More countries than not will have legalised Cannabis within five years.Resistance is being worn down by the public clamour in the United States, Canada, and other enlightened western countries.
Doctors and campaigners and those who work in criminal justice will argue against. But they are not the power driving the agenda. Once blue-chip international capital begins swirling around an issue it's game over.
Companies lobby, they fund major studies to sway opinion, they promise jobs and taxes.
Cannabis is already fully legal for all types of use in Canada. They have an industry growing at rocket speed funded by Wall Street investors such as Blackrock, Vanguard Group and Morgan Stanley.
It is, nudge nudge,wink wink kinda legal for medicinal use in about 33 US states, and recreational use in 11, including big hitters such as California and Illinois. The US is the biggest honey pot for cannabis capitalists.
Cannabis is virtually legal in Portugal; it’s legal in private in Spain, just as long as you don’t annoy people in public; possession is decriminalised or consumption is effectively tolerated in private in countries such as Israel, the Netherlands, parts of Australia, Austria, and much of Latin America.
New Zealanders will vote on making it legal next year. So it is obvious where global opinion is moving.
Despite the 'Risks to Health' and the 'Leading to harder Drug” debate,civil liberties arguments are winning out in country after country. This trend will continue because there are few compelling arguments to reverse it.
There are many good arguments for why people should not smoke cannabis or why they should consume it rarely. But they are weak arguments for maintaining legal prohibition in free societies.
But, as yet, there is little hard scientific evidence that cannabis is a miracle medicinal plant.
Casual,rather than rigourous scientific evidence, suggests it can help some people who are ill.
But cannabis is primarily a consumer product, like alcohol. That is how international capital sees it, so it is a fair bet to assume that most laws will eventually reflect this.
All this money talk will be understandably galling for anti-legalisation campaigners, including medical professionals who warn of the mental health dangers of cannabis addiction.
Consumption by young people can be fraught with risk of abuse. But prohibition does not alleviate health risks. It criminalises them and drives supply to the irresponsible underground black market..
A major flaw in the argument of those who campaign to maintain the prohibition on health grounds is that they fail to distinguish between habitual cannabis abuse and occasional cannabis use. Abusers and users are very different people.
Most users of alcohol are not raging drunks who reach for a bottle of vodka upon wakening.
Most recreational cannabis users are not everyday-toking stoners with mental health issues.
Various studies have put the prevalence of problematic cannabis consumption from about 15 per cent of users to as high as 25 per cent.
That may be a cause for concern, but it is not an iron-clad argument to keep cannabis illegal.
Problems exist on a spectrum from minor to major. The US National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates 9 per cent of cannabis users are dependent.
That is not out of line with the proportion for drinkers.
Alcohol laws are not framed solely to deal with alcoholics, because most of us just like the odd drink and the law recognises the right to indulge. There is a strong argument that cannabis laws in a free society should be similarly framed.
Province Brands, a Canadian cannabis drinks brewer, is planning to launch products in Europe next year, albeit just with cannabidiol (CBD), which doesn’t make you high.
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