Saturday, 17 August 2019

If America Sneezes Today.

If America Sneezes Today - The U.K. Catches Cold Tomorrow!

It is a quote originally relating to the financial markets. I was reminded of it by a news item from Colorado.

Sometimes there is an advantage in being slow off the blocks and the legalisation of cannabis in the U.K.might be one of them. 

As this report indicates


It’s part of what state and federal officials are calling the largest illegal marijuana market Colorado has ever seen. It’s a puzzling situation considering that back in 2012, proponents of Amendment 64 promised a regulated market would do away with the illegal dealers and drug cartels.

The problem is,it is very costly to operate within the law.The state requires companies operating licensed and legitimate outlets to document every gram of marijuana from seed to sale.

Everything from the specifications of the facility, to the pesticides and soils used, must be documented and approved by the Marijuana Enforcement Division of Colorado Department of Agriculture.

As one legitimate cannabis operator says -'Staying compliant in this industry is costly in time,independant lab testing, and with federal and state taxes on top, its expensive being legal, but it ensures public safety,something black market growers care nothing about.The answer is more vigourous and visible enforcement to replace the relaxed approach that exists.

A rule of thumb guide about genuine cannabis products - They will not be cheap or on sale in petrol/gas atations.

But remember, CBD from Industrial Hemp is different, and legal most everywhere.Although from a cannabis family plant, it is cultivated to contain less than 0.3% THC, the plant chemical that causes euphoric highs and can lead to addiction.

CBD from Industrial Hemp - All the health benefits without the highs.

Visit this CBD Industrial Hemp company website to judge for yourself-click here

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