Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Corona Virus - A 93 year old's Thoughts!

As someone in the Corona Virus vulnerable age bracket I thought I would give my first thoughts on the frightening infection. My intended title  ‘I’m Alright So Far!’ reminded me of this optimist half way down falling from a mountain.

What a shock this Frankenstein infection has caused - Who saw it coming? I’ve thought for some time a correction was due. The good times don’t go on forever.

But the modern major economies seemed to defy the normal ebb and flow, and have the answer to any hint of a slow down by printing more money.

But this infection is extreme and not yet in our control. It will cause total upheaval and misery to lives and businesses.

I was born in 1926 at the start of the great economic depression leading to the stock market crash of 1929 and mass unemployment. Soup kitchens in the street fed the desperate.

As a toddler I didn’t know this. My parents told me later. My family were spared and unaware of the suffering and shortages in the wider world, because my father was a farm wagoner, he looked after and worked the shire horses that did the heavy farm work before tractors .

A farm cottage came with the job, It had a big garden so we were self-sufficient for fruit and vegetables.

The farm supplied eggs and milk, also hens for meat when they finished their egg laying cycle. Rabbits were also caught as a source of protein.

Most villagers kept a pig and arranged to share meat by processing at different times of the year.

The problem with ending the recession was goods needed to be produced for people to buy, but without money they could not.A classic Catch 22!

The 1929 recession was eventually ended by ‘digging holes’ That was the name given to the policy of ‘priming the economic pump’ by borrowing money to pay construction workers to build roads and other infrastructure needs.

 The workers spent their wages in shops and so re-started the demand and  supply cycle.

We have been told for some time that we are on the cusp of the Artificial Intelligence age with most work done by Robots, so must prepare to find occupational pursuits from home.

I think history will look back on this crisis as hastening that change.

I’ve occasionally wondered if life goes full circle?

 Growing up I had just enough money to be content – then made a lot of money – and lost it- now just enough money again!

As babies we have wispy hair or none, and have difficulties in balance & walking. I’ve returned to that state!

I entered the world in a catastrophic depression…………..? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Watch this space!  

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