Saturday, 28 March 2020

Virus - (93 year old view.March 28th 2020

As mentioned in my post yesterday - I made my first trip since the crisis to the supermarket. 

Everything well organised,and priority shown to we elderlies.

Today - Saturday - Boo hoo! No horse racing.What will I do? Tell you tomorrow.

  'Truth is the first casualty of war'

 If you were looking for confirmation that we are in World War 3 then the conflicting rumours flying around should convince.

This World war though, is the world not fighting one another, but uniting against the worst kind of enemy - a virus, silent,unseen and deadly.

I sometimes wondered what situation would ever bring common enemies together to fight a common foe.

 I thought it would be a threat from outer space,as in the Sci Fi film War of the Worlds' ( Love the theme tune) and in a way this virus is.

I should have known better - a cynic once said 'A sure sign there is intelligent life out there - it hasn't been in touch with us'

I think we will have to re-start economies before this plague is totally under control.

 We must not ,MUST NOT, enter a Depression as in 1929 with mass bankruptcies,unemployment,suicides  - Soup Kitchens in the streets.

Look at the statistics - Worst case scenario at present is a world average of 6 deaths in every 100 infected - which means 94 survive.

When The Cure Becomes Worse Than The Disease

It may sound harsh and callous,especially from someone who has lived his life, but realism in those statistics and the combative 'bloody minded' spirit that rises in humans when faced with exceptional danger, will soon say -

'Bugger This'. If my life, and the way I live it,is to end,then 'I'll go down bloody fighting.'
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Post of Friday March 27th 2020 I am venturing to the supermarket this morning for the first time since the 'Stay at Home' law. It is an essential journey. Though I expect the police will stop me. I get stopped in good times anyway, as someone suspected of gone missing from a care home. I seem to fit the police stereotype 'Missing from a care home' image.I bet if they make a picture - 'Escape From Care Home Zero' I'll be in it. On one occasion my granddaughter had to confirm who I was.I have to keep well in with her in case she says- 'Never seen him before' and I get sent to a care home looking for stock, The supermarket hour for my elderly category is orderly now I believe,so I'm looking forward to the visit. Suspicions and accusations surround the cause of the Covid 19 Virus.Some wild on the lines of deniers of the moon landing. Like the idea that it is connected to trade wars.A modern take on the theory of this meme - updated it would read 'If goods can't cross borders, viruses will'. I think,like climate change, it's another warning from nature that large population sections of the advanced nations are getting too selfish,thoughtlessly indulgent in taking for granted nature's precious resources. Post below March 26th 2020 I have decided to write a daily post on how the virus has affected my cosy routines.Tempting fate I know,for if the posts disappear,have I? Living alone for 16 years, after Sylvia,my wife,passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, in 2004,from a ruptured main artery,I am semi used to self isolation. But it has still been a chaotic few days as it has for everyone.But the coming together in a crisis spirit is much in evidence,and I have had shopping done for me by kind and thoughtful folk. I hope things will settle down and the hour set aside for the elderly by supermarkets will be observed as I do like to visit the shops. Also the total lock down will need to be short if the major economies are not to be damaged and at a huge disadvantage. Concerns and unease are being raised already by some American financial journalists - as below

"What happened to the serious pandemic? Well, according to the Chinese media, the number of new cases of corona is slowing down and in turn factories and businesses are starting back up.
Before you know it, everyone is going to start realizing the economic blowback that comes as a consequence of staying in their homes, far outweighs the health risk. Especially since most healthy, working-age people are the lowest ones at risk according to "health officials".
Since the beginning, none of the statistics match up to the hype and fear being incited by the mainstream media."

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