Then, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. The truth contained in this book is already self-evident to people in many parts of the world.

Many have awakened to the fact that a simple at-home procedure involving an oxygenating substance represents the “cutting edge” of a re-discovered natural healing.

 As more people discover this safe, effective, natural and low cost healing way of treating both minor health problems as well as the most devastating diseases facing mankind today, including AIDS, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, it may not only improve the quality of people’s lives but also help to solve an international health care crisis.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of the book are based upon research conducted by the author, unless otherwise noted. The publisher and the author, the distributors and bookstores, present this information for educational purposes only. We are not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment and the information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Therefore, the reader should be made aware that this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. and the author encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read.

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