Thursday, 16 November 2017

Is DTube The Bitcoin video platform rival to YouTube?

I’m probably a Johnniecumlately with the revelation in this post, and will alert the duplicate content Steemit cheetah bot I expect, but the idea excites me, and I’m sure there will be other late discoverers who will appreciate this.
The programme is called 3figuremonetizer – link below

It’s a paid programme,but I am not an affiliate,so this is to inform not promote.

It’s about uploading videos to Dtube and being paid in Steem Dollars depending on the popularity of your video measured in votes in a similar way to Steemit posts.

DTube is an initiative by the Steemit creators. Steemit itself was started as a Social Media platform to rival Facebook, Twitter et al but where contributors are paid to post.

DTube is the Steemit answer to YouTube.

Contributors to DTube are paid depending on the views and votes received.
Here is an example–
Notice that it has earned the video creator $136.571 in Steem Dollars.

Please note – As with any new technology there are a few bugs to sort.The videos sometimes do not display.If that is the case I find by clicking the icon of the video in the sidebar it will run.Or right click on the The Bitcoin War image and click open in new tab.
Here is a screenshot of DTube

Steem Dollars is a Cryptocurrency (Exchange symbol SBD).and we know how many believe that Bitcoin and similar Cryptocurrencies are the future of World Finance
And here is my own attempt on DTube

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