Thursday, 28 November 2019

Update Sunday December 01- Discover What CBD Can Do For You!!

Cannabissimo Coffee with Roasted Ground Hemp Seed - I am trying this coffee for its CBD content and health benefits - review update today Sunday December 1st 2019. -about 10 cups drunk so far. I am seriously impressed.enough to have re-ordered with another one for my grandson.

My 93 year old scalp is less itchy already and a scaly patch is becoming smooth skin again. 

And I feel so good too! Slept right through last night.Not even my usual 2am trip for a pee,which indicates that that's more habit than need!

I had forgotten how nutritionally valuable hemp seeds are even though I did a post on them here - Go to health benefit 3 for an explanation - 

Natural health Benefit 3.

Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders such as Exzema
I don't have any pain for Cannabissimo Coffee Hemp Seed to affect, (My itchy scalp is an irritation not a pain) but here are a couple of buyer  commemts who mention pain.There are many such comments on the Amazon page.

comment 3 This coffee rocks. I really like it. I know it's got hemp in it and it eases some of my fibromyalgia. Might not be the same for everyone due to each fibromite has different pain levels in the morning. 11 people found this helpful ------

comment 4 You must try this coffee its a must Love I could find this on Amazon This coffee coffee is awesome It takes away all my pain: 6 people found this helpful

Get Started Now Order Your Cannabissimo Coffee With Ground Hemp Seeds for CBD Health Benefits Today!

Get While Supplies Last!

Hover mouse, or smart phone equivelant, over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)  

Amazon UK

Amazon USA
CBD Hemp OilCBDPure for Pets

Monday, 25 November 2019

Amazon USA - 18 CBD & Related Products .I'm trying the CBD Coffee. Wow!

Cannabissimo Coffee with Roasted Ground Hemp Seed - I am trying this coffee - review update today Thursday November 28 th 2019. - 4th cup drunk so far. I am seriously impressed.My 93 year old scalp is less itchy already and a scaly patch is becoming smooth skin again. And I feel so good too! Slept right through last night.Not even my usual 2am trip for a pee,which indicates that is more habit than need!

I had forgotten how nutritionally valuable hemp seeds are even though I did a post on them here -

I don't have any pain for Cannabissimo Coffee Hemp Seed to affect, but here are a couple of buyer  commemts who mention pain.There are many such comments on the Amazon page.

comment 3
This coffee rocks. I really like it. I know it's got hemp in it and it eases some of my fibromyalgia. Might not be the same for everyone due to each fibromite has different pain levels in the morning.
11 people found this helpful
comment 4
You must try this coffee its a must
Love I could find this on Amazon
This coffee coffee is awesome
It takes away all my pain:

6 people found this helpful

Hover mouse or smart phone equivelant over any of the 18 CBD Hemp & related product images below will show the Amazon product description.

The CBD Hemp Oil market is already on fire and is forecast to grow 15 times faster than the cannabis industry in general.

CBD Hemp has a huge advantage over Cannabis because it is derived from Industrial hemp & is legal, whereas THC, for those wanting its intoxicating effect, is found in the Cannabis plant.

I am trying the Cannabisimo Gourmet Coffee with roasted ground hemp seeds containing natural traces of CBD - see below first on the left.Available from Amazon USA & UK.

Only my second cup today, Monday November 25th 2019.. The Coffee is a pleasant drink and there is an effect in my nasal passages indicating an improvement in blood flow.

I do have age 93 sluggish blood! So encouraging & uplifting feeling! When's the next Olympics!!

Hover mouse or smart phone equivelant over an image below will show product description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

CBDPure for PetsCBD Hemp Oil

Thursday, 21 November 2019

I'm trying these 2 CBD products.CBD Chocolate & Coffee Amazon U.K

I'm trying these 2 CBD products. My early impression report included in this post - 

Many people are intrigued by the publicity surrounding Cannabis & CBD Hemp,but frustrated about where to find CBD to try.

You could try CBD Oil,There is plenty of choice at this Amazon link click here

But many,like me,are not keen on dosing with oil from a dropper or medicine spoon, or swallowing capsules,so an increasingly popular way is with CBD Edibles, though finding such products at present,especially in the UK,is difficult.

I am trying a Hemp Seed chocolate bar - buying details further down the page - Hemp seeds have traces of CBD with nil to negligible THC.

I have a dry itchy scalp and CBD is  a recommendation. Click the link to read my post on the Nutritional Wonder Food qualities of Hemp seeds

The chocolate is expensive with the shipping costs,but delicious,not a good sign in a medicine usually.

But my scalp is already less itchy.It may be the placebo effect,but it is sufficiently encouraging for me to try another bar - shown below.

Mouse over the image below for a description - (note It is described as 'chocolate with nuts', hemp seeds are classed as nuts!) Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
Or, I may try the CBD coffee shown here instead.It has good user reviews,has 3 times more hemp seed content so more CBD.

Update today Sunday November 24th. 2019 I am super impressed and excited by the potential of CBD.2nd day & 2nd cup of the Coffee with ground hemp seeds, the cannabissimo product below.

There is a definite and impressive effect for me.I noticed an effect in my nasal passages after each cup,so something is happening, improved blood supply I expect, and I feel good.

I'll keep you updated! I've also re-ordered the chocolate - 2 bars this time to reduce the shipping costs.

Hover the mouse or smart phone equivelant over the image below for a description.Click the image to see the product and similar on Amazon.
User comment 1 It has quite distinctive flavor appreciated by even the most demanding coffee expert. User comment 2 This is ground coffee from South America, Africa and India, roasted from Arabica 90% grains and Robusta 10% and specially treated hemp seeds known for their health benefits. It can be prepared in the form of drip coffee, Turkish coffee, a coffee machine beside coffee beans and ground coffee, as well as cappuccino, Latte and Espressa coffee. User comment 3 5.0 out of 5 stars Doesn't have THC to make you high .1 June 2019 Verified Purchase User Comment 4 It's a lovely smooth coffee with just a hint of 'something else ' . Leaves me feeling alert but calm. Have stocked up !

I've also re-designed my website. 77 articles displayed in a grid. I'm very pleased with it,what do you think ?

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Amazon UK Dog Cat Animal Greeting Cards Gifts Calendars

Visiting Amazon is a quick, time saving way to inspire gift ideas.

Just hover Mouse over an image below for a description.

Clicking the image will magically take you to the product plus a choice of similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!
CBD Hemp OilCBDPure for Pets

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Amazon USA Dog Cat Animal Greeting Cards Gifts Calendars Amazon USA

Amazon is an excellent place for gift ideas because they group related products together so you get a range to choose from.

Hover mouse over an image below will show a description. Clicking an image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

CBD Hemp OilAdvert --------------------------- CBDPure for Pets

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

The Ultimate Guides (15) & Recipes for CBD Cannabis Edibles on Amazon UK

BBC Report Monday November 11 2019 Two Cannabis-based medicines,to treat epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, have been approved for use by the NHS in England today.

Doctors will be able to prescribe Epidyolex, for children with two types of severe epilepsy

 Clinical trials have shown the oral solution, which contains cannabidiol (CBD), to reduce the number of seizures by up to 40% in some children.

It is welcome news,and will strenghthen support and use of medicinal CBD from Industrial Hemp,a Cannabis species plant with nil to neglible THC - The Psychoactive plant chemical 

Below are a selection of CBD & Cannabis Products from Amazon. Hover Mouse over an image below for a description.Clicking the image will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
CBD Hemp OilCBDPure for Pets ----------

Monday, 11 November 2019

See why Electric Cars (EVs) are so Yesterday!

We know in these extraordinary times the speed of change is exponential – a doubling every day – but what I share with you here is unbelievable, a word devalued through everyday misuse but in this instance is - unbelievable!!

Perhaps President Trump is right to say that technology will solve the climate change problem?

See what you think

BBC Video Link

One as-yet unrevealed UK company could soon be at the epicentre of a $2.5 trillion energy boom

Report is Here at this link

Saturday, 9 November 2019

CBD Hemp & Cannabis Books. Guides. & Oils From Amazon USA

Mouse over an image below for a description. Clicking the image  will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon USA  (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)

See Why CBD Hemp may be the answer to the Opioid pain killer crisis!!!

Cannabis will loosen the grip of opioid pain killer addiction - Claim!

Compounds found in the cannabis plant are proving effective pain remedies for soldiers returning from war, athletes recovering from injuries, and people looking to reduce the pain of their daily routines.

The study also reports that deaths from opioid overdose initially fell by 25% in U.S states that legalized cannabis for medical use.

This is exciting news because cannabis and hemp research has been patchy due to controversy and uncertainty over cannabis legalisation.

Consequently it is expected that the opioid pain killer addiction grip will loosen on dependancy sufferers,as plant science discovers ever more about the many different compounds in cannabis that can treat and relieve pain.

Cannabinoids of which THC & CBD are best known, form one class of compounds; terpenes form another.

But two molecules of a third class of compounds produced by the cannabis plant have proven in early trials to be 30x more effective at managing pain than aspirin.

That third class of cannabis compounds are flavonoids.

 Yes,yes flavonoids are common.We're all familiar with those important little blighters.They are in many of our daily foods because all plants produce flavonoids,and they are particularly plentiful in enjoyable treats like blueberries,dark chocolate and red wine.

But it is not just the synergy of the three cannabis compounds - cannabinoids,terpenes and flavonoids - that is so powerful and encouraging (Synergy - the power of a group combining together that is greater than each working separately. i.e team work)

It is also because the two flavonoid molecules mentioned earlier - cannflavin A and cannflavin B - are produced only by the cannabis plant,and they are drawing a lot of attention from pharmaceutical researchers.

Research verified that the two compounds were, gram-for-gram, 30 times more effective at reducing inflammation than aspirin. And they work differently than opioids in managing pain.

Opioids – like hydrocodone, codeine, and fentanyl – work by blocking the brain’s pain receptors. They do nothing to treat the cause of the pain, but Cannflavins go straight to the source of the pain – inflammation. 

A drug derived from cannflavin B has also shown encouraging signs of effectiveness in killing pancreatic cancer cells when administered in conjunction with radiation treatment.

However,cannflavin A and B are only produced in small amounts by the cannabis plant.

But researchers from the University of Guelph have discovered how to produce the molecules cannflavin A & B in large quantities, and one company now has the patent on the process.

The researchers studied the cannabis genome and found the pathways to the cannflavins.

This discovery allowed them to take those genes and use them to modify microorganisms and manufacture the compounds in abundance through biosynthesis.

Anahit International, a private Toronto-based company, has licensed a patent from the University of Guelph that covers the process and will work on scaling up the technology.

Could be exciting times ahead in new medicine.Industrial Hemp is Nature's NHS - Natural Health Source!!

CBD Hemp Oil
CBDPure for Pets

Thursday, 7 November 2019

CBD Edibles 2 - Many More Exciting Cookbooks!!!

Although the vaping crisis is caused by products from the illicit cannabis markets, it has affected the legal cannabis markets as well.

But that ill wind for Cannabis is blowing a lot of good for interest in CBD Hemp, as shown by the increase in Google searches.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows Google CBD searches at an all-time high, even surpassing popular terms like “exercise” and “veganism” – and researchers expect the number of searches to double by the end of the year.

The CBD market is already on fire and is forecast to grow 15 times faster than the cannabis industry in general.

CBD has a huge advantage over Cannabis because it is derived from Industrial hemp, whereas THC, for those wanting its intoxicating effect, must come from the Cannabis plant.

With hemp farming now legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD is more accessible than ever to farmers interested in growing hemp and entrepreneurs interested in creating CBD-infused health products.

Many are turning from Vaping to Edibles infused with CBD, but the stockists and product choice are patchy,so many interested CBD searchers are buying these Edibles Cookbooks from Amazon, to inform themselves how to infuse health benefiting CBD oil into their own home baked cakes, cookies and meals.
 Exciting times ahead for creative cooking!!

Clicking an image below will take you to the product & similar products on Amazon (Please Note.Prices are not regularly refreshed.So may differ on Amazon website,often in your favour!)
Edibles: Small Bites for the Modern Cannabis Kitchen (Weed-Infused Treats, Cannabis Cookbook, Sweet and Savory Cannabis Recipes) CBD Every Day: How to Make Cannabis-Infused Massage Oils, Bath Bombs, Salves, Herbal Remedies, and Edibles
Cannabis Candy & Dessert Cookbook: Learn to Decarb, Extract and Make Your Own CBD & THC Infused Candy from Scratch Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana -- Revised and Updated
Cannabis and CBD for Health and Wellness: An Essential Guide for Using Nature's Medicine to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Inflammation, and More Basic Cannabis Dosing Class, Dosing Calculator, and Cookbook [Online Code]
CBD OIL FOR ADHD: The complete Guide To ADHD Management And Improved Health With CBD Oil. Cannabis Kitchen Chemistry: The Science of Edibles and Manufactured Products
Organic Raw Hemp Chocolate -100MG - 70% Raw Cacao, Made with USA Grown Hemp Oil Extract, High in Omega 3-6-9, GF, Kosher, Vegan, GF. CANNAVIBE Hemp Gummies - 30000MG of Hemp Oil in 100 Sweets - Made in USA - Anxiety & Stress Relief - 100% Natural & Safe Gummies - Tasty & Relaxing - Mood Boost & Insomnia Relief

-------------------- CBD Hemp Oil
CBDPure for Pets

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

93 Today!

93 today.

I admit to mixed feelings about it. 

Good in the sense of looking back and being grateful for the many good things I’m lucky to have been blessed with.

Where I was born for instance.

That your birthplace is a lottery, is brought to prominence every day for me, by news of the wretched living conditions that people in various parts of the world must endure, through events they have no control over or can influence.

From the war zones of Syria, to the countries experiencing droughts and floods, causing homelessness, misery and despair to thousands of innocent people.

Their distress will be heightened further in these days of worldwide news,by the better living contrasts they see elsewhere, and must cause them thoughts and feelings of  ‘Why Us’?

It really is an unfair world, so I count my blessings.

Today, there will be family visits, and a drink or three. Here’s today’s funny birthday card from my great grandchildren. They call me Grog Grog because that is how they pronounced grandad  

Here’s what else happened in 1926!

Queen Elizabeth the Second was Born.

Thought I'd name drop that one!

The time I realised, that of my ‘wine women and song’ days, one of them was over!

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