But I worry that shutting the economy down totally will lose the country its competitive place in vital markets.
With America,UK and other leading economies,except China, as I understand, closing their economies as well, a China monopoly of trade will get stronger by the day.
Why not Isolate in stages? keep the least vulnerable,the young and fit working to keep the economy going,and the elderly and other most vulnerable,and likely to be first in need of hospital care, isolated in their homes?
But that is my instinctive thought.I don't know the insider information or have the expertise of the health scientists,and as I say, they are very assured and assuring.
But today Thursday March 26th 2020 I find I am not alone in my concern -
Breaking News Thursday March 26th 2020
Some USA Financial & Economic Journalists are starting to voice similar concerns too - example in italics below -
What happened to the serious pandemic? Well, according to the Chinese media, the number of new cases of corona is slowing down and in turn factories and businesses are starting back up.
Before you know it, everyone is going to start realizing the economic blowback that comes as a consequence of staying in their homes, far outweighs the health risk. Especially since most healthy, working-age people are the lowest ones at risk according to "health officials".
The journalist closes with -
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media.
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media.
t gets mostly good reviews on Amazon.Any criticism is often that the coffee is not strong enough.
It's not strong enough for me either,so I mix it with my regular blend.
It's CBD content is from ground roasted Hemp seeds added to a regular popular coffee brand.
I was, and still am,so impressed that I wrote an article about the hemp seed,a wonder food from nature and source of some CBD.
I repeat the article below Hemp seeds are the seeds of the Industrial Hemp plant. It is the same (Cannabis Sativa) plant species as cannabis (marijuana) but a separate plant.

The hemp seeds contain traces of Cannabidiol (CBD),but nil to negligible Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive inebriating compound in marijuana.
Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and naturally rich in healthy fats, protein and minerals. Listed below are 6 health benefits of hemp seeds that are backed by plant science.
Natural Health Benefit 1
Hemp Seeds are exceptionally rich in two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).Technically a nut, hemp seeds are very nutritious. They have a mild, nutty flavor and are often referred to as hemp hearts.
They also contain gamma-linolenic acid, which has been linked to several health benefits Hemp seeds are a great protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein.
That is considerably more than similar foods like chia seeds and flaxseeds, whose calories are 16–18% protein.
Hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc
Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, cooked or roasted. Hemp seed oil is also very healthy and has been used as a food and medicine in China for at least 3,000 years
Natural Health Benefit 2.
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Your Risk of Heart DiseaseHeart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide The seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in your body.
A study involving over 13,000 people, increased arginine intake corresponded with decreased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker.
High levels of CRP are linked to heart disease Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease
The gamma-linolenic acid found in hemp seeds has also been linked to reduced inflammation,and help protect against heart disease.
Additionally, animal studies have shown that hemp seeds or hemp seed oil may reduce blood pressure, decreasing the risk of blood clot formation and help the heart recover after a heart attack
Natural Health Benefit 3.
Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders such as ExzemaThis is because the wrong type of fatty acids may affect immune responses in your body
Studies suggest that your immune system depends on the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are a good source of polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids.
They have about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is considered in the optimal range. Studies have shown that giving hemp seed oil to people with eczema may improve blood levels of essential fatty acids.
Hemp seed oil may also relieve dry skin, relieve itchiness and reduce the need for skin medication
Natural Health Benefit 4.
Hemp Seeds Are a Great Source of Plant-Based ProteinAbout 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein, which is relatively high. In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb — 30 grams of hemp seeds, or 2–3 tablespoons, provide about 11 grams of protein
They are considered a complete protein source, which means that they provide all the essential amino acids.
Your body cannot produce essential amino acids and must obtain them from your diet.
Complete protein sources are very rare in the plant kingdom, as plants often lack the amino acid lysine. Quinoa is another example of a complete, plant-based protein source.
Hemp seeds contain significant amounts of the amino acids methionine and cysteine, as well as very high levels of arginine and glutamic acid The digestibility of hemp protein is also very good — better than protein from many grains, nuts and legumes
Natural Health Benefit 5.
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Symptoms of PMS and MenopauseUp to 80% of women of reproductive age may suffer from physical or emotional symptoms caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
These symptoms are very likely caused by sensitivity to the hormone prolactin
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), found in hemp seeds, produces prostaglandin E1, which reduces the effects of prolactin
In a study in women with PMS, taking 1 gram of essential fatty acids — including 210 mg of GLA — per day resulted in a significant decrease in symptoms
Other studies have shown that primrose oil, which is rich in GLA as well, may be highly effective in reducing symptoms for women who have failed other PMS therapies.
It decreased breast pain and tenderness, depression, irritability and fluid retention associated with PMS
Because hemp seeds are also high in GLA, several studies have indicated that they may also help reduce symptoms of menopause, too.
The exact process is unknown, but the GLA in hemp seeds may regulate the hormone imbalances and inflammation associated with menopause
Natural Health Benefit 6.
Whole Hemp Seeds May Aid DigestionFiber is an essential part of your diet and linked to better digestive health
Whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, containing 20% and 80%, respectively
Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels
Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut.
It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes
However, de-hulled or shelled hemp seeds — also known as hemp hearts — contain very little fiber because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.
The scientific analysis of hemp seeds and this statement copied from above - 'In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb' - will have increasing significance in the years ahead in the battle against climate change.
Farm animals,are very extravagant users of the world's diminishing land, as well as being very inefficient converters to protein of its water, grain & grass.
Hemp Seeds will play an increasing part in replacing animal protein and show that it is what it has always been, a wonder natural health food source.
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