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Monday, 30 March 2020
Virus - 93 Year Old's view.March 30th.
Instead of posting daily as intended when this virus crisis broke,reality about my aged eyesight and tendency to tire and strain looking at the computer screen may mean posting 2 or 3 times a week,or as and when, because my eye sight seems to have good days and bad days. It's a dilemma.A two edged sword.
I need to write.To have a purpose.It has saved me from the perils of loneliness these past 16 years,since bereavement.
There is still disbelief in sections of the community, about the lockdown legal requirement to stay at home
The police are having to break up barbecues and other party gatherings.
Many do not watch the news.They wander the deserted streets and think 'It must be a charity flag day.
Before political correctness that remark was made about certain cities with their reputation for meanness, err, sorry, frugality.
Some counties though, are proud of their carefulness with money.
You will know when you are in Yorkshire by the cries of 'How Much?'
Nature is wonderful,all powerful and in command.
Notice how the warnings about our excesses are getting stronger and stronger.Freak weather.Bird Flue.Sars.
The excesses are understandable.People in many countries have the money,so they do the natural thing and spend it.
But it is false money.Governments think they've found the answer to the problem of economic recession by printing money.And it has worked.
But instead of the natural ebb and flow of economic expansion and correction,we are now faced with an almighty Biggy.
I can't make up my mind whether humans are here by mistake,or nature needed a competitor to keep itself sharp.
It seems odd that we are the only species with the intelligence to think and talk.
Like a marriage,the relationship between nature and humans has its ups and downs.It requires tolerance. I think nature is losing patience. This suffering will bring about soul searching and change.
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Sunday, 29 March 2020
Corona Virus - A 93 year's old view.Sunday March 29th 2020
Or criticising the reaction by world governments to shut down their economies.
Although unprecedented, frightening, and causing widespread fear - it is the only way to gain time while the health services are fully mobilised.
Whilst warnings have been circulating that a pandemic was due ,the terrifying savagery of this one could not be foreseen.
Forcefully keeping as many people in their homes as possible is the best way to keep the infection rate down,until the hospitals have the extra beds,infected lung ventilators and staff to get control of the extraordinary scale of the challenge facing them & us.
Until then,the news agencies have to keep reporting depressing figures in suitably grim tones,otherwise much of the population,who've known nothing but good times, would be encouraged to defy the home curfew,cause more infection, and add to the task of the police and hospitals.
The virus infection & death statistics are frightening.
But as an elderly in a vulnerable group, I look for encouragement in the figures.
Last evening (Saturday) for example, in a suitable voice of doom,a government official forecast a worse case scenario of 20,000 deaths in the UK
The official,however, said the isolation strategy, & urgently mobilising extra resources for the health service, will see infection numbers coming down,and numbers healed going up.
The race is to quickly reach that balance and in control.
To me, 20,000 deaths in a UK population of 60,000.000, means 59,980.000 live. With those odds,as a horse racing fan & betting man, I hope to be in that lot.
PS - This is not to be complacent. The statistics do encourage me,but how long it takes to get in control will depend on how disciplined we are.
How to Stop A Runaway Horse? - Put A Bet On It. Runaway Horse Coffee Mug from Home Decor Tag - Etsy
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Virus - (93 year old view.March 28th 2020
Everything well organised,and priority shown to we elderlies.
Today - Saturday - Boo hoo! No horse racing.What will I do? Tell you tomorrow.
'Truth is the first casualty of war'
If you were looking for confirmation that we are in World War 3 then the conflicting rumours flying around should convince.
This World war though, is the world not fighting one another, but uniting against the worst kind of enemy - a virus, silent,unseen and deadly.
I sometimes wondered what situation would ever bring common enemies together to fight a common foe.
I thought it would be a threat from outer space,as in the Sci Fi film War of the Worlds' ( Love the theme tune) and in a way this virus is.
I should have known better - a cynic once said 'A sure sign there is intelligent life out there - it hasn't been in touch with us'
I think we will have to re-start economies before this plague is totally under control.
We must not ,MUST NOT, enter a Depression as in 1929 with mass bankruptcies,unemployment,suicides - Soup Kitchens in the streets.
Look at the statistics - Worst case scenario at present is a world average of 6 deaths in every 100 infected - which means 94 survive.
When The Cure Becomes Worse Than The Disease
It may sound harsh and callous,especially from someone who has lived his life, but realism in those statistics and the combative 'bloody minded' spirit that rises in humans when faced with exceptional danger, will soon say -
'Bugger This'. If my life, and the way I live it,is to end,then 'I'll go down bloody fighting.'
Visit my blog - https://getbusinessco.com
Post of Friday March 27th 2020

"What happened to the serious pandemic? Well, according to the Chinese media, the number of new cases of corona is slowing down and in turn factories and businesses are starting back up.
Before you know it, everyone is going to start realizing the economic blowback that comes as a consequence of staying in their homes, far outweighs the health risk. Especially since most healthy, working-age people are the lowest ones at risk according to "health officials".
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media."
Friday, 27 March 2020
Corona Virus - A 93 Year Old's Daily View - Today.March 27th.2020.
I am venturing to the supermarket this morning for the first time since the 'Stay at Home' law.
It is an essential journey. Though I expect the police will stop me.
I get stopped in good times anyway, as someone suspected of gone missing from a care home.
I seem to fit the police stereotype 'Missing from a care home' image.
I bet if they make a picture - 'Escape From Care Home Zero' I'll be in it.
The supermarket hour for my elderly category is orderly now I believe,so I'm looking forward to the visit.
Suspicions and accusations surround the cause of the Covid 19 Virus.
Some wild on the lines of deniers of the moon landing.
Like the idea that it is connected to trade wars.A modern take on the theory of this meme - updated it would read 'If goods can't cross borders, viruses will'.

I think,like climate change, it's another warning from nature that large population sections of the advanced nations are getting too selfish,thoughtlessly indulgent in taking for granted nature's precious resources.
Also posting on
Post below March 26th 2020
I have decided to write a daily post on how the virus has affected my cosy routines.Tempting fate I know,for if the posts disappear,have I?
Living alone for 16 years, after Sylvia,my wife,passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, in 2004,from a ruptured main artery,I am semi used to self isolation. But it has still been a chaotic few days as it has for everyone.But the coming together in a crisis spirit is much in evidence,and I have had shopping done for me by kind and thoughtful folk. I hope things will settle down and the hour set aside for the elderly by supermarkets will be observed as I do like to visit the shops. Also the total lock down will need to be short if the major economies are not to be damaged and at a huge disadvantage. Concerns and unease are being raised already by some American financial journalists - as below
It is an essential journey. Though I expect the police will stop me.
I get stopped in good times anyway, as someone suspected of gone missing from a care home.
I seem to fit the police stereotype 'Missing from a care home' image.
I bet if they make a picture - 'Escape From Care Home Zero' I'll be in it.
The supermarket hour for my elderly category is orderly now I believe,so I'm looking forward to the visit.
Suspicions and accusations surround the cause of the Covid 19 Virus.
Some wild on the lines of deniers of the moon landing.
Like the idea that it is connected to trade wars.A modern take on the theory of this meme - updated it would read 'If goods can't cross borders, viruses will'.

I think,like climate change, it's another warning from nature that large population sections of the advanced nations are getting too selfish,thoughtlessly indulgent in taking for granted nature's precious resources.
Also posting on
Post below March 26th 2020
I have decided to write a daily post on how the virus has affected my cosy routines.Tempting fate I know,for if the posts disappear,have I?
Living alone for 16 years, after Sylvia,my wife,passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, in 2004,from a ruptured main artery,I am semi used to self isolation. But it has still been a chaotic few days as it has for everyone.But the coming together in a crisis spirit is much in evidence,and I have had shopping done for me by kind and thoughtful folk. I hope things will settle down and the hour set aside for the elderly by supermarkets will be observed as I do like to visit the shops. Also the total lock down will need to be short if the major economies are not to be damaged and at a huge disadvantage. Concerns and unease are being raised already by some American financial journalists - as below
"What happened to the serious pandemic? Well, according to the Chinese media, the number of new cases of corona is slowing down and in turn factories and businesses are starting back up.
Before you know it, everyone is going to start realizing the economic blowback that comes as a consequence of staying in their homes, far outweighs the health risk. Especially since most healthy, working-age people are the lowest ones at risk according to "health officials".
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media."
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Update March 26th - Corona Virus - Are We Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater?
I am impressed by the 2 medical experts on either side of Prime Minister Boris Johnson giving the daily Corona Virus updates.
But I worry that shutting the economy down totally will lose the country its competitive place in vital markets.
With America,UK and other leading economies,except China, as I understand, closing their economies as well, a China monopoly of trade will get stronger by the day.
Why not Isolate in stages? keep the least vulnerable,the young and fit working to keep the economy going,and the elderly and other most vulnerable,and likely to be first in need of hospital care, isolated in their homes?
But that is my instinctive thought.I don't know the insider information or have the expertise of the health scientists,and as I say, they are very assured and assuring.
But today Thursday March 26th 2020 I find I am not alone in my concern -
What - Ivor Vale - that's me - does know is that the CBD Coffee that I told you about on here a few months ago is still keeping me feeling good.
Why not try it and confirm or not if it does the same for you?
Amazon U.S.A.Below.
t gets mostly good reviews on Amazon.Any criticism is often that the coffee is not strong enough.
It's not strong enough for me either,so I mix it with my regular blend.
It's CBD content is from ground roasted Hemp seeds added to a regular popular coffee brand.
I was, and still am,so impressed that I wrote an article about the hemp seed,a wonder food from nature and source of some CBD.
I repeat the article below Hemp seeds are the seeds of the Industrial Hemp plant. It is the same (Cannabis Sativa) plant species as cannabis (marijuana) but a separate plant.

The hemp seeds contain traces of Cannabidiol (CBD),but nil to negligible Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive inebriating compound in marijuana.
Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and naturally rich in healthy fats, protein and minerals. Listed below are 6 health benefits of hemp seeds that are backed by plant science.
Technically a nut, hemp seeds are very nutritious. They have a mild, nutty flavor and are often referred to as hemp hearts.
They also contain gamma-linolenic acid, which has been linked to several health benefits Hemp seeds are a great protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein.
That is considerably more than similar foods like chia seeds and flaxseeds, whose calories are 16–18% protein.
Hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc
Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, cooked or roasted. Hemp seed oil is also very healthy and has been used as a food and medicine in China for at least 3,000 years
Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide The seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in your body.
A study involving over 13,000 people, increased arginine intake corresponded with decreased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker.
High levels of CRP are linked to heart disease Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease
The gamma-linolenic acid found in hemp seeds has also been linked to reduced inflammation,and help protect against heart disease.
Additionally, animal studies have shown that hemp seeds or hemp seed oil may reduce blood pressure, decreasing the risk of blood clot formation and help the heart recover after a heart attack
This is because the wrong type of fatty acids may affect immune responses in your body
Studies suggest that your immune system depends on the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are a good source of polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids.
They have about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is considered in the optimal range. Studies have shown that giving hemp seed oil to people with eczema may improve blood levels of essential fatty acids.
Hemp seed oil may also relieve dry skin, relieve itchiness and reduce the need for skin medication
About 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein, which is relatively high. In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb — 30 grams of hemp seeds, or 2–3 tablespoons, provide about 11 grams of protein
They are considered a complete protein source, which means that they provide all the essential amino acids.
Your body cannot produce essential amino acids and must obtain them from your diet.
Complete protein sources are very rare in the plant kingdom, as plants often lack the amino acid lysine. Quinoa is another example of a complete, plant-based protein source.
Hemp seeds contain significant amounts of the amino acids methionine and cysteine, as well as very high levels of arginine and glutamic acid The digestibility of hemp protein is also very good — better than protein from many grains, nuts and legumes
Up to 80% of women of reproductive age may suffer from physical or emotional symptoms caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
These symptoms are very likely caused by sensitivity to the hormone prolactin
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), found in hemp seeds, produces prostaglandin E1, which reduces the effects of prolactin
In a study in women with PMS, taking 1 gram of essential fatty acids — including 210 mg of GLA — per day resulted in a significant decrease in symptoms
Other studies have shown that primrose oil, which is rich in GLA as well, may be highly effective in reducing symptoms for women who have failed other PMS therapies.
It decreased breast pain and tenderness, depression, irritability and fluid retention associated with PMS
Because hemp seeds are also high in GLA, several studies have indicated that they may also help reduce symptoms of menopause, too.
The exact process is unknown, but the GLA in hemp seeds may regulate the hormone imbalances and inflammation associated with menopause
Fiber is an essential part of your diet and linked to better digestive health
Whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, containing 20% and 80%, respectively
Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels
Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut.
It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes
However, de-hulled or shelled hemp seeds — also known as hemp hearts — contain very little fiber because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.
The scientific analysis of hemp seeds and this statement copied from above - 'In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb' - will have increasing significance in the years ahead in the battle against climate change.
Farm animals,are very extravagant users of the world's diminishing land, as well as being very inefficient converters to protein of its water, grain & grass.
Hemp Seeds will play an increasing part in replacing animal protein and show that it is what it has always been, a wonder natural health food source.
But I worry that shutting the economy down totally will lose the country its competitive place in vital markets.
With America,UK and other leading economies,except China, as I understand, closing their economies as well, a China monopoly of trade will get stronger by the day.
Why not Isolate in stages? keep the least vulnerable,the young and fit working to keep the economy going,and the elderly and other most vulnerable,and likely to be first in need of hospital care, isolated in their homes?
But that is my instinctive thought.I don't know the insider information or have the expertise of the health scientists,and as I say, they are very assured and assuring.
But today Thursday March 26th 2020 I find I am not alone in my concern -
Breaking News Thursday March 26th 2020
Some USA Financial & Economic Journalists are starting to voice similar concerns too - example in italics below -
What happened to the serious pandemic? Well, according to the Chinese media, the number of new cases of corona is slowing down and in turn factories and businesses are starting back up.
Before you know it, everyone is going to start realizing the economic blowback that comes as a consequence of staying in their homes, far outweighs the health risk. Especially since most healthy, working-age people are the lowest ones at risk according to "health officials".
The journalist closes with -
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media.
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media.
t gets mostly good reviews on Amazon.Any criticism is often that the coffee is not strong enough.
It's not strong enough for me either,so I mix it with my regular blend.
It's CBD content is from ground roasted Hemp seeds added to a regular popular coffee brand.
I was, and still am,so impressed that I wrote an article about the hemp seed,a wonder food from nature and source of some CBD.
I repeat the article below Hemp seeds are the seeds of the Industrial Hemp plant. It is the same (Cannabis Sativa) plant species as cannabis (marijuana) but a separate plant.

The hemp seeds contain traces of Cannabidiol (CBD),but nil to negligible Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive inebriating compound in marijuana.
Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and naturally rich in healthy fats, protein and minerals. Listed below are 6 health benefits of hemp seeds that are backed by plant science.
Natural Health Benefit 1
Hemp Seeds are exceptionally rich in two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).Technically a nut, hemp seeds are very nutritious. They have a mild, nutty flavor and are often referred to as hemp hearts.
They also contain gamma-linolenic acid, which has been linked to several health benefits Hemp seeds are a great protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein.
That is considerably more than similar foods like chia seeds and flaxseeds, whose calories are 16–18% protein.
Hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc
Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, cooked or roasted. Hemp seed oil is also very healthy and has been used as a food and medicine in China for at least 3,000 years
Natural Health Benefit 2.
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Your Risk of Heart DiseaseHeart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide The seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in your body.
A study involving over 13,000 people, increased arginine intake corresponded with decreased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker.
High levels of CRP are linked to heart disease Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease
The gamma-linolenic acid found in hemp seeds has also been linked to reduced inflammation,and help protect against heart disease.
Additionally, animal studies have shown that hemp seeds or hemp seed oil may reduce blood pressure, decreasing the risk of blood clot formation and help the heart recover after a heart attack
Natural Health Benefit 3.
Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders such as ExzemaThis is because the wrong type of fatty acids may affect immune responses in your body
Studies suggest that your immune system depends on the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are a good source of polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids.
They have about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is considered in the optimal range. Studies have shown that giving hemp seed oil to people with eczema may improve blood levels of essential fatty acids.
Hemp seed oil may also relieve dry skin, relieve itchiness and reduce the need for skin medication
Natural Health Benefit 4.
Hemp Seeds Are a Great Source of Plant-Based ProteinAbout 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein, which is relatively high. In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb — 30 grams of hemp seeds, or 2–3 tablespoons, provide about 11 grams of protein
They are considered a complete protein source, which means that they provide all the essential amino acids.
Your body cannot produce essential amino acids and must obtain them from your diet.
Complete protein sources are very rare in the plant kingdom, as plants often lack the amino acid lysine. Quinoa is another example of a complete, plant-based protein source.
Hemp seeds contain significant amounts of the amino acids methionine and cysteine, as well as very high levels of arginine and glutamic acid The digestibility of hemp protein is also very good — better than protein from many grains, nuts and legumes
Natural Health Benefit 5.
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Symptoms of PMS and MenopauseUp to 80% of women of reproductive age may suffer from physical or emotional symptoms caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
These symptoms are very likely caused by sensitivity to the hormone prolactin
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), found in hemp seeds, produces prostaglandin E1, which reduces the effects of prolactin
In a study in women with PMS, taking 1 gram of essential fatty acids — including 210 mg of GLA — per day resulted in a significant decrease in symptoms
Other studies have shown that primrose oil, which is rich in GLA as well, may be highly effective in reducing symptoms for women who have failed other PMS therapies.
It decreased breast pain and tenderness, depression, irritability and fluid retention associated with PMS
Because hemp seeds are also high in GLA, several studies have indicated that they may also help reduce symptoms of menopause, too.
The exact process is unknown, but the GLA in hemp seeds may regulate the hormone imbalances and inflammation associated with menopause
Natural Health Benefit 6.
Whole Hemp Seeds May Aid DigestionFiber is an essential part of your diet and linked to better digestive health
Whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, containing 20% and 80%, respectively
Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels
Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut.
It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes
However, de-hulled or shelled hemp seeds — also known as hemp hearts — contain very little fiber because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.
The scientific analysis of hemp seeds and this statement copied from above - 'In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb' - will have increasing significance in the years ahead in the battle against climate change.
Farm animals,are very extravagant users of the world's diminishing land, as well as being very inefficient converters to protein of its water, grain & grass.
Hemp Seeds will play an increasing part in replacing animal protein and show that it is what it has always been, a wonder natural health food source.
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Soap! - Why Soap?
Humans and animals all have enemies,at least one predator that fancies them.
To counter, nature usually provides at least a deterrent.Example - for a Vampire & blood sucking insects it's garlic. - for the new Corona Virus, best deterrent advice at present while a cure is developed is Soap?
Pall Thordarson is a professor of chemistry at the University of New South Wales, Sydney - He says -
Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days. Disinfectants, liquids, wipes, gels and creams containing alcohol are all useful at getting rid of them – but they are not quite as good as normal soap.
When I shared this information using Twitter, it went viral.
I think I have worked out why. Health authorities have been giving us two messages: once you have the virus there are no drugs yet that can kill it or help you get rid of it.
But also, wash your hands to stop the virus spreading.
This seems odd. You can’t, even for a million dollars, get a drug for the coronavirus – but your grandmother’s bar of soap kills the virus. So why does soap work so well on the Sars-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses?
The short story: because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer.
Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and dies – or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive.
The slightly longer story is that most viruses consist of three key building blocks: ribonucleic acid (RNA), proteins and lipids.
A virus-infected cell makes lots of these building blocks, which then spontaneously self-assemble to form the virus. Critically, there are no strong covalent bonds holding these units together, which means you do not necessarily need harsh chemicals to split those units apart.
When an infected cell dies, all these new viruses escape and go on to infect other cells. Some end up also in the airways of lungs.
When you cough, or especially when you sneeze, tiny droplets from the airways can fly up to 10 metres. The larger ones are thought to be the main coronavirus carriers and they can go at least two metres.
These tiny droplets end on surfaces and often dry out quickly. But the viruses remain active.
Human skin is an ideal surface for a virus. It is “organic” and the proteins and fatty acids in the dead cells on the surface interact with the virus. When you touch, say, a steel surface with a virus particle on it, it will stick to your skin and hence get transferred on to your hands.
If you then touch your face, especially your eyes, nostrils or mouth, you can get infected.
And it turns out that most people touch their face once every two to five minutes.
Washing the virus off with water alone might work. But water is not good at competing with the strong, glue-like interactions between the skin and the virus.
Water isn’t enough. Soapy water is totally different. Soap contains fat-like substances known as amphiphiles, some of which are structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane.
The soap molecules “compete” with the lipids in the virus membrane. This is more or less how soap also removes normal dirt from the skin. The soap not only loosens the “glue” between the virus and the skin but also the Velcro-like interactions that hold the proteins, lipids and RNA in the virus together.
Alcohol-based products, which pretty much includes all “disinfectant” products, contain a high-percentage alcohol solution (typically 60-80% ethanol) and kill viruses in a similar fashion.
But soap is better because you only need a fairly small amount of soapy water, which, with rubbing, covers your entire hand easily.
Whereas you need to literally soak the virus in ethanol for a brief moment, and wipes or rubbing a gel on the hands does not guarantee that you soak every corner of the skin on your hands effectively enough.
Click here for full article
To counter, nature usually provides at least a deterrent.Example - for a Vampire & blood sucking insects it's garlic. - for the new Corona Virus, best deterrent advice at present while a cure is developed is Soap?
Pall Thordarson is a professor of chemistry at the University of New South Wales, Sydney - He says -
Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days. Disinfectants, liquids, wipes, gels and creams containing alcohol are all useful at getting rid of them – but they are not quite as good as normal soap.
When I shared this information using Twitter, it went viral.
I think I have worked out why. Health authorities have been giving us two messages: once you have the virus there are no drugs yet that can kill it or help you get rid of it.
But also, wash your hands to stop the virus spreading.
This seems odd. You can’t, even for a million dollars, get a drug for the coronavirus – but your grandmother’s bar of soap kills the virus. So why does soap work so well on the Sars-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses?
The short story: because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer.
Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and dies – or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive.
The slightly longer story is that most viruses consist of three key building blocks: ribonucleic acid (RNA), proteins and lipids.
A virus-infected cell makes lots of these building blocks, which then spontaneously self-assemble to form the virus. Critically, there are no strong covalent bonds holding these units together, which means you do not necessarily need harsh chemicals to split those units apart.
When an infected cell dies, all these new viruses escape and go on to infect other cells. Some end up also in the airways of lungs.
When you cough, or especially when you sneeze, tiny droplets from the airways can fly up to 10 metres. The larger ones are thought to be the main coronavirus carriers and they can go at least two metres.
These tiny droplets end on surfaces and often dry out quickly. But the viruses remain active.
Human skin is an ideal surface for a virus. It is “organic” and the proteins and fatty acids in the dead cells on the surface interact with the virus. When you touch, say, a steel surface with a virus particle on it, it will stick to your skin and hence get transferred on to your hands.
If you then touch your face, especially your eyes, nostrils or mouth, you can get infected.
And it turns out that most people touch their face once every two to five minutes.
Washing the virus off with water alone might work. But water is not good at competing with the strong, glue-like interactions between the skin and the virus.
Water isn’t enough. Soapy water is totally different. Soap contains fat-like substances known as amphiphiles, some of which are structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane.
The soap molecules “compete” with the lipids in the virus membrane. This is more or less how soap also removes normal dirt from the skin. The soap not only loosens the “glue” between the virus and the skin but also the Velcro-like interactions that hold the proteins, lipids and RNA in the virus together.
Alcohol-based products, which pretty much includes all “disinfectant” products, contain a high-percentage alcohol solution (typically 60-80% ethanol) and kill viruses in a similar fashion.
But soap is better because you only need a fairly small amount of soapy water, which, with rubbing, covers your entire hand easily.
Whereas you need to literally soak the virus in ethanol for a brief moment, and wipes or rubbing a gel on the hands does not guarantee that you soak every corner of the skin on your hands effectively enough.
Click here for full article
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Corona Virus - A 93 year old's Thoughts!
As someone in the Corona Virus vulnerable age bracket I thought I would give my first thoughts on the frightening infection. My intended title ‘I’m Alright So Far!’ reminded me of this optimist half way down falling from a mountain.
What a shock this Frankenstein infection has caused - Who saw it coming? I’ve thought for some time a correction was due. The good times don’t go on forever.
But the modern major economies seemed to defy the normal ebb and flow, and have the answer to any hint of a slow down by printing more money.
But this infection is extreme and not yet in our control. It will cause total upheaval and misery to lives and businesses.
I was born in 1926 at the start of the great economic depression leading to the stock market crash of 1929 and mass unemployment. Soup kitchens in the street fed the desperate.
As a toddler I didn’t know this. My parents told me later. My family were spared and unaware of the suffering and shortages in the wider world, because my father was a farm wagoner, he looked after and worked the shire horses that did the heavy farm work before tractors .
A farm cottage came with the job, It had a big garden so we were self-sufficient for fruit and vegetables.
The farm supplied eggs and milk, also hens for meat when they finished their egg laying cycle. Rabbits were also caught as a source of protein.
Most villagers kept a pig and arranged to share meat by processing at different times of the year.
The problem with ending the recession was goods needed to be produced for people to buy, but without money they could not.A classic Catch 22!
The 1929 recession was eventually ended by ‘digging holes’ That was the name given to the policy of ‘priming the economic pump’ by borrowing money to pay construction workers to build roads and other infrastructure needs.
The workers spent their wages in shops and so re-started the demand and supply cycle.
We have been told for some time that we are on the cusp of the Artificial Intelligence age with most work done by Robots, so must prepare to find occupational pursuits from home.
I think history will look back on this crisis as hastening that change.
I’ve occasionally wondered if life goes full circle?
Growing up I had just enough money to be content – then made a lot of money – and lost it- now just enough money again!
As babies we have wispy hair or none, and have difficulties in balance & walking. I’ve returned to that state!
I entered the world in a catastrophic depression…………..? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Watch this space!
What a shock this Frankenstein infection has caused - Who saw it coming? I’ve thought for some time a correction was due. The good times don’t go on forever.
But the modern major economies seemed to defy the normal ebb and flow, and have the answer to any hint of a slow down by printing more money.
But this infection is extreme and not yet in our control. It will cause total upheaval and misery to lives and businesses.
I was born in 1926 at the start of the great economic depression leading to the stock market crash of 1929 and mass unemployment. Soup kitchens in the street fed the desperate.
As a toddler I didn’t know this. My parents told me later. My family were spared and unaware of the suffering and shortages in the wider world, because my father was a farm wagoner, he looked after and worked the shire horses that did the heavy farm work before tractors .
A farm cottage came with the job, It had a big garden so we were self-sufficient for fruit and vegetables.
The farm supplied eggs and milk, also hens for meat when they finished their egg laying cycle. Rabbits were also caught as a source of protein.
Most villagers kept a pig and arranged to share meat by processing at different times of the year.
The problem with ending the recession was goods needed to be produced for people to buy, but without money they could not.A classic Catch 22!
The 1929 recession was eventually ended by ‘digging holes’ That was the name given to the policy of ‘priming the economic pump’ by borrowing money to pay construction workers to build roads and other infrastructure needs.
The workers spent their wages in shops and so re-started the demand and supply cycle.
We have been told for some time that we are on the cusp of the Artificial Intelligence age with most work done by Robots, so must prepare to find occupational pursuits from home.
I think history will look back on this crisis as hastening that change.
I’ve occasionally wondered if life goes full circle?
Growing up I had just enough money to be content – then made a lot of money – and lost it- now just enough money again!
As babies we have wispy hair or none, and have difficulties in balance & walking. I’ve returned to that state!
I entered the world in a catastrophic depression…………..? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Watch this space!
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Cannabis & CBD Hemp Products - Where You Are + Stop Press - Corona Virus at age 93!
Wondering what and when Cannabis and CBD products will be widely available where you are?
Valens,a Canadian company & a global leader in the production of innovative, cannabinoid-based products have published an info-graphic of their Cannabis & CBD Hemp product distribution plans for 2020.
Being able to buy will depend on the local legal rules, but CBD Hemp products with less than 0.3% THC are legal most everywhere.
Cannabinoids - the 113-plus compounds inside the cannabis plant - are powering the booming marijuana (Mexican word for Cannabis) market
Cannabinoids are the chemicals that give the plant its unique and highly sought after effects.
Cannabinoids can reduce inflammation and suppress seizures. They can relieve pain, too. And of course, at least one cannabinoid - tetrahydrocannabinol - THC for short - is sought after by many recreational cannabis users for its psychoactive effect - it gives them an intoxicating high.
The variety in marijuana's taste and smell comes from yet another compound present in cannabis - TERPENES. In addition to providing the "weed" aroma, terpenes themselves are proving to have therapeutic qualities of their own.
Terpenes are almost everywhere, in lots of different plants. Even some insects produce them to deter predators. The sap from a pine tree is a good example, because the distinctive strong smell the sap leaves on your hands and clothes comes from terpenes, particularly α-pinene.
It's found in rosemary and dill, too. If you've ever opened a cedar chest or luxuriated in the heady excitement of a new car's scent, you've smelled terpenes.
The Cannabis plant is a powerful source of natural medicines .The discovery of two new compounds shows we’re just scratching the surface of the cannabis plant’s powers…
The two new compounds are tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) and cannabidiphorol (CBDP).
Challenges arise because of the very low concentrations of these new cannabinoids.
But,it is claimed that adding a carbon atom here or an oxygen atom there, and you change the way the molecule interacts with the human body dramatically.
The possible combinations – represent phenomenal opportunities for medical researchers. The properties of these compounds are still being researched, but plant chemists think THCP might prove to be 30 times as powerful as THC, without its psychoactive properties.
Learning how these compounds benefit the human body is one thing - figuring out how to maximise those benefits is the exciting challenge which drives and energises plant scientists.
Image credit - https://thevalenscompany.com/
Growing strains of cannabis with higher doses of trace cannabinoids is just one approach.
The unique cannabinoid profiles of these new strains could prove more beneficial for certain conditions, but it’s not nearly as reliable as producing very pure isolated formulations of a particular cannabinoid.
That’s where biosynthesis enters the consideration. The Powerful Potential of Biosynthesis Biosynthesis utilizes microbes such as yeast to turn their metabolism into tiny cannabinoid factories.
Once the genome of, say, brewer’s yeast has been altered to manufacture CBG instead of alcohol, these trace cannabinoids can be manufactured very economically in vast quantities.
Possibly, looking 10 years down the road, most cannabinoids will be sourced through biosynthesis. It’s looks the only way to produce trace cannabinoids and CBD isolates essential for high-quality cannabis-infused edibles economically.
Unlocking the full power of the cannabis plant opens the door to many more therapeutic solutions.
Cannabis – CBD Hemp – Nature’s NHS – Natural Health Source!

Stop Press ! Corona Virus at age 93! I am o.k. Family & neighbours checking on me and getting supplies.In semi shock at the dramatic event,the speed and change brought to the world's population.We will get through it.Already there is a war time spirit of standing shoulder to shoulder to beat this latest attack and attempt to destroy our human race. Very impressed & inspired by the South Korean government minister on BBC this morning.Cautiously optimistic that daily statistics indicate the worst is over in that country.Watch it on Catch Up or Google if you can.
Cannabinoids - the 113-plus compounds inside the cannabis plant - are powering the booming marijuana (Mexican word for Cannabis) market
Cannabinoids are the chemicals that give the plant its unique and highly sought after effects.
Cannabinoids can reduce inflammation and suppress seizures. They can relieve pain, too. And of course, at least one cannabinoid - tetrahydrocannabinol - THC for short - is sought after by many recreational cannabis users for its psychoactive effect - it gives them an intoxicating high.
The variety in marijuana's taste and smell comes from yet another compound present in cannabis - TERPENES. In addition to providing the "weed" aroma, terpenes themselves are proving to have therapeutic qualities of their own.
Terpenes are almost everywhere, in lots of different plants. Even some insects produce them to deter predators. The sap from a pine tree is a good example, because the distinctive strong smell the sap leaves on your hands and clothes comes from terpenes, particularly α-pinene.
It's found in rosemary and dill, too. If you've ever opened a cedar chest or luxuriated in the heady excitement of a new car's scent, you've smelled terpenes.
The Cannabis plant is a powerful source of natural medicines .The discovery of two new compounds shows we’re just scratching the surface of the cannabis plant’s powers…
The two new compounds are tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) and cannabidiphorol (CBDP).
Challenges arise because of the very low concentrations of these new cannabinoids.
But,it is claimed that adding a carbon atom here or an oxygen atom there, and you change the way the molecule interacts with the human body dramatically.
The possible combinations – represent phenomenal opportunities for medical researchers. The properties of these compounds are still being researched, but plant chemists think THCP might prove to be 30 times as powerful as THC, without its psychoactive properties.
Learning how these compounds benefit the human body is one thing - figuring out how to maximise those benefits is the exciting challenge which drives and energises plant scientists.

Growing strains of cannabis with higher doses of trace cannabinoids is just one approach.
The unique cannabinoid profiles of these new strains could prove more beneficial for certain conditions, but it’s not nearly as reliable as producing very pure isolated formulations of a particular cannabinoid.
That’s where biosynthesis enters the consideration. The Powerful Potential of Biosynthesis Biosynthesis utilizes microbes such as yeast to turn their metabolism into tiny cannabinoid factories.
Once the genome of, say, brewer’s yeast has been altered to manufacture CBG instead of alcohol, these trace cannabinoids can be manufactured very economically in vast quantities.
Possibly, looking 10 years down the road, most cannabinoids will be sourced through biosynthesis. It’s looks the only way to produce trace cannabinoids and CBD isolates essential for high-quality cannabis-infused edibles economically.
Unlocking the full power of the cannabis plant opens the door to many more therapeutic solutions.

Images credit - The Valens Company.Canada.
Stop Press ! Corona Virus at age 93! I am o.k. Family & neighbours checking on me and getting supplies.In semi shock at the dramatic event,the speed and change brought to the world's population.We will get through it.Already there is a war time spirit of standing shoulder to shoulder to beat this latest attack and attempt to destroy our human race. Very impressed & inspired by the South Korean government minister on BBC this morning.Cautiously optimistic that daily statistics indicate the worst is over in that country.Watch it on Catch Up or Google if you can.
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Cannabis - A vision of the Future¬ - Video
Cannabis is ready to find its spot in the $1.2 trillion pharmaceutical industry – says Michael A. Robinson, a 35-year Silicon Valley veteran and one of the top technology financial analysts working today.
He states that Cannabis will be the world’s only universal drug because the human body is specifically wired to accept it.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a key role in helping different parts of the human body communicate with each other. And it just so happens to run on many of the same chemical compounds found in cannabis.
This gives the cannabis plant, and drugs derived from it, a completely unrivalled ability to treat all sorts of different diseases.
I agree with him, because I wrote a post on my Steemit blog some months ago when I recognised the biological similarities and natural affinity which I could see and sense.
It is an instinct and interest for anything futuristic that saw me anticipate the move away from over refined foods to naturally sourced in 1972.
Best example of course being processed white flour where the vital germ of the wheat and its outer husk are separated out as opposed to whole wheat flour where they are left in as a natural source of vitamin E & roughage.
I opened a health food shop in 1972 when it was considered a cranky food idea just for cranks.
Customers tended to sneak into the shop, glancing furtively left and right to make sure their neighbours didn’t see them and think them cranky!
And I have to say there were a few
times when I thought ‘What have I done’? and had the odd sleepless night
. But over
the following few years the business grew by adding adjoining empty properties
(4 cottages & a pub-The Anglers) to create ‘The Marches’, a 200 seat
vegetarian restaurant. People queued up the street, Traffic wardens said it was
the second most asked for place by visitors to Hereford, after the Cathedral.
Now I have the same instinct about the part Cannabis and CBD natural medicines are about to play in our world.
And below is a vision of the Cannabis future! Planet 13 Holdings Inc. (Stock Symbol OTC: PLNHF) has worked hard to turn its Las Vegas Cannabis SuperStore into not just a dispensary, but a destination.
It’s a 24-hour theme park with light shows, LED murals and, with its Phase 2 expansion, you can grab a slice of pizza or a cup of coffee while you’re there.
It also has every cannabis product you could ever want, from chocolate edibles to vapes. It even has a delivery service.
Planet 13 picked the Vegas tourist hot spot and has done well, with over 1 million Cannabis visitors per year to the Lounge.
But with Federal full cannabis legalisation just on the horizon, becoming a multi-state operator (MSO) is more important than ever.
And that’s exactly why Planet 13 is expanding its empire to this other tourist-friendly state…
Selling Cannabis in the Golden State California is the biggest cannabis market in the United States, and that’s the next part of the country Planet 13 wants to conquer.
Back in June 2019, it acquired a dispensary license and lease in the town of Santa Ana.
This is a prime location, as it’s just a stone’s throw away from Huntington Beach, a 40-minute ride from Long Beach, and less than 50 minutes from Los Angeles (which might be a little optimistic considering the traffic in LA, but you get the point).
Planet 13 believes that if it has a proven business model in one state, it can replicate that throughout the country.
And if you’ve ever visited Planet 13, you know why it has become such a hot tourist destination. Just check on this planet 13 video to see what I mean. https://youtu.be/ly_mnAZmgz0
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