The Secret of Ageing Young - by an insider.
Who better to teach how to stay younger longer than someone Done it/doing
I am an 91-year-old retired businessman living in The U.K. My
late wife and I, owned and ran ‘The Marches’ a very successful health and
nutrition shop and restaurant in Hereford U.K for 32 years (1972 – 2004).
Our first advert - The picture is discoloured from damp in the garage,
My beliefs and practices.
"Knowledge is power. Everyone should strive to
self-improve throughout life. The positive effects of exercising and educating
the mind are many, providing benefits and rewards in personal, career and
business life far greater than the effort expended in learning.
Thinking and doing right pays high dividends in gains to
confidence, self-esteem and overall wellbeing, whilst also adding more years to
the average span, and more importantly – they are lived and enjoyed rather than
Bad news - No one wants to be old, but until they discover
an elixir of youth, the ability to retain youthful looks and energy depends to
a great extent on our own approach and effort.
Good News – Aging can be slowed. You can with effort and a
plan, look, act, and have the youthful health, vigour and figure at least 10
years younger than your calendar says.
The assumption that getting old means developing a skin like
a wrinkled prune, losing the ability to get around, whilst also facing the
possibility of developing incontinence and dementia, is a nightmare vision of
aging that need not be. If you know the formula and follow it.
Talking about incontinence – you’ll know it’s not your day when
you ring their help line and are put on hold.
I’ve always enjoyed a laugh. That is important in the
staying young formula.
And laughter is all around in everyday life – last week I put my purchases on the
supermarket counter. The cashier (who I knew and likes to banter) said “You’re a bit late aren’t you”? Puzzled,
I looked at my purchases – A pair of reading glasses (I was picking up for
someone) and a bag of carrots!
That there is a blueprint to slow down aging is self-evident.
Just look around. While some people seem to be struggling to stand up straight
and remember their name at age 65, others are still playing sports and writing
books well into their 80s and 90s.
Is the difference entirely genetic? No! In fact, there are
numerous lifestyle changes that can make all the difference to the way you feel
as you age, and many of the problems that are associated with old-age are life
style inflicted and can be avoided.
In a nutshell – For most people born healthy, the way they
age is almost entirely in their hands!
The Circle of Life
It's crazy, but in one sense mobility starts to deteriorate
from the moment we are born. The flexibility of the new born to put toes in
their mouths has gone within 2 years.
Fortunately, such a trick is not a lifetime essential, but
it is the start of what I call wearing in for the first 35 years or so and
wearing out for the rest.
In youth it is easy to keep fit and healthy without thinking
or planning. Effort is easy and a pleasure.
Running around, playing sports and doing things we enjoy will
provide natural fitness until we reach our mobility peak around middle age.
Then change starts, so thought, planning, discipline and
effort should be given to slow the ‘Circle
of Life’s’ reverse back to wobbling like a baby again, but without the joint
flexibility and ability to bounce.
But we can do it through the things most of us love – Eating and Playing - Good Food &
Sport (an Aerobic activity. Something that raises the breathing, but still be
able to converse. I chose competitive Table Tennis and Rambling or Trekking.
Eat Right Be Right - Poor nutrition is responsible for a
many of the problems people struggle with as they get older. Health issues
associated with old age usually result from years of poor nutrition.
A lack of nutrients
can lead to problems with vision, problems with hormone production, problems
with bone density and much more.
Thus, by giving the diet the attention and planning it
merits. ‘EAT TO LIVE' should be the guide, not 'LIVE TO EAT’.
By including the
right balance of protein, fruit and vegetables, the body's immune system will
be better able to combat attacks on health. Building the foundation to better achieve
this aspiration –
Successful Aging is
Quality of Life Enjoyed, not Aging Years Existed.
The earlier the decision to plan and make the most of your
body and health by attention to diet and exercise the easier it will be.
Good habits become ingrained, programmed. YOU have the
choice – It’s simple -
Do the things you love. Proper Exercise & Diet. The
sooner you take action, the longer you will be -
Kicking -The tin can of 'ageing' further and further down Life's Highway.
I couldn't find a cartoon character looking happy kicking the can of ageing - ooh I wish I could draw!
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