Sunday, 26 November 2017

Bitcoin Latest - Sunday November 26th 2017

Bitcoin is surging again

Scroll to the bottom to see my Bitcoin account on Bittrex.Not sensational in total holdings.Like most I wish I had bought 3 years ago when 1 Bitcoin could be bought for $10.Today in November 2017 you are looking at around $9000 per 1 Bitcoin.

But I won't buy more - (well at age 91 !) I am content to see what happens to what I have got.All free by the way from earning Steem Dollars (Exchange symbol SBD) for posting on Steemit and then transferring into Bitcoin on Bittrex.
Recent Opinions 
The growth seems to be coming (again) from Korea, where Bitcoin is already trading above $9212 on Bithumb.

Two weekends ago, when we saw the huge spike in Bitcoin Cash, Bithumb was also at the forefront of it. Seems like a lot of stuff is happening, crypto-wise, in Asia.

There’s one thing that is going to stop a lot of people profiting from cryptos from here on out.

It’s not a lack of access to knowledge and opportunities. You can get that here.

It’s probably not a lack of funds. Pretty much anyone can afford a grub-stake of £10, £50, or even £20 to lay on a crypto. 

It’s not technical know-how either. Investing in cryptos is just as easy as buying and selling stocks using an online broker.

So what is it? What is stopping a lot of people – perhaps even you – from dipping into the fastest rising market the world has ever seen?

I think it’s the worry that you’re too late.

Maybe you think the market is in a huge bubble and by the time you get in, it will have popped?

You’ve seen bitcoin climb from under $1,000 at the start of the year to over $8,000 now and think that ‘the boat has sailed.’

But here’s why making that assumption would be foolish and potentially very costly for you…

The life-changing crypto money is yet to be made

As $50m crypto entrepreneur Roger Ver says:

“Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.”

And recently financial TV analyst Max Keiser echoed those thoughts:

“Bitcoin will dominate and lead crypto going forward. Hundreds of obituaries have been written about Bitcoin and none of them have come true and none will. Fact is, Bitcoin is a gift from God to help humanity sort out the mess it has made with its money.”

That doesn’t sound like a flash-in-the-pan asset bubble to me. It sounds like a revolution.

Keiser believes that bitcoin could reach a price of $100,000 a coin. That’s roughly 1,100% higher than where it sits today.

If that seems outrageous to you, Keiser’s estimation is modest compared to some.

Jeremy Liew, famous for being one of the first investors in $25bn tech superstar Snapchat, believes bitcoin is about to go through a rampant phase of hyper-growth.

He estimates the growth of the bitcoin network will grow to 400 million users by 2030… and for the price of ONE bitcoin to hit $500,000.

That would be nearly 6000% higher than where it sits today.

Other investors, see even greater climbs ahead.

Financial analyst Rick Falkvinge says that if bitcoin takes as much as 10% of the transactional currency market… one bitcoin could hit $1m.

We can’t know for sure if they are right. Personally, I believe they are. But do you want to risk sitting out on potential gains of 6000% or more?

My advice, get a stake in this financial upsurge now – spare money you can afford to put at risk – before the mainstream investors rush in.

In my new book, “Crypto Revolution” – I show you exactly what to do.

And when you get your copy today open it, read it – and you will discover practical things like...
How to set up your ‘crypto wallet’
How to buy, sell and store your cryptos safely – using your home computer or smartphone
Which 10 cryptos you should never even consider buying
I’ll also reveal the unstoppable forces set to push the price of cryptocurrencies even higher:
Why China and Putin are going ‘all in’ on cryptos
Why the next financial crisis could mint a wave of crypto-millionaires
Why increasing financial controls all over the world will see the crypto network grow exponentially over the coming ten years
Claim your copy here, now.

I have written this book for you – someone who wants to hit the ground running. And it’s a very easy read – no jargon at all.

I write in plain English because I want to be 100% sure you understand the enormous scale of this rare opportunity.

link to Full Article & Bitcoin Book by Sam Volkering on Capital & Conflict -

My own Ivor Vale Bitcoin account has a US $203.20 value this Saturday morning 25th November 2017.This has grown from the $32.22 on July 16th 2017 See screen shots of my account on Bittrex below -

And below on Saturday 25th November 2017 $203.20

 It is all growth. I haven't added to the account.And my initial deposit was in Steem dollars (SBD).This was also free in the sense that it was earnings from my posts on Steemit.

The best place to learn about Cryptocurrency is at the coal face (No pun intended - err bitcoin is mined - coal face) Join Steemit. Earn and Learn. -

The above information brought to you by – -  the website for all things bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Books. Gadgets and Gear. Hardware. Gifts. Clothing i.e ‘Bitcoin Accepted Here’ Tee Shirts, Baseball Caps,Door Signs.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Hilarious ( I’m Told). My Odd Socks Story.

Every Christmas I would receive pairs of socks as presents. And shaving soap. It was a tradition. I could count on it. As regular as – well – Christmas. 

But last year it didn’t happen. I got books and chocolate and a computer mouse mat.

It’s the internet. The wider choice of shops and gifts that can be viewed and purchased from the armchair, makes jostling a way through dense crowds to the high street sock shop, very unattractive.

So having got used to my sock situation becoming dire approaching Christmas, I didn’t need a calendar.

A glance in my sock drawer consisting entirely of odd socks indicated the time of year, but not to worry, soon there would be newcomers, which at first would look out of place, because they always came as identical twins. How odd !

But not for long. The system would soon turn them odd. It never fails.

Two socks enter the washer. Two socks exit. As household tasks go what could be simpler? Socks go from drawer, to feet, to dirty clothes, to washer and dryer, and back into the drawer.

Of course, anyone associated with a family knows the truth. Socks disappear. Virtually every residence in the world, has a drawer, pile, or basket of mismatched socks.

Millions – no, billions – of socks exist with odd partners not of their choosing. Thrown together in the ritual of the weekly wash.

But a cunning plan has emerged to fight the tyranny.

 Socks Ready Paired Odd! 

By short circuiting the existing odd sock breeding and pairing disorder, it will turn the tables on the gremlins in the drum, putting them in a confused spin seeing socks start as they normally finish – odd.

It will work. Look at this guy striding out in his odd socks. How confident he looks. As well he might. He knows he has another pair at home exactly like it !
Get in fashion.Become an odd socker today.Plenty of choice at
Image Credit joy of cartoon

And acceptance of odd socks in public would have saved me a senior moment recently, when I spent ages dressing one morning trying to find a sock. 

Discovering after 30 minutes of turning the bedroom upside down, that I had put both on the same foot.

If wearing odd socks were the norm I could have found a quick replacement from the sock drawer with my eyes shut.

Brilliant. If odd socks make for happiness why not a website selling odd and funny socks.
And there is –

The company haven’t got around to selling packs of new odd socks yet, but the technology is at an advanced stage and the experts are confident a breakthrough is close.

There is so much secrecy about odd sock making. Funny socks u.k think washing machine companies are in on the conspiracy. Why make a viewing port hole of thick opaque glass that you can't see through? All the whirling and swirling is obviously designed to distract.

Fortunately, the eureka moment is near, because funny socks uk are fortunate in having the help of two odd sock whistle blowers Sog and Sag.

Lots of socks whistle – phew!–  but each of these insiders started as one of identical twins. Having been through the wash many times they know the terrible secret that tore them from their kin – tumbled, tortured, and turned,like all other pairs – odd.

They are only able to safely reveal their story because slack and neglected conditions in the sock drawer allowed them to escape to tell all to

And now because of the growing popularity of funny socks uk range of team socks, Sog and Sag think it is only a matter of time before bitter rivals accidentally become paired odd!

It’s not a problem when a plain red colour is seen out with a blue. But imagine a Chelsea with a Tottenham .

Or a New York Yankee with a Boston Red Sox. Riots have been known to start for less.

And socks deserve better. They are taken for granted. Put upon,,misused,,abused, accused – despite this they will stick unchanged loyally to you. They are there every morning, standing in the corner, ‘locate in the dark, whiff wafter’ gently wafting. (Patent pending)

Waste of money, the boffins overlooked the fact that people cannot smell their own odours

It’s an undeserved soggy socks image, and in this enlightened age funny are determined to do something about it.

Their philosophy is simple. Socks want to please. If their wearer is happy they are happy. They have a history of doing good going back to when their family relative – Ladies Tights in particular – were known to provide services in addition to those intended.

Especially in cars. I can recall a story of a car’s radiator overheating with a broken fan belt, and the lady passenger’s tights being stretched around the fan pulley wheels to enable the car to limp to a garage.

So the modern sock has a lot to live up to. A proud record to protect.

Because let’s not forget other roles of the sock – One is absorbing perspiration. 
The foot is among the heaviest producers of sweat in the body, it can produce over 0.25 US pints (0.12 l) of perspiration per day.

Socks help to absorb this sweat and draw it to areas where air can evaporate the perspiration. In cold environments, socks made from wool insulate the foot and decrease the risk of frostbite.

It’s incredible that in the long history of the sock, they have always been an object of ridicule and neglect, despite working undercover, mostly in darkness, providing comfort without appreciation. 

If the cruelty to socks society did random spot checks, many wearers would be shaking in their shoes.

So change today, and be assured that the many benefits related in the story above, could deliver the happy outcome expressed in the phrase below.

'Rejoice and be exceedingly clad – err, sorry – glad’ 

Article written by jibberjabberco  – aka Ivor Vale –
If you buy through either of the links – or I get a small commission from or
But I don’t mind!  Thank you.

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Sunday, 19 November 2017

Coloring Book Therapy Solves Problem

I was in a coffee shop with my granddaughter and my 5-year-old great grandson Ben. I’m not very good playing’ I Spy with my little Eye ‘and Ben always wins.

So to deflate his confidence and deter him from challenging me, I made and wore a badge on my chest which said –  National Champion - ‘I Spy With My Little Eye’ 2017.

Ben looked at it, laughed, took the badge and put it on his chest, then beat me again, and again.

So I was pleased when he discovered that the cafe provided coloring picture sheets and crayons.

He was happy to quietly entertain himself, creating his masterpiece and exercising and developing his imagination in the process. What value.

It occupies children's independent quiet attention,exercises judgement and decision making,and is hugely enjoyable.

 I could go on, the pleasure and benefits of simple strokes with crayons to color a picture are so many for a child. Occupational Therapy In The Round.

more and more Adults are benefiting too

See here -

Video here -

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Bitcoin Surges To New All-Time High Near $8,000 As Wall Street Plunges In - DTube video

 DTube Video - It's by The Dollar Vigilante

The Headline is -

Bitcoin Surges To New All-Time High Near $8,000 As Wall Street Plunges In

It's a Steemit DTube video. It works for me by copying and pasting the link into the browser address bar -

See and browse a wide variety of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Gadgets & Gear plus
Giftware and Souvenirs of this momentous time in our Financial History - at -

Friday, 17 November 2017

Whither Bitcoin Now? - An opinion and comments.DTube Video from


Still not getting DTube video links to open automatically.

Whether they require a different linking technique to YouTube I am trying to find from Steemit the creators of DTube.

It will work if you copy and paste the link into your browser address bar

Early days!

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Is DTube The Bitcoin video platform rival to YouTube?

I’m probably a Johnniecumlately with the revelation in this post, and will alert the duplicate content Steemit cheetah bot I expect, but the idea excites me, and I’m sure there will be other late discoverers who will appreciate this.
The programme is called 3figuremonetizer – link below

It’s a paid programme,but I am not an affiliate,so this is to inform not promote.

It’s about uploading videos to Dtube and being paid in Steem Dollars depending on the popularity of your video measured in votes in a similar way to Steemit posts.

DTube is an initiative by the Steemit creators. Steemit itself was started as a Social Media platform to rival Facebook, Twitter et al but where contributors are paid to post.

DTube is the Steemit answer to YouTube.

Contributors to DTube are paid depending on the views and votes received.
Here is an example–
Notice that it has earned the video creator $136.571 in Steem Dollars.

Please note – As with any new technology there are a few bugs to sort.The videos sometimes do not display.If that is the case I find by clicking the icon of the video in the sidebar it will run.Or right click on the The Bitcoin War image and click open in new tab.
Here is a screenshot of DTube

Steem Dollars is a Cryptocurrency (Exchange symbol SBD).and we know how many believe that Bitcoin and similar Cryptocurrencies are the future of World Finance
And here is my own attempt on DTube

The best place to learn about Cryptocurrency is at the coal face (No pun intended - err bitcoin is mined - coal face) Join Steemit. Earn and Learn. -

The above information brought to you by – -  the website for all things bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Books. Gadgets and Gear. Hardware. Gifts. Clothing i.e ‘Bitcoin Accepted Here’ Tee Shirts, Baseball Caps,Door Signs.

Got a Dog? Know a dog? A friend with a dog - It will enjoy sniffing around here -

Saturday, 11 November 2017

91 Today

91 Today

Actually it was last Monday November 6th,but my internet connection which has been super reliable for years went down. I was like a bear with a sore backside without it.Lost.Bored.Irritable.

There was life before the internet but it’s hard to remember how we filled our days.

1926 was an eventful year as you can see below –

Sorry I couldn’t help doing a name drop. It reminds me of the nonentity who said “Nelson’s dead, Shakespeare’s dead, and I don’t feel too good myself”

Battling a horrible skin rash and blisters disease added to my woes. I couldn’t sleep because of the itching.Is there anything more tormenting than an itch that you can’t reach? And at my age and stiffness there are more and more places becoming out of scratching bounds

Getting under control now with antibiotics and steroid cream.I reluctantly turned to strong chemical medication because I don’t think my natural approach of Apple Cider Vinegar,vitamin D3,B6 and Turmeric was going to heal it.

I’ve always felt that there is a place for both orthodox medicines and the alternative natural approach, which should be the first resort.

Our health services are swamped and at breaking point because too many don’t do enough to look after their health in the first place, and then swamp the surgeries for the simplest complaint.

Some friends knowing my love of a joke said the rash was Fowl Pest.

But the doctors diagnosed it as -

Bullous pemphigoid
Symptoms copied below  from the NHS website

Bullous pemphigoid is a blistering skin disease that tends to affect the elderly.
It's caused by a problem with the immune system, but usually goes away on its own within a few years. In the meantime, blisters can be controlled with medication.
About 1 in 10,000 people are affected by the condition in the UK each year.
What are the symptoms?
Bullous pemphigoid typically starts with a red, itchy rash that looks a bit like dermatitis (a type of eczema) or hives. This tends to last several weeks or months.
Groups of large, itchy blisters usually then appear on the red patches, just beneath the surface of the skin. They can be up to 5cm in diameter and full of fluid, with the thick skin of the blisters stretched tightly.
Blisters last a few days before healing without leaving a scar, but a cycle develops where more form.
The rash and blisters are usually seen on the upper arms and thighs, sometimes spreading to body folds and the tummy. In severe cases, the blisters may cover most of the skin, including the inside of the mouth.

What is the cause?
Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune condition, which means the immune system attacks the body's own tissues and organs.
The person's immune system produces antibodies against the skin. These antibodies attack the basement membrane, which lies between the skin's top layer (epidermis) and the next layer (dermis), and holds the skin together. The skin layers start to separate and fluid builds up in between.
It's not understood why autoimmune diseases like bullous pemphigoid happen, but it's thought something triggers the immune system to attack the body's own tissues. Certain medicines and sunburn have been known to act as a trigger.
Symptoms usually come on unexpectedly.
Bullous pemphigoid isn't:
caused by an allergy
affected by diet or lifestyle
P.S.How is this for ironies (1) After years of reliability my internet goes down on my birthday.(2) I posted the Bullous phenphigoid -  1 in 10,000 article on Steemit and got flagged for Duplicate Content. What are the odds on that ?

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