Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Golf Trap!

The couple were enjoying a leisurely sunshine breakfast on their patio.The husband was absorbed in his book.

"If I die first would you marry again?" the wife asked.

" What a subject to bring up on an enjoyable morning like this.I haven't even thought about it"

"O.K, but would you"? " Well yes, if the right person,someone like you, came along"

"And would you live in this, our house"?

"Oh,I suppose so, I like it here.Now please give it a rest"

" What about our bed,would you sleep in it with her " ?

"Yes",says an exasperated husband.

"And would you let her play with my golf clubs"?

" Of course not, she's left handed" !

What better than a laugh from stories like that in pleasant company during a round of golf and the bar afterwards.

Spread the news of these pleasures in your area with our sure fire sales getting trade & Business Cartoon adverts.

We personalize with your details for only $60.inclusive.price.A4 and 8.5 x 11 sizes.Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Commisioning a graphic designer or design studio for this quality trade cartoon and artistic skill would cost you around $600.

So for just one tenth of that with satisfaction guaranteed by us and Paypal, get your order in now ready for the years peak buying 4 months beginning September.


Saturday, 24 August 2019

Cannabis Legalisation - Big Money's nose is twitching!

As ever, big money is at the front in sniffing out opportunity.Look at this comparison chart to see what the market makers think about CBD Hemp,which is a Strain of Cannabis, and their wrong calls are rare.

More countries than not will have legalised Cannabis within five years.Resistance is being worn down by the public clamour in the United States, Canada,  and other enlightened western countries.

Doctors and campaigners and those who work in criminal justice will argue against. But they are not the power driving the agenda. Once blue-chip international capital begins swirling around an issue it's game over.

Companies lobby, they fund major studies to sway opinion, they promise jobs and taxes.

Cannabis is already fully legal for all types of use in Canada. They have an industry growing at rocket speed funded by Wall Street investors such as Blackrock, Vanguard Group and Morgan Stanley.

It is, nudge nudge,wink wink kinda legal for medicinal use in about 33 US states, and recreational use in 11, including big hitters such as California and Illinois. The US is the biggest honey pot for cannabis capitalists.

Cannabis is virtually legal in Portugal; it’s legal in private in Spain, just as long as you don’t annoy people in public; possession is decriminalised or consumption is effectively tolerated in private in countries such as Israel, the Netherlands, parts of Australia, Austria, and much of Latin America.

New Zealanders will vote on making it legal next year. So it is obvious where global opinion is moving.

Despite the 'Risks to Health' and the 'Leading to harder Drug” debate,civil liberties arguments are winning out in country after country. This trend will continue because there are few compelling arguments to reverse it. 

There are many good arguments for why people should not smoke cannabis or why they should consume it rarely. But they are weak arguments for maintaining legal prohibition in free societies.

But, as yet, there is little hard scientific evidence that cannabis is a miracle medicinal plant.

Casual,rather than rigourous scientific evidence, suggests it can help some people who are ill. 

But cannabis is primarily a consumer product, like alcohol. That is how international capital sees it, so it is a fair bet to assume that most laws will eventually reflect this.

All this money talk will be understandably galling for anti-legalisation campaigners, including medical professionals who warn of the mental health dangers of cannabis addiction. 

Consumption by young people can be fraught with risk of abuse. But prohibition does not alleviate health risks. It criminalises them and drives supply to the irresponsible underground black market..

A major flaw in the argument of those who campaign to maintain the prohibition on health grounds is that they fail to distinguish between habitual cannabis abuse and occasional cannabis use. Abusers and users are very different people.

Most users of alcohol are not raging drunks who reach for a bottle of vodka upon wakening. 

Most recreational cannabis users are not everyday-toking stoners with mental health issues. 

Various studies have put the prevalence of problematic cannabis consumption from about 15 per cent of users to as high as 25 per cent.

That may be a cause for concern, but it is not an iron-clad argument to keep cannabis illegal. 

Problems exist on a spectrum from minor to major. The US National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates 9 per cent of cannabis users are dependent.

That is not out of line with the proportion for drinkers.

Alcohol laws are not framed solely to deal with alcoholics, because most of us just like the odd drink and the law recognises the right to indulge. There is a strong argument that cannabis laws in a free society should be similarly framed.

Province Brands, a Canadian cannabis drinks brewer, is planning to launch products in Europe next year, albeit just with cannabidiol (CBD), which doesn’t make you high.

As you may know this blog favours a similar neutral connection to Cannabis with belief that CBD from Industrial Hemp will be the greatest source of relatively risk free medicinal benefits.

As the picture below shows - Plant science never stops its research into cultivation of the Cannabis related, Industrial Hemp Plant, to deliver CBD 'Health without the Highs'

Industrial Hemp Oil Products Click Here

Or Here

Amazon will also have a big choice click the image.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Complete the question - If at first you don't succeed

Complete the question  - If at first you don't succeed

And the winning answer          >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Which reminds me of this letter sent in -

Cold black nights make parachute jumps very difficult and dangerous. So skydivers attach small lights called chemlights to their jumpsuits to make themselves visible to other members in the team formation.

Late one pitch dark night, lost after a practice jump,members of the parachute unit knocked on the door of an isolated cottage.

A woman answered the door to be greeted with the dark shapes of 5 men glowing in red chemlights.

" Excuse me" the leader said."Can you tell us where we are?"

The startled woman replied.


Trade Advert
After that hair raising story use our sure fire sales getting trade & Business Cartoon adverts. Over 70 Trades & Businesses covered.We personalize with your details for only $60.inclusive price.A4 and 8.5 x 11 sizes.Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Commisioning a graphic designer or design studio for this quality trade cartoon and artistic skill you would pay around $600.Order now ready for the years peak buying 4 months beginning September.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

If America Sneezes Today.

If America Sneezes Today - The U.K. Catches Cold Tomorrow!

It is a quote originally relating to the financial markets. I was reminded of it by a news item from Colorado.

Sometimes there is an advantage in being slow off the blocks and the legalisation of cannabis in the U.K.might be one of them. 

As this report indicates


It’s part of what state and federal officials are calling the largest illegal marijuana market Colorado has ever seen. It’s a puzzling situation considering that back in 2012, proponents of Amendment 64 promised a regulated market would do away with the illegal dealers and drug cartels.

The problem is,it is very costly to operate within the law.The state requires companies operating licensed and legitimate outlets to document every gram of marijuana from seed to sale.

Everything from the specifications of the facility, to the pesticides and soils used, must be documented and approved by the Marijuana Enforcement Division of Colorado Department of Agriculture.

As one legitimate cannabis operator says -'Staying compliant in this industry is costly in time,independant lab testing, and with federal and state taxes on top, its expensive being legal, but it ensures public safety,something black market growers care nothing about.The answer is more vigourous and visible enforcement to replace the relaxed approach that exists.

A rule of thumb guide about genuine cannabis products - They will not be cheap or on sale in petrol/gas atations.

But remember, CBD from Industrial Hemp is different, and legal most everywhere.Although from a cannabis family plant, it is cultivated to contain less than 0.3% THC, the plant chemical that causes euphoric highs and can lead to addiction.

CBD from Industrial Hemp - All the health benefits without the highs.

Visit this CBD Industrial Hemp company website to judge for yourself-click here

Thursday, 15 August 2019

The Biter Bit. The 'Comeuppance' for Nuisance Phone Callers.

The Biter Bit
One mans way of dealing with nuisance phone calls

The phone rings

A distant female voice with a slight echo on the line

"Hello, Sir,I'm just calling about your recent car accident; "

"Ah yes my car accident" I said pulling up a comfortable chair."I am so glad you've called about that terrible business"

There was a pause at the end of the line and then the woman said "Can you give me the details "?

"But you must know the details" I said "You called me after all"

There was another pause

"Just tell me in your own words" she said

"Well, I said, "I was in my car with six other people and the dog,when we were in collision with a police van full of policemen.

I broke my arm my wife broke her leg and four policeman were injured.Is it something you think you can sort out for me"?

There was a longer pause while the woman took this all in

"six pasengers in your car" she said finally

"And the dog" I said, "she bruised her nose poor thing"
The woman did not seem bothered about the dog

"What sort of car was it" she asked

"A mini"

"A mini "? she exclaimed !

"Yes a Mini coupe" I said, "Oh, and I was drunk"

There was some sort of hushed conferring going on now at the end of the phone,and the sound of a second voice

Then the woman said "Sorry I have just got to hand you over to someone more senior"

An older more officious sounding woman came on the line.

"So sir, you say that you were in the mini car with six passengers and you were drunk and you hit a police van"

"Yes, and on drugs" I said, "I was on drugs too"

Now there was a sound of raised gabbling voices from the other end of the line.

Then the older woman said "Thank you for wasting our time."

"No" I said "Thank you for wasting mine, feel free to call again. I enjoyed that"

And I hung up

Visit My Blog

Monday, 12 August 2019

BBC Video - CBD oil, made from cannabis, is popular for calming anxiety

Natalie, who has bought a bottle of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil online, has a few questions she wants answering before she decides whether to take it.

On this BBC video journey Natalie meets a hemp farmer, a scientist and tests the product at a laboratory.

CBD products, which are made from a cannabis extract, are very popular but currently there is no specific regulation about their production.

Click To Watch The BBC Video

For CBDPure Hemp Health products for people click here.

For CBD Edibles Gummies Oils & Rubs Plus

Friday, 9 August 2019

21 Medical Conditions That Qualify For Medical Cannabis

A Cannabis newsletter I receive says more than a quarter of Ohio's population have one of 21 listed health conditions that qualify them to be prescribed medical cannabis by a doctor. That seems an astonishingly high number of unwell citizens

(Note- There is a move afoot to use the Mexican Marijuana name for Medical Cannabis, and the Cannabis name for Recreational Cannabis Products. 

CBD from Industrial Hemp with less than 0.3% THC (Health without the Highs) is legal most everywhere anyway.)

Keep in mind that the Ohio medical cannabis program is just in its early stages, with the first licensed sales of medical cannabis occurring back in January.

It was projected in 2018 that 3.5 million Ohio residents have qualifying medical conditions, so expect to see the current total of 48,000 medical cannabis patients keep climbing.

The figures quoted by the money men is an indication of the way they expect things to go.

This year, medical cannabis sales are only projected to generate $96 million in Ohio.

However, by 2025, sales are projected to reach $1.3 billion. That number is probably too conservative, considering the U.S. may have ended the federal prohibition on cannabis by then.

Ohio has approved 21 conditions that may be treated with medical marijuana provided a patient has a doctor’s recommendation.

( Note – Just as in the U.K. many Doctors in States like Ohio that have legalized medical cannabis are reluctant to prescribe it until the federal government also legalizes it for all of the USA .In the U.K. the government have legalised it for epilepsy in children,and it must be prescribed by specialist doctors, but most of those will not do so until NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence  make evidence-based recommendations.

If a patient in Ohio State is diagnosed with one of the 21 qualifying medical conditions and asks for medical cannabis the doctor can issue a recommendation note for the dispensary confirming the patient has a qualifying medical condition)
The 21 Health Conditions -
  • AIDS    
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Epilepsy or another seizure disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Positive status for HIV
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Sickle cell anaemia
  • Spinal cord disease or injury
  • Tourette’s syndrome
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Ulcerative Colitis

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Medicines That Can Navigate!

Medicines That Can Navigate!

The announcement that the government is pouring more billions into the insatiable money monster that is the NHS, reminded me of an article I published on Steemit about why more people should be more responsible for looking after their own health first, and use the local doctors surgery and hospital system as a reassuring, in the background, standby or last resort.

The irony is that judging by the contents of many home medicine cabinets people will say they are trying to do just that.

A BBC programme revealed how natural remedies like herbal teas can be the answer to many day to day health niggles and concerns.

The main thrust of the programme was to reveal the extent of the money being spent on over the counter medicines.

The shelves of chemists and supermarkets are laden with a bamboozling array of brightly packaged remedies, claiming to cure everything from A-Athlete’s Foot to Z-Zits (Acne)
A similar dazzling array is repeated in the bathroom cabinets of many homes.

So convinced are people that they need them,we now spend £2.5 billion annually in the U.K. on over-the-counter medicines.

I was discussing the subject with a friend and he also cannot understand the seeming contradiction between people being healthier, living longer, yet medical services are swamped and stretching to cope.

He said on a recent hospital visit he saw a nurse pushing a trolley from bed to bed. She was wearing a high visibility bib on which was printed. ‘Medication Dispensing. Do not Distract’.

He was shocked to see the vast quantity and variety of pills, potions, and powders stocked on the trolley. It made him think of a remark made in the chemist shop where he worked –

“They will soon be making pills for which there are no known ailments”

Dr Chris van Tulleken was the BBC presenter and investigator into common complaints and the top selling products designed to treat them.

His research involved finding what happens when they are taken, and he also undertook to be a human guinea pig to test them.

His conclusions are surprising and could save you a fortune.

One alarming example he gave was of 3 separate oral pain killer products, each containing the same active ingredient and potency, and all with the same product licence, meaning they were identical inside the packaging, but each separately claiming to treat a different part of the body - Muscle Pain. Headache, or Period Pain.

He said once the medication entered the blood stream it was impossible for it to home in on specific areas. It goes where the blood goes.

It does not have a built in Sat Nav or can ask the way!

Dr Tulleken swallowed a tiny pill sized camera followed by a pain killer tablet which could be seen dissolving in the stomach. Not for the squeamish, but fascinating.

From this test the doctor was able to confirm that the pain killer ingredient was spread evenly through his body. In his words - "There is as much in my big toe as there is in my head"

He said this could potentially lead to dangerous over dosing, because if someone was unfortunate enough to suffer pain in the 3 areas at the same time and took a dose for each - then!!!!

Also, 3 products in the cabinet where 1 would do.

My Next Post - How more than a quarter of one American State's citizens, have at least one of 21 listed health issues, that qualify them for doctor recommended treatment with Medical Cannabis!

Saturday, 3 August 2019

CBD Hemp Oil even more powerful with these natural little Terpene dynamos!

Title - CBD Hemp Oil even more powerful with these natural little Terpene dynamos!
Cannabinoids - the 113-plus compounds inside the cannabis plant - are powering the booming marijuana (Mexican word for Cannabis) market

And as with every thing that captures the buying public's imagination,such as CBD Hemp, every exploiter existing jumps in to profiteer from the opportunity.

Evidence of the popularity of CBD can be seen in the most unlikely of outlets selling this serious medicinal product.

Petrol/Gas stations, bodegas, tire repair store, shoeshine stands, salsa dance studio, wig shop, and sex clubs have been found selling CBD products,and claiming their CBD will quickly and cheaply regrow hair, fix your flaccid naughty bits that viagra couldn't, end insomnia, make you taller, and cure cancer while helping you lose weight and have more energy.

But all that nonsense aside, Cannabinoids are the chemicals that give the plant its unique and highly sought after effects. Cannabinoids have been found that can reduce inflammation and suppress seizures. They can relieve pain,and promote good sleep too.

And of course, at least one cannabinoid - tetrahydrocannabinol - THC for short - is sought after by many recreational cannabis users for its psychoactive effect - it gives them an intoxicating high - a temporary escape from life's realities. - (Note - Before buying Recreational or Medical Cannabis -i.e.- containing more than 0.3% THC,check with your country,state & local laws)

The variety in marijuana's taste and smell comes from yet another compound present in cannabis that you will be hearing much more about - TERPENES.

In addition to providing the "weed" aroma, terpenes themselves are proving to have therapeutic qualities of their own.

Terpenes are almost everywhere, in lots of different plants. Even some insects produce them to deter predators.

The sap from a pine tree is a good example, because the distinctive strong smell the sap leaves on your hands and clothes comes from terpenes, particularly α-pinene. It's found in rosemary and dill, too.

If you've ever opened a cedar chest or luxuriated in the heady excitement of a new car's fragrance, you've smelled terpenes.

They're responsible for a lot of different plant bouquets. One common terpene is limonene. It gives the citrus smell to oranges, lemons, and limes.

Linalool provides a floral aroma to lavender, and humulene lends its woody, earthy fragrance to that close relative of cannabis – the hops used in brewing beer.

In fact, the scientific name for hops, Humulus lupulus, points to the terpene responsible for the hoppy effect it adds to beer.

Even expensive perfumes owe their complex, powerful bouquets to terpenes.

Now, in addition to the over 100 cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant, it also produces anywhere between 200 and 300 different terpenes. And the varying concentrations between different strains lend to each a unique scent.

In fact, many would contend that the full cannabis experience wouldn't be possible without them.

That's because terpenes have other effects on the human body, besides their distinctive smell.
Terpenes Affect Your State of Mind and Your Health

The linalool terpene found in lavender has a soothing effect on the body and is a natural sleep aid. It's a common essential oil and has a well-known calming effect.

And limonene helps elevate your mood and can relieve stress.

It is the combination,the synergy, of terpenes and cannabinoids in cannabis & CBD Hemp that produces the total benefits.- (Synergy - the interaction of two or more substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their effects separately).

The booming CBD Hemp market, for instance, owes a lot to that exceptionally beneficial cannabinoid - cannabidiol - (CBD for short),which combined with its naturally occurring terpenes,has been found to relieve stress,is a sleep aid,will assist athletes to recover from strenuous workouts, and help soldiers returning from war deal with post-traumatic stress disorder.

CBD from Industrial Hemp with naturally occurring terpenes are, and will, revolutionise the health and wellness industry; it's an entirely new source of medicine and healing that will prove to dramatically improve the "health span" of people and pets to help them live and stay active and well.

And CBD from Industrial Hemp is providing a clear safe distinction.The advances being made by plant chemists in separating the inherent health giving power of Cannabis,and cultivate them in its cousin - The Industrial Hemp Plant- increasing the CBD content and minimising THC to less than 0.3% - is already providing legal, prescription free NHS - Natures Health Service - products, of great health benefit to most all.

I make no excuse for continually showing the Industrial Hemp Field Trials picture.It says everything about the continuing research.

For CBDPure Hemp Health products for pets click here.

For CBDPure Hemp Health products for people click here.

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